]> git.sesse.net Git - bcachefs-tools-debian/blob - bch_bindgen/build.rs
feat(bindgen): expose `bcache_fs_(open|close)` to Rust side
[bcachefs-tools-debian] / bch_bindgen / build.rs
1 #[derive(Debug)]
2 pub struct Fix753 {}
3 impl bindgen::callbacks::ParseCallbacks for Fix753 {
4     fn item_name(&self, original_item_name: &str) -> Option<String> {
5         Some(original_item_name.trim_start_matches("Fix753_").to_owned())
6     }
7 }
9 fn main() {
10     use std::path::PathBuf;
12     println!("cargo:rerun-if-changed=src/libbcachefs_wrapper.h");
14     let out_dir: PathBuf = std::env::var_os("OUT_DIR")
15         .expect("ENV Var 'OUT_DIR' Expected")
16         .into();
17     let top_dir: PathBuf = std::env::var_os("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR")
18         .expect("ENV Var 'CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR' Expected")
19         .into();
21     let urcu = pkg_config::probe_library("liburcu").expect("Failed to find urcu lib");
22     let bindings = bindgen::builder()
23         .formatter(bindgen::Formatter::Prettyplease)
24         .header(
25             top_dir
26                 .join("src")
27                 .join("libbcachefs_wrapper.h")
28                 .display()
29                 .to_string(),
30         )
31         .clang_args(
32             urcu
33                 .include_paths
34                 .iter()
35                 .map(|p| format!("-I{}", p.display())),
36         )
37         .clang_arg("-I..")
38         .clang_arg("-I../c_src")
39         .clang_arg("-I../include")
40         .clang_arg("-DZSTD_STATIC_LINKING_ONLY")
41         .clang_arg("-DNO_BCACHEFS_FS")
42         .clang_arg("-D_GNU_SOURCE")
43         .clang_arg("-DRUST_BINDGEN")
44         .clang_arg("-fkeep-inline-functions")
45         .derive_debug(true)
46         .derive_default(true)
47         .layout_tests(true)
48         .default_enum_style(bindgen::EnumVariation::Rust {
49             non_exhaustive: true,
50         })
51         .allowlist_function("bcachefs_usage")
52         .allowlist_function("raid_init")
53         .allowlist_function("cmd_.*")
54         .allowlist_function(".*_cmds")
55         .allowlist_function(".*bch2_.*")
56         .allowlist_function("bcache_fs_open")
57         .allowlist_function("bcache_fs_close")
58         .allowlist_function("bio_.*")
59         .allowlist_function("derive_passphrase")
60         .allowlist_function("request_key")
61         .allowlist_function("add_key")
62         .allowlist_function("keyctl_search")
63         .allowlist_function("match_string")
64         .allowlist_function("printbuf.*")
65         .blocklist_type("rhash_lock_head")
66         .blocklist_type("srcu_struct")
67         .allowlist_var("BCH_.*")
68         .allowlist_var("KEY_SPEC_.*")
69         .allowlist_var("Fix753_.*")
70         .allowlist_var("bch.*")
71         .allowlist_var("__bch2.*")
72         .allowlist_var("__BTREE_ITER.*")
73         .allowlist_var("BTREE_ITER.*")
74         .blocklist_item("bch2_bkey_ops")
75         .allowlist_type("bch_.*")
76         .allowlist_type("fsck_err_opts")
77         .rustified_enum("fsck_err_opts")
78         .allowlist_type("nonce")
79         .no_debug("bch_replicas_padded")
80         .newtype_enum("bch_kdf_types")
81         .rustified_enum("bch_key_types")
82         .opaque_type("gendisk")
83         .opaque_type("gc_stripe")
84         .opaque_type("open_bucket.*")
85         .opaque_type("replicas_delta_list")
86         .no_copy("btree_trans")
87         .no_copy("printbuf")
88         .no_partialeq("bkey")
89         .no_partialeq("bpos")
90         .generate_inline_functions(true)
91         .parse_callbacks(Box::new(Fix753 {}))
92         .generate()
93         .expect("BindGen Generation Failiure: [libbcachefs_wrapper]");
95     std::fs::write(
96         out_dir.join("bcachefs.rs"),
97         packed_and_align_fix(bindings.to_string()),
98     )
99     .expect("Writing to output file failed for: `bcachefs.rs`");
101     let keyutils = pkg_config::probe_library("libkeyutils").expect("Failed to find keyutils lib");
102     let bindings = bindgen::builder()
103         .header(
104             top_dir
105                 .join("src")
106                 .join("keyutils_wrapper.h")
107                 .display()
108                 .to_string(),
109         )
110         .clang_args(
111             keyutils
112                 .include_paths
113                 .iter()
114                 .map(|p| format!("-I{}", p.display())),
115         )
116         .generate()
117         .expect("BindGen Generation Failiure: [Keyutils]");
118     bindings
119         .write_to_file(out_dir.join("keyutils.rs"))
120         .expect("Writing to output file failed for: `keyutils.rs`");
121 }
123 // rustc has a limitation where it does not allow structs to have both a "packed" and "align"
124 // attribute. This means that bindgen cannot copy all attributes from some C types, like struct
125 // bkey, that are both packed and aligned.
126 //
127 // bindgen tries to handle this situation smartly and for many types it will only apply a
128 // "packed(N)" attribute if that is good enough. However, there are a few types where bindgen
129 // does end up generating both a packed(N) and align(N) attribute. These types can't be compiled
130 // by rustc.
131 //
132 // To work around this, we can remove either the "packed" or "align" attribute. It happens that
133 // for all the types with this problem in bcachefs, removing the "packed" attribute and keeping
134 // the "align" attribute results in a type with the correct ABI.
135 //
136 // This function applies that transformation to the following bcachefs types that need it:
137 //   - bkey
138 //   - bch_extent_crc32
139 //   - bch_extent_ptr
140 //   - btree_node
141 fn packed_and_align_fix(bindings: std::string::String) -> std::string::String {
142     bindings
143         .replace(
144             "#[repr(C, packed(8))]\n#[repr(align(8))]\n#[derive(Debug, Default, Copy, Clone)]\npub struct bkey {",
145             "#[repr(C, align(8))]\n#[derive(Debug, Default, Copy, Clone)]\npub struct bkey {",
146         )
147         .replace(
148             "#[repr(C, packed(8))]\n#[repr(align(8))]\n#[derive(Debug, Default, Copy, Clone)]\npub struct bch_extent_crc32 {",
149             "#[repr(C, align(8))]\n#[derive(Debug, Default, Copy, Clone)]\npub struct bch_extent_crc32 {",
150         )
151         .replace(
152             "#[repr(C, packed(8))]\n#[repr(align(8))]\n#[derive(Debug, Default, Copy, Clone)]\npub struct bch_extent_ptr {",
153             "#[repr(C, align(8))]\n#[derive(Debug, Default, Copy, Clone)]\npub struct bch_extent_ptr {",
154         )
155         .replace(
156             "#[repr(C, packed(8))]\npub struct btree_node {",
157             "#[repr(C, align(8))]\npub struct btree_node {",
158         )
159 }