schema_version: 0.1 type: consumer identifier: avformat title: FFmpeg Output version: 1 copyright: Copyright (C) 2003-2011 Ushodaya Enterprises Limited license: LGPL language: en url: creator: Charles Yates contributor: - Dan Dennedy tags: - Audio - Video description: Write or stream audio and/or video using FFmpeg parameters: - identifier: argument title: File/URL type: string required: yes widget: filesave - identifier: target title: File/URL type: string description: This is not the same thing as the ffmpeg -target option! readonly: yes - identifier: mlt_profile title: MLT Profile type: string description: > Choose a MLT basic video settings preset. This overrides a profile that may have been set elsewhere. # These override the MLT profile - identifier: width title: Width type: integer minimum: 0 unit: pixels - identifier: height title: Height type: integer minimum: 0 unit: pixels - identifier: display_aspect_num title: Display aspect ratio numerator type: integer minimum: 0 - identifier: display_aspect_den title: Display aspect ratio denominator type: integer minimum: 0 - identifier: display_ratio title: Display aspect ratio readonly: yes - identifier: sample_aspect_num title: Sample aspect ratio numerator type: integer minimum: 0 - identifier: sample_aspect_den title: Sample aspect ratio denominator type: integer minimum: 1 - identifier: aspect_ratio title: Sample aspect ratio readonly: yes - identifier: progressive title: Progressive type: integer minimum: 0 maximum: 1 widget: checkbox - identifier: colorspace title: Colorspace type: integer description: Set the video colorspace (Y'CbCr only). values: - 240 # SMPTE 240M - 601 # ITU-R BT.601 - 709 # ITU-R BT.709 - identifier: frame_rate_num title: Frame rate numerator type: integer minimum: 0 unit: frames/second - identifier: frame_rate_den title: Frame rate denominator type: integer minimum: 1 unit: frames/second - identifier: fps title: Frame rate readonly: yes unit: frames/second # These are common to all consumers. - identifier: deinterlace_method title: Deinterlacer type: string default: yadif values: - greedy - linearblend - onefield - yadif - yadif-nospatial - identifier: rescale title: Image scaler type: string description: Set the pixel interpolation mode. values: - nearest - bilinear - bicubic - bicublin - gauss - sinc - lanczos - spline - identifier: frequency title: Audio sample rate type: integer minimum: 0 maximum: 256000 default: 48000 unit: Hz - identifier: channels title: Audio channels type: integer minimum: 1 maximum: 16 default: 2 - identifier: channels.0 title: Channels on track 1 type: integer description: Used to map a bundle of channels to multi-track audio. minimum: 0 maximum: 16 default: 0 - identifier: channels.1 title: Channels on track 2 type: integer description: Used to map a bundle of channels to multi-track audio. minimum: 0 maximum: 16 default: 0 - identifier: channels.2 title: Channels on track 3 type: integer description: Used to map a bundle of channels to multi-track audio. minimum: 0 maximum: 16 default: 0 - identifier: channels.3 title: Channels on track 4 type: integer description: Used to map a bundle of channels to multi-track audio. minimum: 0 maximum: 16 default: 0 - identifier: channels.4 title: Channels on track 5 type: integer description: Used to map a bundle of channels to multi-track audio. minimum: 0 maximum: 16 default: 0 - identifier: channels.5 title: Channels on track 6 type: integer description: Used to map a bundle of channels to multi-track audio. minimum: 0 maximum: 16 default: 0 - identifier: channels.6 title: Channels on track 7 type: integer description: Used to map a bundle of channels to multi-track audio. minimum: 0 maximum: 16 default: 0 - identifier: channels.7 title: Channels on track 8 type: integer description: Used to map a bundle of channels to multi-track audio. minimum: 0 maximum: 16 default: 0 # These are common to all consumers and affect runtime behavior - identifier: terminate_on_pause title: File output type: integer description: Disable this for streaming. minimum: 0 maximum: 1 default: 1 widget: checkbox - identifier: real_time title: Drop frames type: integer description: > Set the number of processing threads and enable frame-dropping (positive) or disable frame-dropping (negative). default: -1 widget: spinner unit: threads - identifier: prefill title: Pre-roll type: integer description: Set the number of frames to buffer before starting actual output. minimum: 1 default: 1 unit: frames - identifier: buffer title: Buffer type: integer description: > Set the maximum number of frames to buffer - process ahead of the output position. minimum: 1 default: 25 unit: frames # These are ffmpeg-compatible aliases to MLT properties - identifier: s title: Size type: string description: > This is a ffmpeg-compatible equivalent to the MLT profile and width and height parameters. format: WxH unit: pixels - identifier: aspect title: Aspect ratio type: string description: > This is a ffmpeg-compatible equivalent to the MLT profile and other aspect ratio parameters. format: numerator:denominator - identifier: deinterlace title: Deinterlace type: integer description: > This is a ffmpeg-compatible equivalent to the MLT profile and progressive parameter. minimum: 0 maximum: 1 - identifier: r title: Frame rate type: float description: > This is a ffmpeg-compatible equivalent to the MLT profile and frame rate parameters. minimum: 5.0 - identifier: ac title: Audio channels type: integer description: > This is a ffmpeg-compatible equivalent to the channels parameter. minimum: 1 maximum: 16 default: 2 - identifier: ar title: Audio sample rate type: integer description: > This is a ffmpeg-compatible equivalent to the frequency parameter. minimum: 0 maximum: 256000 default: 48000 unit: Hz # These are other non-AVOption parameters specific to FFmpeg. - identifier: threads title: Encoding threads type: integer minimum: 0 maximum: 16 default: 1 widget: spinner unit: threads - identifier: aq title: Audio quality type: integer description: The meaning depends upon the codec. - identifier: dc title: Intra DC precision type: integer default: 8 - identifier: muxdelay title: Muxer delay type: float description: Set the maximum demux-decode delay. default: 0.7 unit: seconds - identifier: muxpreload title: Muxer preload type: float description: Set the initial demux-decode delay. default: 0.5 unit: seconds - identifier: f title: Format type: string description: Use "list" to see the list of formats. default: mpeg - identifier: acodec title: Audio codec description: Use "list" to see the list of audio codecs. default: mp2 - identifier: vcodec title: Video codec description: Use "list" to see the list of video codecs. default: mpeg2video - identifier: atag title: Audio FourCC type: string - identifier: apre title: Audio codec preset type: string - identifier: vpre title: Video codec preset type: string - identifier: fpre title: Format preset type: string - identifier: alang title: Audio language type: string description: Set the 3-character ISO 639 language code of the current audio stream. - identifier: pix_fmt title: Pixel format type: string description: > See 'ffmpeg -pix_fmt list' to see a list of values. Normally, this is not required, but some codecs support multiple pixel formats, especially chroma bit-depth. - identifier: qscale title: Video quantizer type: float description: Set a fixed video quantizer scale for constant quality VBR output. - identifier: vtag title: Video FourCC type: string - identifier: rc_override title: Rate control type: string format: start_frame,end_frame,qscale/... description: This is an override for specific intervals. - identifier: pass title: Pass type: integer description: Select the pass number for two-pass encoding. minimum: 1 maximum: 2 - identifier: passlogfile title: Two-pass log file type: string - identifier: b title: Video bitrate type: string unit: bits/second description: > Normally this is an integer, but you can append a K suffix for convenience. minimum: 0 - identifier: ab title: Audio bitrate type: string unit: bits/second description: > Normally this is an integer, but you can append a K suffix for convenience. - identifier: an title: Disable audio type: integer minimum: 0 maximum: 1 widget: checkbox - identifier: vn title: Disable video type: integer minimum: 0 maximum: 1 widget: checkbox