]> git.sesse.net Git - vlc/blob - share/http/index.html
* src/playlist/item.c : stops the playlist if we delete the currently
[vlc] / share / http / index.html
1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" ?>
2 <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD  XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml10/DTD/xhtml10transitional.dtd">
4 <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en">
5  <head>
6     <title>VLC Media Player</title>
7     <link href="/style.css" title="Default" rel="stylesheet" />
9     <vlc id="control" param1="stop,pause,previous,next,add,sout,play,delete,empty,seek,fullscreen,keep,volume,sort" />
10     <vlc id="set" param1="sout" param2="string" />
11  </head>
12  <body>
13     <h2>
14      <a href="http://www.videolan.org">VLC Media Player <vlc id="value" param1="version" /></a> (http interface)</h2>
15     <div class="sectitle">Control VLC</div>
16     <div class="section">
17      <table class="add">
18       <tr>
19        <td nowrap="1">Current State: <vlc id="value" param1="stream_state" /></td>
20        <td align="right"><a href="info.html">Information</a> <a href="admin/">Administration</a></td>
21       </tr>
22       <tr>
23        <form method="get" action="">
24         <td nowrap="1">
25          <input type="submit" name="control" value="stop" />
26          <input type="submit" name="control" value="pause" />
27          <input type="submit" name="control" value="previous" />
28          <input type="submit" name="control" value="next" />
29          <input type="submit" name="control" value="fullscreen" />
30         </td>
31        </form>
32       </tr>
33       <tr>
34        <td colspan="2">
35         <table>
36          <tr>
37           <form>
38            <td><input type="submit" name="seek_value" value="-1min"><input type="hidden" name="control" value="seek"></td>
39           </form>
40           <form>
41            <td><input type="text" name="seek_value" size="14"><input type="hidden" name="control" value="seek"></td>
42           </form>
43           <form>
44            <td><input type="submit" name="seek_value" value="+1min"><input type="hidden" name="control" value="seek"></td>
45           </form>
46            <td>
47             ( Seek Textbox: for example "+12min 42sec", "01:13:43", "-12%" etc... )
48            </td>
49          </tr>
50         </table>
51        </td>
52       </tr>
53       <tr>
54        <form>
55         <td>
56          Current Volume: <vlc id="value" param1="volume" /> <input type="text" name="value" size="5"><input type="hidden" name="control" value="volume"><input type="submit" name="Set" value="Set">
57         </td>
58        </form>
59       </tr>
60      </table>
61     </div>
62     <div class="sectitle">Add</div>
63     <div class="section">
64      <form method="get" action="" enctype="text/plain" >
65       <table class="add">
66        <tr>
67         <td>Add a MRL (Media Resource Locator) to the playlist</td>
68         <td><input type="text" name="mrl" size="40" /><input type="submit" name="control" value="add" /></td>
69        </tr>
70        <tr>
71         <td>Stream Output:</td>
72         <td><input type="text" name="sout" size="40" value="<vlc id="get" param1="sout" param2="string" />" /><input type="submit" name="control" value="sout" /></td>
73        </tr>
74       </table>
75      </form>
76     </div>
78     <div class="sectitle">VLC Playlist</div>
79      <div class="section"> 
80       <tr>
81        <td>
82         <form>
83          <input type="submit" name="control" value="sort" /> by
84          <select name="type">
85           <option value="title">title
86           <option value="group">group
87           <option value="author">author
88          </select> with
89          <select name="order">
90           <option value="0">normal order
91           <option value="1">reverse order
92          </select>
93         </form>
94        </td>
95       </tr>
96       <form method="get" action="">
97       <table>
98        <vlc id="foreach" param1="pl" param2="playlist" />
99         <tr class="<vlc id="if" param1="pl.index 2 % 0 =" />ligne1<vlc id="else" />ligne2<vlc id="end" />">
100          <td>
101           <input type=checkbox name="item" value="<vlc id="value" param1="pl.index" />">
102           <vlc id="if" param1="pl.current" />
103                <b>
104            <vlc id="end" />
105            <a href="?control=play&item=<vlc id="value" param1="pl.index" />"><vlc id="value" param1="pl.index" /> - <vlc id="value" param1="pl.name" /></a>
106           <vlc id="if" param1="pl.current" />
107                </b>
108           <vlc id="end" />
109          </td>
110         </tr>
111        <vlc id="end" />
112       </table>
113       <td><input type="submit" name="control" value="delete" /></td>
114       <td><input type="submit" name="control" value="keep" /></td>
115      </form>
116     </div>
117     <hr/>
118     <p> <vlc id="value" param1="copyright" /> </p>
119 </body>
120 </html>