-- $Id$ --[[ Translate Daily Motion video webpages URLs to the corresponding FLV URL. --]] -- Probe function. function probe() return vlc.access == "http" and string.match( vlc.path, "dailymotion.com" ) and string.match( vlc.peek( 256 ), "Video " ) end -- Parse function. function parse() while true do line = vlc.readline() if not line then break end if string.match( line, "param name=\"flashvars\" value=\".*url=http" ) then path = vlc.decode_uri( string.gsub( line, "^.*param name=\"flashvars\" value=\".*url=(http[^&]*).*$", "%1" ) ) end --[[ if string.match( line, "" ) then title = vlc.decode_uri( string.gsub( line, "^.*<title>([^<]*).*$", "%1" ) ) end ]] if string.match( line, "<meta name=\"description\"" ) then name = vlc.resolve_xml_special_chars( string.gsub( line, "^.*name=\"description\" content=\"%w+ (.*) %w+ %w+ %w+ %w+ Videos\..*$", "%1" ) ) description = vlc.resolve_xml_special_chars( string.gsub( line, "^.*name=\"description\" content=\"%w+ .* %w+ %w+ %w+ %w+ Videos\. ([^\"]*)\".*$", "%1" ) ) end if string.match( line, "<link rel=\"thumbnail\"" ) then arturl = string.gsub( line, "^.*\"thumbnail\" type=\"([^\"]*)\".*$", "http://%1" ) -- looks like the dailymotion people mixed up type and href here ... end if path and name and description and arturl then break end end return { { path = path; name = name; description = description; url = vlc.path; arturl = arturl } } end