]> git.sesse.net Git - ultimatescore/blob - casparcg.config
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[ultimatescore] / casparcg.config
1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>\r
2 <configuration>\r
3   <paths>\r
4     <media-path>media/</media-path>\r
5     <log-path>log/</log-path>\r
6     <data-path>data/</data-path>\r
7     <template-path>template/</template-path>\r
8     <thumbnail-path>thumbnail/</thumbnail-path>\r
9     <font-path>font/</font-path>\r
10   </paths>\r
11   <lock-clear-phrase>secret</lock-clear-phrase>\r
12   <channels>\r
13     <channel>\r
14       <video-mode>720p5994</video-mode>\r
15       <channel-layout>stereo</channel-layout>\r
16       <consumers>\r
17        <!-- <screen>\r
18           <device>1</device>\r
19           <windowed>true</windowed>\r
20         </screen> -->\r
21         <ffmpeg>\r
22           <device>1</device>\r
23           <path>unix:///tmp/caspar.sock</path>\r
24           <!-- <path>udp://localhost:5251/</path>  -->\r
25           <args>-c:v rawvideo -vf format=pix_fmts=bgra -f nut -listen 1</args>\r
26         </ffmpeg>\r
27         <system-audio></system-audio>\r
28       </consumers>\r
29     </channel>\r
30   </channels>\r
31   <controllers>\r
32     <tcp>\r
33       <port>5250</port>\r
34       <protocol>AMCP</protocol>\r
35     </tcp>\r
36     <tcp>\r
37       <port>3250</port>\r
38       <protocol>LOG</protocol>\r
39     </tcp>\r
40   </controllers>\r
41 </configuration>\r
42 \r
43 <!--\r
44 <log-level>           info  [trace|debug|info|warning|error|fatal]</log-level>\r
45 <log-categories>      communication  [calltrace|communication|calltrace,communication]</log-categories>\r
46 <force-deinterlace>   false  [true|false]</force-deinterlace>\r
47 <channel-grid>        false [true|false]</channel-grid>\r
48 <mixer>\r
49     <blend-modes>          false [true|false]</blend-modes>\r
50     <mipmapping_default_on>false [true|false]</mipmapping_default_on>\r
51     <straight-alpha>       false [true|false]</straight-alpha>\r
52 </mixer>\r
53 <accelerator>auto [cpu|gpu|auto]</accelerator>\r
54 <template-hosts>\r
55     <template-host>\r
56         <video-mode />\r
57         <filename />\r
58         <width />\r
59         <height />\r
60     </template-host>\r
61 </template-hosts>\r
62 <flash>\r
63     <buffer-depth>auto [auto|1..]</buffer-depth>\r
64 </flash>\r
65 <html>\r
66     <remote-debugging-port>0 [0|1024-65535]</remote-debugging-port>\r
67 </html>\r
68 <thumbnails>\r
69     <generate-thumbnails>true [true|false]</generate-thumbnails>\r
70     <width>256</width>\r
71     <height>144</height>\r
72     <video-grid>2</video-grid>\r
73     <scan-interval-millis>5000</scan-interval-millis>\r
74     <generate-delay-millis>2000</generate-delay-millis>\r
75     <video-mode>720p2500</video-mode>\r
76     <mipmap>true</mipmap>\r
77 </thumbnails>\r
78 <channels>\r
79     <channel>\r
80         <video-mode>PAL [PAL|NTSC|576p2500|720p2398|720p2400|720p2500|720p5000|720p2997|720p5994|720p3000|720p6000|1080p2398|1080p2400|1080i5000|1080i5994|1080i6000|1080p2500|1080p2997|1080p3000|1080p5000|1080p5994|1080p6000|1556p2398|1556p2400|1556p2500|dci1080p2398|dci1080p2400|dci1080p2500|2160p2398|2160p2400|2160p2500|2160p2997|2160p3000|dci2160p2398|dci2160p2400|dci2160p2500] </video-mode>\r
81         <straight-alpha-output>false [true|false]</straight-alpha-output>\r
82         <channel-layout>stereo [mono|stereo|matrix|film|smpte|ebu_r123_8a|ebu_r123_8b|8ch|16ch]</channel-layout>\r
83         <consumers>\r
84             <decklink>\r
85                 <device>[1..]</device>\r
86                 <key-device>device + 1 [1..]</key-device>\r
87                 <embedded-audio>false [true|false]</embedded-audio>\r
88                 <channel-layout>stereo [mono|stereo|matrix|film|smpte|ebu_r123_8a|ebu_r123_8b|8ch|16ch]</channel-layout>\r
89                 <latency>normal [normal|low|default]</latency>\r
90                 <keyer>external [external|external_separate_device|internal|default]</keyer>\r
91                 <key-only>false [true|false]</key-only>\r
92                 <buffer-depth>3 [1..]</buffer-depth>\r
93             </decklink>\r
94             <bluefish>\r
95                 <device>[1..]</device>\r
96                 <embedded-audio>false [true|false]</embedded-audio>\r
97                 <channel-layout>stereo [mono|stereo|matrix|film|smpte|ebu_r123_8a|ebu_r123_8b|8ch|16ch]</channel-layout>\r
98                 <key-only>false [true|false]</key-only>\r
99             </bluefish>\r
100             <system-audio>\r
101                 <channel-layout>stereo [mono|stereo|matrix]</channel-layout>\r
102                 <latency>200 [0..]</latency>\r
103             </system-audio>\r
104             <screen>\r
105                 <device>[0..]</device>\r
106                 <aspect-ratio>default [default|4:3|16:9]</aspect-ratio>\r
107                 <stretch>fill [none|fill|uniform|uniform_to_fill]</stretch>\r
108                 <windowed>true [true|false]</windowed>\r
109                 <key-only>false [true|false]</key-only>\r
110                 <auto-deinterlace>true [true|false]</auto-deinterlace>\r
111                 <vsync>false [true|false]</vsync>\r
112                 <interactive>true [true|false]</interactive>\r
113                 <borderless>false [true|false]</borderless>\r
114             </screen>\r
115             <newtek-ivga></newtek-ivga>\r
116             <ffmpeg>\r
117                 <path>[file|url]</path>\r
118                 <args>[most ffmpeg arguments related to filtering and output codecs]</args>\r
119                 <separate-key>false [true|false]</separate-key>\r
120                 <mono-streams>false [true|false]</mono-streams>\r
121             </ffmpeg>\r
122             <syncto>\r
123                 <channel-id>1</channel-id>\r
124             </syncto>\r
125         </consumers>\r
126     </channel>\r
127 </channels>\r
128 <osc>\r
129   <default-port>6250</default-port>\r
130   <disable-send-to-amcp-clients>false [true|false]</disable-send-to-amcp-clients>\r
131   <predefined-clients>\r
132     <predefined-client>\r
133       <address></address>\r
134       <port>5253</port>\r
135     </predefined-client>\r
136   </predefined-clients>\r
137 </osc>\r
138 <audio>\r
139         <channel-layouts>\r
140                 <channel-layout name="mono"        type="mono"        num-channels="1" channel-order="FC" />\r
141                 <channel-layout name="stereo"      type="stereo"      num-channels="2" channel-order="FL FR" />\r
142                 <channel-layout name="matrix"      type="matrix"      num-channels="2" channel-order="ML MR" />\r
143                 <channel-layout name="film"        type="5.1"         num-channels="6" channel-order="FL FC FR BL BR LFE" />\r
144                 <channel-layout name="smpte"       type="5.1"         num-channels="6" channel-order="FL FR FC LFE BL BR" />\r
145                 <channel-layout name="ebu_r123_8a" type="5.1+downmix" num-channels="8" channel-order="DL DR FL FR FC LFE BL BR" />\r
146                 <channel-layout name="ebu_r123_8b" type="5.1+downmix" num-channels="8" channel-order="FL FR FC LFE BL BR DL DR" />\r
147                 <channel-layout name="8ch"         type="8ch"         num-channels="8" />\r
148                 <channel-layout name="16ch"        type="16ch"        num-channels="16" />\r
149         </channel-layouts>\r
150         <mix-configs>\r
151                 <mix-config from-type="mono"          to-types="stereo, 5.1"  mix="FL = FC                                           | FR = FC" />\r
152                 <mix-config from-type="mono"          to-types="5.1+downmix"  mix="FL = FC                                           | FR = FC                                         | DL = FC | DR = FC" />\r
153                 <mix-config from-type="mono"          to-types="matrix"       mix="ML = FC                                           | MR = FC" />\r
154                 <mix-config from-type="stereo"        to-types="mono"         mix="FC &lt; FL + FR" />\r
155                 <mix-config from-type="stereo"        to-types="matrix"       mix="ML = FL                                           | MR = FR" />\r
156                 <mix-config from-type="stereo"        to-types="5.1"          mix="FL = FL                                           | FR = FR" />\r
157                 <mix-config from-type="stereo"        to-types="5.1+downmix"  mix="FL = FL                                           | FR = FR                                         | DL = FL | DR = FR" />\r
158                 <mix-config from-type="5.1"           to-types="mono"         mix="FC &lt; FL + FR + 0.707*FC + 0.707*BL + 0.707*BR" />\r
159                 <mix-config from-type="5.1"           to-types="stereo"       mix="FL &lt; FL + 0.707*FC + 0.707*BL                  | FR &lt; FR + 0.707*FC + 0.707*BR" />\r
160                 <mix-config from-type="5.1"           to-types="5.1+downmix"  mix="FL = FL                                           | FR = FR                                         | FC = FC | BL = BL | BR = BR | LFE = LFE | DL &lt; FL + 0.707*FC + 0.707*BL | DR &lt; FR + 0.707*FC + 0.707*BR" />\r
161                 <mix-config from-type="5.1"           to-types="matrix"       mix="ML = 0.3204*FL + 0.293*FC + -0.293*BL + -0.293*BR | MR = 0.3204*FR + 0.293*FC + 0.293*BL + 0.293*BR" />\r
162                 <mix-config from-type="5.1+stereomix" to-types="mono"         mix="FC &lt; DL + DR" />\r
163                 <mix-config from-type="5.1+stereomix" to-types="stereo"       mix="FL = DL                                           | FR = DR" />\r
164                 <mix-config from-type="5.1+stereomix" to-types="5.1"          mix="FL = FL                                           | FR = FR                                         | FC = FC | BL = BL | BR = BR | LFE = LFE" />\r
165                 <mix-config from-type="5.1+stereomix" to-types="matrix"       mix="ML = 0.3204*FL + 0.293*FC + -0.293*BL + -0.293*BR | MR = 0.3204*FR + 0.293*FC + 0.293*BL + 0.293*BR" />\r
166         </mix-configs>\r
167 </audio>\r
168 -->\r