--[[ Parse YouTube homepage and browse pages. Next step is to recode firefox in VLC ... using Lua of course ;) --]] function probe() return vlc.access == "http" and ( string.match( vlc.path, "youtube.com/?$" ) or string.match( vlc.path, "youtube.com/browse" ) ) end function parse() p = {} while true do line = vlc.readline() if not line then break end for _path, _artist, _name in string.gmatch( line, "href=\"(/watch%?v=[^\"]*)\" onclick=\"_hbLink%('([^']*)','Vid[^\']*'%);\">([^<]*)
" ) do path = "http://www.youtube.com" .. _path name = vlc.resolve_xml_special_chars( _name ) artist = _artist end for _min, _sec in string.gmatch( line, "(%d*):(%d*)" ) do duration = 60 * _min + _sec end if path and name and artist and duration then table.insert( p, { path = path; name = name; artist = artist; duration = duration } ) path = nil name = nil artist = nil duration = nil end end return p end