--- /dev/null
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <limits.h>
+#include <vector>
+#include <algorithm>
+int distance_switch(unsigned from, unsigned to)
+ /* on the same side of the middle? 9.6m per switch. */
+ if ((from > 3) == (to > 3)) {
+ return abs(from - to) * 96;
+ }
+ /* have to cross the border? 25.8m from sw3->sw4 => 16.2m extra gap. */
+ /* that's _got_ to be wrong. say it's 3m. */
+ return abs(from - to) * 96 + 30;
+int distance_middle(unsigned sw, unsigned middle)
+ /* symmetry: 4-5-6 are just mirrored 3-2-1. */
+ if (middle == 2) {
+ if (sw > 3)
+ sw = 7 - sw;
+ /* estimate 25.8m/2 = 12.9m from sw3 to the middle */
+ return 129 + (3 - sw) * 96;
+ }
+ /* more symmetry -- getting from 1-6 to the top is like getting from 6-1 to the bottom. */
+ if (middle == 3) {
+ middle = 1;
+ sw = 7 - sw;
+ }
+ /* guesstimate 4.8m extra to get to the bottom */
+ if (sw > 3)
+ return 48 + 162 + (sw - 1) * 96;
+ else
+ return 48 + (sw - 1) * 96;
+int distance_row(unsigned from, unsigned to)
+ /* don't calculate gaps here just yet, just estimate 4.1m per double row */
+ return 41 * abs(from - to);
+int distance(int row_from, int switch_from, int side_from, int row_to, int switch_to, int side_to)
+ /* can we just walk directly? */
+ if (row_from == row_to && side_from == side_to) {
+ return distance_switch(switch_from, switch_to);
+ }
+ /* can we just switch sides? */
+ if (row_from + 1 == row_to && side_from == 1 && side_to == -1) {
+ return distance_switch(switch_from, switch_to);
+ }
+ if (row_from == row_to + 1 && side_from == -1 && side_to == 1) {
+ return distance_switch(switch_from, switch_to);
+ }
+ /* we'll need to go to one of the three middles */
+ int best1 = distance_middle(switch_from, 1) + distance_middle(switch_to, 1);
+ int best2 = distance_middle(switch_from, 2) + distance_middle(switch_to, 2);
+ int best3 = distance_middle(switch_from, 3) + distance_middle(switch_to, 3);
+ return std::min(std::min(best1, best2), best3) + distance_row(row_from, row_to);
+struct order {
+ unsigned pt;
+ int side;
+struct try_order {
+ order o;
+ int cost;
+ bool operator< (const try_order &other) const
+ {
+ return (cost < other.cost);
+ }
+static unsigned best_so_far = UINT_MAX;
+order *best_tour;
+void print_tour(std::vector<std::pair<unsigned, unsigned> > &points)
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < points.size(); ++i) {
+ if (best_tour[i].side == -1)
+ printf("%2u-%u (left side) ", points[best_tour[i].pt].first,
+ points[best_tour[i].pt].second);
+ else
+ printf("%2u-%u (right side) ", points[best_tour[i].pt].first,
+ points[best_tour[i].pt].second);
+ if (i == 0) {
+ printf("\n");
+ } else {
+ unsigned cost = distance(
+ points[best_tour[i-1].pt].first,
+ points[best_tour[i-1].pt].second,
+ best_tour[i-1].side,
+ points[best_tour[i].pt].first,
+ points[best_tour[i].pt].second,
+ best_tour[i].side);
+ printf("cost=%4u\n", cost);
+ }
+ }
+unsigned do_tsp(std::vector<std::pair<unsigned, unsigned> > &points, order *ord, try_order *temp, unsigned ind, unsigned cost_so_far)
+ if (cost_so_far >= best_so_far)
+ return UINT_MAX;
+ if (ind == points.size()) {
+ memcpy(best_tour, ord, sizeof(order) * points.size());
+ printf("\nNew best tour found! cost=%u\n", cost_so_far);
+ print_tour(points);
+ best_so_far = cost_so_far;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Simple heuristic: always search for the closest points from this one first; that
+ * will give us a sizable cutoff.
+ */
+ unsigned toi = 0;
+ unsigned last_row = points[ord[ind-1].pt].first;
+ unsigned last_switch = points[ord[ind-1].pt].second;
+ unsigned last_side = ord[ind-1].side;
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < points.size(); ++i) {
+ /* taken earlier? */
+ for (unsigned j = 0; j < ind; ++j) {
+ if (ord[j].pt == i)
+ goto taken;
+ }
+ /* try both sides */
+ temp[toi].o.pt = i;
+ temp[toi].o.side = -1;
+ temp[toi].cost = distance(last_row, last_switch, last_side,
+ points[i].first, points[i].second, -1);
+ ++toi;
+ temp[toi].o.pt = i;
+ temp[toi].o.side = +1;
+ temp[toi].cost = distance(last_row, last_switch, last_side,
+ points[i].first, points[i].second, +1);
+ ++toi;
+ 1;
+ }
+ std::sort(temp, temp + toi);
+ unsigned best_this_cost = UINT_MAX;
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < toi; ++i)
+ {
+ ord[ind] = temp[i].o;
+ unsigned cost_rest = do_tsp(points, ord, temp + points.size() * 2, ind + 1, cost_so_far + temp[i].cost);
+ best_this_cost = std::min(best_this_cost, cost_rest);
+ }
+ return best_this_cost;
+int main()
+ std::vector<std::pair<unsigned, unsigned> > points;
+ for ( ;; ) {
+ unsigned row, sw;
+ if (scanf("%u-%u", &row, &sw) != 2)
+ break;
+ points.push_back(std::make_pair(row, sw));
+ }
+ order *ord = new order[points.size()];
+ best_tour = new order[points.size()];
+ try_order *temp = new try_order[points.size() * points.size() * 4];
+ /* always start at the first one, left side (hack) */
+ ord[0].pt = 0;
+ ord[0].side = -1;
+ do_tsp(points, ord, temp, 1, 0);
+ printf("All done.\n");