]> git.sesse.net Git - casparcg/blob - modules/bluefish/consumer/bluefish_consumer.cpp
concrt-exp: Improved diagnostic graphs API.
[casparcg] / modules / bluefish / consumer / bluefish_consumer.cpp
1 /*\r
2 * copyright (c) 2010 Sveriges Television AB <info@casparcg.com>\r
3 *\r
4 *  This file is part of CasparCG.\r
5 *\r
6 *    CasparCG is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify\r
7 *    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by\r
8 *    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or\r
9 *    (at your option) any later version.\r
10 *\r
11 *    CasparCG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\r
12 *    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\r
14 *    GNU General Public License for more details.\r
15 \r
16 *    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License\r
17 *    along with CasparCG.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.\r
18 *\r
19 */\r
20  \r
21 #include "../StdAfx.h"\r
22 \r
23 #include "bluefish_consumer.h"\r
24 #include "../util/blue_velvet.h"\r
25 #include "../util/memory.h"\r
26 \r
27 #include <core/mixer/read_frame.h>\r
28 \r
29 #include <common/concurrency/executor.h>\r
30 #include <common/diagnostics/graph.h>\r
31 #include <common/memory/memclr.h>\r
32 #include <common/memory/memcpy.h>\r
33 #include <common/memory/memshfl.h>\r
34 #include <common/utility/timer.h>\r
35 \r
36 #include <core/consumer/frame_consumer.h>\r
37 #include <core/mixer/audio/audio_util.h>\r
38 \r
39 #include <tbb/concurrent_queue.h>\r
40 \r
41 #include <concrt_extras.h>\r
42 \r
43 #include <boost/timer.hpp>\r
44 \r
45 #include <memory>\r
46 #include <array>\r
47 \r
48 namespace caspar { namespace bluefish { \r
49                         \r
50 struct bluefish_consumer : boost::noncopyable\r
51 {\r
52         safe_ptr<CBlueVelvet4>                          blue_;\r
53         const unsigned int                                      device_index_;\r
54         const core::video_format_desc           format_desc_;\r
55 \r
56         const std::wstring                                      model_name_;\r
57 \r
58         safe_ptr<diagnostics::graph>            graph_;\r
59         boost::timer                                            frame_timer_;\r
60         boost::timer                                            tick_timer_;\r
61         boost::timer                                            sync_timer_;    \r
62                         \r
63         unsigned int                                            vid_fmt_;\r
64 \r
65         std::array<blue_dma_buffer_ptr, 4>      reserved_frames_;       \r
66         tbb::concurrent_bounded_queue<std::shared_ptr<core::read_frame>> frame_buffer_;\r
67 \r
68         int                                                                     preroll_count_;\r
69 \r
70         const bool                                                      embedded_audio_;\r
71         const bool                                                      key_only_;\r
72         \r
73         executor                                                        executor_;\r
74 public:\r
75         bluefish_consumer(const core::video_format_desc& format_desc, unsigned int device_index, bool embedded_audio, bool key_only) \r
76                 : blue_(create_blue(device_index))\r
77                 , device_index_(device_index)\r
78                 , format_desc_(format_desc) \r
79                 , model_name_(get_card_desc(*blue_))\r
80                 , vid_fmt_(get_video_mode(*blue_, format_desc))\r
81                 , preroll_count_(0)\r
82                 , embedded_audio_(embedded_audio)\r
83                 , key_only_(key_only)\r
84                 , executor_(print())\r
85         {\r
86                 executor_.set_capacity(core::consumer_buffer_depth());\r
87 \r
88                 graph_->add_guide("tick-time", 0.5);\r
89                 graph_->set_color("tick-time", diagnostics::color(0.0f, 0.6f, 0.9f));   \r
90                 graph_->add_guide("frame-time", 0.5f);  \r
91                 graph_->set_color("frame-time", diagnostics::color(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f));\r
92                 graph_->set_color("sync-time", diagnostics::color(0.5f, 1.0f, 0.2f));\r
93                 graph_->set_color("input-buffer", diagnostics::color(1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f));\r
94                 graph_->set_text(print());\r
95                 diagnostics::register_graph(graph_);\r
96                         \r
97                 //Setting output Video mode\r
98                 if(BLUE_FAIL(set_card_property(blue_, VIDEO_MODE, vid_fmt_))) \r
99                         BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(caspar_exception() << msg_info(narrow(print()) + " Failed to set videomode."));\r
100 \r
101                 //Select Update Mode for output\r
102                 if(BLUE_FAIL(set_card_property(blue_, VIDEO_UPDATE_TYPE, UPD_FMT_FRAME))) \r
103                         BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(caspar_exception() << msg_info(narrow(print()) + " Failed to set update type."));\r
104         \r
105                 disable_video_output();\r
106 \r
107                 //Enable dual link output\r
108                 if(BLUE_FAIL(set_card_property(blue_, VIDEO_DUAL_LINK_OUTPUT, 1)))\r
109                         BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(caspar_exception() << msg_info(narrow(print()) + " Failed to enable dual link."));\r
110 \r
111                 if(BLUE_FAIL(set_card_property(blue_, VIDEO_DUAL_LINK_OUTPUT_SIGNAL_FORMAT_TYPE, Signal_FormatType_4224)))\r
112                         BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(caspar_exception() << msg_info(narrow(print()) + " Failed to set dual link format type to 4:2:2:4."));\r
113                         \r
114                 //Select output memory format\r
115                 if(BLUE_FAIL(set_card_property(blue_, VIDEO_MEMORY_FORMAT, MEM_FMT_ARGB_PC))) \r
116                         BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(caspar_exception() << msg_info(narrow(print()) + " Failed to set memory format."));\r
117                 \r
118                 //Select image orientation\r
119                 if(BLUE_FAIL(set_card_property(blue_, VIDEO_IMAGE_ORIENTATION, ImageOrientation_Normal)))\r
120                         CASPAR_LOG(warning) << print() << TEXT(" Failed to set image orientation to normal.");  \r
121 \r
122                 // Select data range\r
123                 if(BLUE_FAIL(set_card_property(blue_, VIDEO_RGB_DATA_RANGE, CGR_RANGE))) \r
124                         CASPAR_LOG(warning) << print() << TEXT(" Failed to set RGB data range to CGR.");        \r
125                 \r
126                 if(BLUE_FAIL(set_card_property(blue_, VIDEO_PREDEFINED_COLOR_MATRIX, vid_fmt_ == VID_FMT_PAL ? MATRIX_601_CGR : MATRIX_709_CGR)))\r
127                         CASPAR_LOG(warning) << print() << TEXT(" Failed to set colormatrix to ") << (vid_fmt_ == VID_FMT_PAL ? TEXT("601 CGR") : TEXT("709 CGR")) << TEXT(".");\r
128 \r
129                 if(!embedded_audio_)\r
130                 {\r
131                         if(BLUE_FAIL(set_card_property(blue_, EMBEDEDDED_AUDIO_OUTPUT, 0))) \r
132                                 CASPAR_LOG(warning) << TEXT("BLUECARD ERROR: Failed to disable embedded audio.");                       \r
133                         CASPAR_LOG(info) << print() << TEXT(" Disabled embedded-audio.");\r
134                 }\r
135                 else\r
136                 {\r
137                         if(BLUE_FAIL(set_card_property(blue_, EMBEDEDDED_AUDIO_OUTPUT, blue_emb_audio_enable | blue_emb_audio_group1_enable))) \r
138                                 CASPAR_LOG(warning) << print() << TEXT(" Failed to enable embedded audio.");                    \r
139                         CASPAR_LOG(info) << print() << TEXT(" Enabled embedded-audio.");\r
140                 }\r
141                 \r
142                 if (blue_->has_output_key()) \r
143                 {\r
144                         int dummy = TRUE; int v4444 = FALSE; int invert = FALSE; int white = FALSE;\r
145                         blue_->set_output_key(dummy, v4444, invert, white);\r
146                 }\r
147 \r
148                 if(blue_->GetHDCardType(device_index_) != CRD_HD_INVALID) \r
149                         blue_->Set_DownConverterSignalType(vid_fmt_ == VID_FMT_PAL ? SD_SDI : HD_SDI);  \r
150         \r
151                 unsigned long engine_mode = VIDEO_ENGINE_FRAMESTORE;\r
152                 if(BLUE_FAIL(blue_->set_video_engine(engine_mode)))\r
153                         BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(caspar_exception() << msg_info(narrow(print()) + " Failed to set video engine."));\r
154 \r
155                 enable_video_output();\r
156                                                 \r
157                 int n = 0;\r
158                 std::generate(reserved_frames_.begin(), reserved_frames_.end(), [&]\r
159                 {\r
160                         return std::make_shared<blue_dma_buffer>(format_desc_.size, n++);\r
161                 });\r
162                                                                 \r
163                 CASPAR_LOG(info) << print() << L" Successfully Initialized.";\r
164         }\r
165 \r
166         ~bluefish_consumer()\r
167         {\r
168                 try\r
169                 {\r
170                         executor_.invoke([&]\r
171                         {\r
172                                 disable_video_output();\r
173                                 blue_->device_detach();         \r
174                         });\r
175                 }\r
176                 catch(...)\r
177                 {\r
178                         CASPAR_LOG_CURRENT_EXCEPTION();\r
179                 }\r
180                 \r
181                 CASPAR_LOG(info) << print() << L" Shutting down.";      \r
182         }\r
183         \r
184         const core::video_format_desc& get_video_format_desc() const\r
185         {\r
186                 return format_desc_;\r
187         }\r
188 \r
189         void enable_video_output()\r
190         {\r
191                 if(!BLUE_PASS(set_card_property(blue_, VIDEO_BLACKGENERATOR, 0)))\r
192                         CASPAR_LOG(error) << print() << TEXT(" Failed to disable video output.");       \r
193         }\r
194 \r
195         void disable_video_output()\r
196         {\r
197                 if(!BLUE_PASS(set_card_property(blue_, VIDEO_BLACKGENERATOR, 1)))\r
198                         CASPAR_LOG(error)<< print() << TEXT(" Failed to disable video output.");                \r
199         }\r
200         \r
201         void send(const safe_ptr<core::read_frame>& frame)\r
202         {       \r
203                 if(preroll_count_ < executor_.capacity())\r
204                 {\r
205                         while(preroll_count_++ < executor_.capacity())\r
206                                 schedule_next_video(make_safe<core::read_frame>());\r
207                 }\r
208                 \r
209                 schedule_next_video(frame);                     \r
210         }\r
211         \r
212         void schedule_next_video(const safe_ptr<core::read_frame>& frame)\r
213         {\r
214                 static std::vector<int16_t> silence(MAX_HANC_BUFFER_SIZE, 0);\r
215                 \r
216                 executor_.begin_invoke([=]\r
217                 {\r
218                         try\r
219                         {\r
220                                 const size_t audio_samples       = format_desc_.audio_samples_per_frame;\r
221                                 const size_t audio_nchannels = format_desc_.audio_channels;\r
222 \r
223                                 frame_timer_.restart();\r
224                                 \r
225                                 // Copy to local buffers\r
226 \r
227                                 if(!frame->image_data().empty())\r
228                                 {\r
229                                         if(key_only_)                                           \r
230                                                 fast_memshfl(reserved_frames_.front()->image_data(), frame->image_data().begin(), frame->image_data().size(), 0x0F0F0F0F, 0x0B0B0B0B, 0x07070707, 0x03030303);\r
231                                         else\r
232                                                 fast_memcpy(reserved_frames_.front()->image_data(), frame->image_data().begin(), frame->image_data().size());\r
233                                 }\r
234                                 else\r
235                                         fast_memclr(reserved_frames_.front()->image_data(), reserved_frames_.front()->image_size());\r
236                                                                 \r
237                                 // Sync\r
238 \r
239                                 sync_timer_.restart();\r
240                                 unsigned long n_field = 0;\r
241                                 blue_->wait_output_video_synch(UPD_FMT_FRAME, n_field);\r
242                                 graph_->update_value("sync-time", static_cast<float>(sync_timer_.elapsed()*format_desc_.fps*0.5));\r
243 \r
244                                 // Send and display\r
245 \r
246                                 if(embedded_audio_)\r
247                                 {               \r
248                                         auto frame_audio          = core::audio_32_to_16_sse(frame->audio_data());\r
249                                         auto frame_audio_data = frame_audio.size() != audio_samples ? silence.data() : frame_audio.data();      \r
250 \r
251                                         encode_hanc(reinterpret_cast<BLUE_UINT32*>(reserved_frames_.front()->hanc_data()), frame_audio_data, audio_samples, audio_nchannels);\r
252                                                                 \r
253                                         blue_->system_buffer_write_async(const_cast<uint8_t*>(reserved_frames_.front()->image_data()), \r
254                                                                                                         reserved_frames_.front()->image_size(), \r
255                                                                                                         nullptr, \r
256                                                                                                         BlueImage_HANC_DMABuffer(reserved_frames_.front()->id(), BLUE_DATA_IMAGE));\r
257 \r
258                                         blue_->system_buffer_write_async(reserved_frames_.front()->hanc_data(),\r
259                                                                                                         reserved_frames_.front()->hanc_size(), \r
260                                                                                                         nullptr,                 \r
261                                                                                                         BlueImage_HANC_DMABuffer(reserved_frames_.front()->id(), BLUE_DATA_HANC));\r
262 \r
263                                         if(BLUE_FAIL(blue_->render_buffer_update(BlueBuffer_Image_HANC(reserved_frames_.front()->id()))))\r
264                                                 CASPAR_LOG(warning) << print() << TEXT(" render_buffer_update failed.");\r
265                                 }\r
266                                 else\r
267                                 {\r
268                                         blue_->system_buffer_write_async(const_cast<uint8_t*>(reserved_frames_.front()->image_data()),\r
269                                                                                                         reserved_frames_.front()->image_size(), \r
270                                                                                                         nullptr,                 \r
271                                                                                                         BlueImage_DMABuffer(reserved_frames_.front()->id(), BLUE_DATA_IMAGE));\r
272                         \r
273                                         if(BLUE_FAIL(blue_->render_buffer_update(BlueBuffer_Image(reserved_frames_.front()->id()))))\r
274                                                 CASPAR_LOG(warning) << print() << TEXT(" render_buffer_update failed.");\r
275                                 }\r
276 \r
277                                 std::rotate(reserved_frames_.begin(), reserved_frames_.begin() + 1, reserved_frames_.end());\r
278                                 \r
279                                 graph_->update_value("frame-time", static_cast<float>(frame_timer_.elapsed()*format_desc_.fps*0.5));\r
280 \r
281                                 graph_->update_value("tick-time", static_cast<float>(tick_timer_.elapsed()*format_desc_.fps*0.5));\r
282                                 tick_timer_.restart();\r
283                         }\r
284                         catch(...)\r
285                         {\r
286                                 CASPAR_LOG_CURRENT_EXCEPTION();\r
287                         }\r
288                         graph_->set_value("input-buffer", static_cast<double>(executor_.size())/static_cast<double>(executor_.capacity()));\r
289                 });\r
290                 graph_->set_value("input-buffer", static_cast<double>(executor_.size())/static_cast<double>(executor_.capacity()));\r
291         }\r
292 \r
293         void encode_hanc(BLUE_UINT32* hanc_data, void* audio_data, size_t audio_samples, size_t audio_nchannels)\r
294         {       \r
295                 const auto sample_type = AUDIO_CHANNEL_16BIT | AUDIO_CHANNEL_LITTLEENDIAN;\r
296                 const auto emb_audio_flag = blue_emb_audio_enable | blue_emb_audio_group1_enable;\r
297                 \r
298                 hanc_stream_info_struct hanc_stream_info;\r
299                 memset(&hanc_stream_info, 0, sizeof(hanc_stream_info));\r
300                 \r
301                 hanc_stream_info.AudioDBNArray[0] = -1;\r
302                 hanc_stream_info.AudioDBNArray[1] = -1;\r
303                 hanc_stream_info.AudioDBNArray[2] = -1;\r
304                 hanc_stream_info.AudioDBNArray[3] = -1;\r
305                 hanc_stream_info.hanc_data_ptr    = hanc_data;\r
306                 hanc_stream_info.video_mode               = vid_fmt_;           \r
307                 \r
308                 if (!is_epoch_card(*blue_))\r
309                         encode_hanc_frame(&hanc_stream_info, audio_data, audio_nchannels, audio_samples, sample_type, emb_audio_flag);  \r
310                 else\r
311                         encode_hanc_frame_ex(blue_->has_video_cardtype(), &hanc_stream_info, audio_data, audio_nchannels, audio_samples, sample_type, emb_audio_flag);\r
312         }\r
313         \r
314         std::wstring print() const\r
315         {\r
316                 return model_name_ + L" [" + boost::lexical_cast<std::wstring>(device_index_) + L"|" +  format_desc_.name + L"]";\r
317         }\r
318 };\r
319 \r
320 struct bluefish_consumer_proxy : public core::frame_consumer\r
321 {\r
322         std::unique_ptr<bluefish_consumer>      consumer_;\r
323         const size_t                                            device_index_;\r
324         const bool                                                      embedded_audio_;\r
325         const bool                                                      key_only_;\r
326         core::video_format_desc                         format_desc_;\r
327 public:\r
328 \r
329         bluefish_consumer_proxy(size_t device_index, bool embedded_audio, bool key_only)\r
330                 : device_index_(device_index)\r
331                 , embedded_audio_(embedded_audio)\r
332                 , key_only_(key_only)\r
333         {\r
334         }\r
335         \r
336         virtual void initialize(const core::video_format_desc& format_desc)\r
337         {\r
338                 Concurrency::scoped_oversubcription_token oversubscribe;\r
339                 format_desc_ = format_desc;\r
340                 consumer_.reset(new bluefish_consumer(format_desc, device_index_, embedded_audio_, key_only_));\r
341         }\r
342         \r
343         virtual bool send(const safe_ptr<core::read_frame>& frame)\r
344         {\r
345                 Concurrency::scoped_oversubcription_token oversubscribe;\r
346                 consumer_->send(frame);\r
347                 return true;\r
348         }\r
349 \r
350         virtual const core::video_format_desc& get_video_format_desc() const\r
351         {\r
352                 return consumer_->get_video_format_desc();\r
353         }\r
354         \r
355         virtual std::wstring print() const\r
356         {\r
357                 if(consumer_)\r
358                         consumer_->print();\r
359 \r
360                 return L"bluefish [" + boost::lexical_cast<std::wstring>(device_index_) + L"]";\r
361         }\r
362 };      \r
363 \r
364 safe_ptr<core::frame_consumer> create_consumer(const std::vector<std::wstring>& params)\r
365 {\r
366         if(params.size() < 1 || params[0] != L"BLUEFISH")\r
367                 return core::frame_consumer::empty();\r
368                 \r
369         const auto device_index = params.size() > 1 ? lexical_cast_or_default<int>(params[1], 1) : 1;\r
370 \r
371         const auto embedded_audio = std::find(params.begin(), params.end(), L"EMBEDDED_AUDIO") != params.end();\r
372         const auto key_only               = std::find(params.begin(), params.end(), L"KEY_ONLY")           != params.end();\r
373 \r
374         return make_safe<bluefish_consumer_proxy>(device_index, embedded_audio, key_only);\r
375 }\r
376 \r
377 safe_ptr<core::frame_consumer> create_consumer(const boost::property_tree::ptree& ptree) \r
378 {       \r
379         const auto device_index         = ptree.get("device",             1);\r
380         const auto embedded_audio       = ptree.get("embedded-audio", false);\r
381         const auto key_only                     = ptree.get("key-only",           false);\r
382 \r
383         return make_safe<bluefish_consumer_proxy>(device_index, embedded_audio, key_only);\r
384 }\r
385 \r
386 }}