1 GTEST_DIR ?= /usr/src/gtest
3 # This will be upgraded for each release, although not necessarily for every git commit.
4 # See http://www.gnu.org/software/libtool/manual/html_node/Updating-version-info.html
5 # for the rules as of how this is changed. This does not really mean that Movit will
6 # strive towards having a rock-stable ABI, but at least the soversion will increase
7 # whenever it breaks, so that you will not have silent failures, and distribution package
8 # management can run its course.
9 movit_ltversion = 7:1:0
13 exec_prefix = @exec_prefix@
14 includedir = @includedir@
16 datarootdir = @datarootdir@
18 top_builddir = @top_builddir@
19 with_demo_app = @with_demo_app@
20 with_benchmark = @with_benchmark@
21 with_coverage = @with_coverage@
25 CXXFLAGS=-Wall @CXXFLAGS@ -fvisibility-inlines-hidden -I$(GTEST_DIR)/include @SDL2_CFLAGS@ @Eigen3_CFLAGS@ @epoxy_CFLAGS@ @FFTW3_CFLAGS@ @benchmark_CFLAGS@
26 ifeq ($(with_benchmark),yes)
30 LDLIBS=@epoxy_LIBS@ @FFTW3_LIBS@ -lpthread
31 TEST_LDLIBS=@epoxy_LIBS@ @SDL2_LIBS@ @benchmark_LIBS@ -lpthread
32 DEMO_LDLIBS=@SDL2_image_LIBS@ -lrt -lpthread @libpng_LIBS@ @FFTW3_LIBS@
39 ifeq ($(with_coverage),yes)
40 CXXFLAGS += -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage --coverage
41 LDFLAGS += -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage
45 DEMO_OBJS=demo.o widgets.o
48 TESTED_INPUTS = flat_input
49 TESTED_INPUTS += ycbcr_input
50 TESTED_INPUTS += ycbcr_422interleaved_input
55 TESTED_EFFECTS = lift_gamma_gain_effect
56 TESTED_EFFECTS += white_balance_effect
57 TESTED_EFFECTS += gamma_expansion_effect
58 TESTED_EFFECTS += gamma_compression_effect
59 TESTED_EFFECTS += colorspace_conversion_effect
60 TESTED_EFFECTS += alpha_multiplication_effect
61 TESTED_EFFECTS += alpha_division_effect
62 TESTED_EFFECTS += saturation_effect
63 TESTED_EFFECTS += blur_effect
64 TESTED_EFFECTS += diffusion_effect
65 TESTED_EFFECTS += glow_effect
66 TESTED_EFFECTS += unsharp_mask_effect
67 TESTED_EFFECTS += mix_effect
68 TESTED_EFFECTS += overlay_effect
69 TESTED_EFFECTS += padding_effect
70 TESTED_EFFECTS += resample_effect
71 TESTED_EFFECTS += dither_effect
72 TESTED_EFFECTS += deconvolution_sharpen_effect
73 TESTED_EFFECTS += fft_pass_effect
74 TESTED_EFFECTS += vignette_effect
75 TESTED_EFFECTS += slice_effect
76 TESTED_EFFECTS += complex_modulate_effect
77 TESTED_EFFECTS += luma_mix_effect
78 TESTED_EFFECTS += fft_convolution_effect
79 TESTED_EFFECTS += ycbcr_conversion_effect
80 TESTED_EFFECTS += deinterlace_effect
82 UNTESTED_EFFECTS = sandbox_effect
83 UNTESTED_EFFECTS += mirror_effect
84 UNTESTED_EFFECTS += resize_effect
85 UNTESTED_EFFECTS += multiply_effect
86 UNTESTED_EFFECTS += fft_input
91 TESTS=effect_chain_test compute_shader_test fp16_test $(TESTED_INPUTS:=_test) $(TESTED_EFFECTS:=_test)
93 LIB_OBJS=effect_util.o util.o effect.o effect_chain.o init.o resource_pool.o ycbcr.o $(INPUTS:=.o) $(EFFECTS:=.o)
96 all: libmovit.la $(TESTS)
98 ifeq ($(with_demo_app),yes)
102 # Google Test and other test library functions.
103 OWN_TEST_OBJS = gtest_sdl_main.o test_util.o
104 TEST_OBJS = gtest-all.o $(OWN_TEST_OBJS)
106 gtest-all.o: $(GTEST_DIR)/src/gtest-all.cc
107 $(CXX) -MMD $(CPPFLAGS) -I$(GTEST_DIR) $(CXXFLAGS) -c $< -o $@
108 gtest_sdl_main.o: gtest_sdl_main.cpp
109 $(CXX) -MMD $(CPPFLAGS) -I$(GTEST_DIR) $(CXXFLAGS) -c $< -o $@
112 $(TESTS): %: %.o $(TEST_OBJS) libmovit.la
113 $(LIBTOOL) --mode=link $(CXX) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $^ $(TEST_LDLIBS)
118 # A small demo program.
119 demo: libmovit.la $(DEMO_OBJS)
120 $(LIBTOOL) --mode=link $(CXX) $(LDFLAGS) -o demo $(DEMO_OBJS) libmovit.la $(LDLIBS) $(DEMO_LDLIBS)
122 # The library itself.
123 libmovit.la: $(LIB_OBJS:.o=.lo)
124 $(LIBTOOL) --mode=link $(CXX) $(LDFLAGS) -rpath $(libdir) -version-info $(movit_ltversion) -o $@ $^ $(LDLIBS)
127 $(LIBTOOL) --mode=compile $(CXX) -MMD -MP $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) -o $@ -c $<
128 [ ! -r $(@:.lo=.d) ] || sed 's/\.o:/\.lo:/' < $(@:.lo=.d) > $(@:.lo=.ld)
129 [ ! -r .libs/$(@:.lo=.d) ] || sed 's/\.o:/\.lo:/' < .libs/$(@:.lo=.d) > .libs/$(@:.lo=.ld)
131 $(CXX) -MMD -MP $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) -o $@ -c $<
133 DEPS=$(OBJS:.o=.d) $(OBJS:.o=.ld)
137 $(LIBTOOL) --mode=clean $(RM) demo $(TESTS) libmovit.la $(OBJS) $(OBJS:.o=.lo)
138 $(RM) $(OBJS:.o=.gcno) $(OBJS:.o=.gcda) $(DEPS) step*.dot chain*.frag
139 $(RM) -r movit.info coverage/ .libs/
142 $(RM) Makefile movit.pc config.status config.log
146 for TEST in $(TESTS); do \
149 if [ "$$FAILED_TESTS" ]; then \
150 echo Failed tests: $$FAILED_TESTS; \
154 ifeq ($(with_coverage),yes)
156 lcov -d . -c -o movit.info
157 lcov --remove movit.info '*_test.cpp' 'test_util.*' 'sandbox_effect.*' widgets.cpp -o movit.info
158 genhtml -o coverage movit.info
161 @echo You need to compile with --enable-coverage to use this target.
165 HDRS = effect_chain.h effect_util.h effect.h input.h image_format.h init.h util.h defs.h resource_pool.h fp16.h ycbcr.h version.h
166 HDRS += $(INPUTS:=.h)
167 HDRS += $(EFFECTS:=.h)
169 SHADERS = vs.vert vs.130.vert vs.150.vert vs.300es.vert
170 SHADERS += header.130.frag header.150.frag header.300es.frag
171 SHADERS += footer.frag identity.frag
172 SHADERS += texture1d.130.frag texture1d.150.frag texture1d.300es.frag
173 SHADERS += $(INPUTS:=.frag)
174 SHADERS += $(EFFECTS:=.frag)
175 SHADERS += highlight_cutoff_effect.frag
176 SHADERS += overlay_matte_effect.frag
178 # These purposefully do not exist.
179 MISSING_SHADERS = diffusion_effect.frag glow_effect.frag unsharp_mask_effect.frag resize_effect.frag
180 MISSING_SHADERS += fft_convolution_effect.frag fft_input.frag
181 SHADERS := $(filter-out $(MISSING_SHADERS),$(SHADERS))
184 $(MKDIR) -p $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/
185 $(LIBTOOL) --mode=install $(INSTALL) -m 0644 libmovit.la $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/
186 $(MKDIR) -p $(DESTDIR)$(includedir)/movit/
187 $(INSTALL) -m 0644 $(HDRS) $(DESTDIR)$(includedir)/movit/
188 $(MKDIR) -p $(DESTDIR)$(datadir)/movit/
189 $(INSTALL) -m 0644 $(SHADERS) $(DESTDIR)$(datadir)/movit/
190 $(MKDIR) -p $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/pkgconfig/
191 $(INSTALL) -m 644 movit.pc $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/pkgconfig/
193 DISTDIR=movit-$(movit_version)
194 OTHER_DIST_FILES=add.frag autogen.sh blue.frag configure.ac d65.h identity.frag invert_effect.frag Makefile.in mipmap_needing_effect.frag movit.pc.in README NEWS test_util.h widgets.h
198 cp $(OWN_OBJS:.o=.cpp) $(DISTDIR)/
199 cp $(HDRS) $(DISTDIR)/
200 cp $(SHADERS) $(DISTDIR)/
202 ( cd $(DISTDIR) && aclocal && libtoolize --install --copy && autoconf && $(RM) -r autom4te.cache/ )
203 tar zcvvf ../$(DISTDIR).tar.gz $(DISTDIR)
206 .PHONY: coverage clean distclean check all install dist