schema_version: 0.1 type: filter identifier: data_show title: Template version: 1 copyright: Ushodaya Enterprises Limited creator: Charles Yates license: LGPLv2.1 language: en tags: - Video description: Show data based on properties of the producer. notes: | The data show filter uses data provided by the data feed filter. The producer properties must supply: > * The keyword text to be inserted in the form of: meta.attr.[keyword].markup=[text to insert] * The name of the properties to be used from the feed file in the form of: meta.attr.[name]=1 * The text to be displayed in the form of: meta.attr.[name].markup=[some text #keyword#] (Keyword text is enclosed between #s.) e.g. melt file.dv meta.attr.sometext.markup="this is some text" meta.attr.titles=1 meta.attr.titles.markup=#sometext# -filter data_show dynamic=1 > Two special keywords exist * #timecode# shows the frame position as a timecode. * #frame# shows the frame position as an integer. e.g. melt file.dv meta.attr.timecode=1 meta.attr.timecode.markup=#timecode# -attach data_feed:attr_check -attach dynamic=1 (where the file "custom_file" contains a filter definition by the name of "timecode") parameters: - identifier: argument title: Feed Properties File type: string required: no readonly: no default: widget: fileopen - identifier: dynamic title: Dynamic type: integer default: 0 minimum: 0 maximum: 1 widget: checkbox