]> git.sesse.net Git

NOTE: To send a patch to any of these projects, just do “git push”, and I will receive an email with your patch. Remember to set the committer email appropriately!

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Project Description Owner Last Change
alphaindex A very simple full-color to... www-data 11 years ago
audiosync A few quick programs to keep... www-data 17 years ago
autoeconomy Unnamed repository; edit this... www-data 11 years ago
backup.sh Unnamed repository; edit this... www-data 4 years ago
bcachefs-tools-debian Unnamed repository; edit this... www-data 8 months ago
betaftpd Unnamed repository; edit this... www-data 20 years ago
bmusb Unnamed repository; edit this... www-data 5 months ago
bursty Software to test packet loss... www-data 12 years ago
c64tapwav A high-quality .wav generator... www-data 8 years ago
casparcg Unnamed repository; edit this... www-data 7 years ago
ccbs A tournament system for Dance... www-data 9 years ago
cubemap A scalable video reflector... www-data 2 months ago
debian-xu4 Unnamed repository; edit this... www-data 6 years ago
decode_sdt Unnamed repository; edit this... www-data 10 years ago
fat-rescue Some snippets for rescuing... www-data 17 years ago
ffmpeg Unnamed repository; edit this... www-data 3 years ago
fjl Unnamed repository; edit this... www-data 15 years ago
foosball Unnamed repository; edit this... www-data 16 years ago
fp-downconvert Unnamed repository; edit this... www-data 11 years ago
freerainbowtables Unnamed repository; edit this... www-data 13 years ago
gifmaker Some vaguely helpful scripts... www-data 11 years ago
glcapture Unnamed repository; edit this... www-data 15 years ago
greasemonkey-scripts Unnamed repository; edit this... www-data 11 years ago
greproxy A proxy for making GRE tunnels... www-data 8 years ago
hamming A simple but relatively fast... www-data 16 years ago
index Unnamed repository; edit this... www-data 11 years ago
interpreter_trials Unnamed repository; edit this... www-data 3 years ago
itkacl A simple but generic authoriza... www-data 2 months ago
jam Unnamed repository; edit this... www-data 17 years ago
kdenlive Unnamed repository; edit this... www-data 10 years ago
keycount Unnamed repository; edit this... www-data 11 years ago
letsencrypt-hitch-plugin Unnamed repository; edit this... www-data 18 months ago
letsencrypt-varnish-plugin Unnamed repository; edit this... www-data 18 months ago
linux-dallas-multipass Smartcard proxy for buypass... www-data 2 years ago
mbd Unnamed repository; edit this... www-data 11 years ago
mlt Unnamed repository; edit this... www-data 10 years ago
movit A library for high-quality... www-data 14 months ago
multicastwardrive Some software to join lots... www-data 11 years ago
nageru Unnamed repository; edit this... www-data 2 months ago
nageru-docs Unnamed repository; edit this... www-data 13 months ago
narabu Unnamed repository; edit this... www-data 6 years ago
nbtscanner Unnamed repository; edit this... www-data 5 years ago
nms Unnamed repository; edit this... www-data 17 years ago
ntlmssp-extract Unnamed repository; edit this... www-data 11 years ago
pgn-extract Unnamed repository; edit this... www-data 9 years ago
pistorm Unnamed repository; edit this... www-data 3 years ago
pitch My FFT-based guitar tuning... www-data 11 years ago
pkanalytics Unnamed repository; edit this... www-data 14 months ago
plocate Unnamed repository; edit this... www-data 7 weeks ago
pr0n Unnamed repository; edit this... www-data 19 months ago
qmfsplit Unnamed repository; edit this... www-data 11 years ago
qscale A high-quality, high-speed... www-data 12 years ago
rdpsrv Unnamed repository; edit this... www-data 19 years ago
remoteglot Unnamed repository; edit this... www-data 8 months ago
remoteglot-book Unnamed repository; edit this... www-data 7 years ago
s573compress Unnamed repository; edit this... www-data 4 years ago
shamaz Unnamed repository; edit this... www-data 14 years ago
sigmoidsmooth A simple program to fit a... www-data 12 years ago
skvidarsync Unnamed repository; edit this... www-data 6 weeks ago
sproing Unnamed repository; edit this... www-data 11 years ago
stockfish Unnamed repository; edit this... www-data 5 weeks ago
stupid Unnamed repository; edit this... www-data 11 years ago
sudoku Unnamed repository; edit this... www-data 19 years ago
tcxmerge Software for finding the most... www-data 12 years ago
torrentaccelerator Unnamed repository; edit this... www-data 11 years ago
tsp Unnamed repository; edit this... www-data 11 years ago
ttk-gettext Unnamed repository; edit this... www-data 19 years ago
ultimatescore Unnamed repository; edit this... www-data 2 years ago
videoredirector Unnamed repository; edit this... www-data 11 years ago
vlc Unnamed repository; edit this... www-data 9 years ago
voxel-flow Unnamed repository; edit this... www-data 6 years ago
wardrive Unnamed repository; edit this... www-data 16 years ago
webpdf Unnamed repository; edit this... www-data 19 years ago
wloh My Wordfeud rating system... www-data 11 years ago
www-csrf WWW::CSRF, a Perl module to... www-data 10 years ago
x264 Unnamed repository; edit this... www-data 8 years ago
xml-template Unnamed repository; edit this... www-data 4 weeks ago