schema_version: 0.1 type: consumer identifier: libdv title: libdv version: 1 copyright: Ushodaya Enterprises Limited creator: Charles Yates license: LGPLv2.1 language: en tags: - Audio - Video description: > DV consumer using libdv. parameters: - identifier: argument title: File type: string description: > The filename to write to. e.g. /dev/dv1394 required: yes widget: filesave - identifier: buffer title: Buffer type: integer description: > Set the maximum number of frames to buffer - process ahead of the output position. minimum: 1 default: 25 unit: frames - identifier: rescale title: Image scaler type: string description: Set the pixel interpolation mode. values: - nearest - bilinear - bicubic - bicublin - gauss - sinc - lanczos - spline - identifier: progressive title: Progressive type: integer description: indicates whether to use progressive or field-based rendering. minimum: 0 maximum: 1 default: 0 mutable: yes widget: checkbox