]> git.sesse.net Git - vlc/blob - extras/MacOSX/Resources/English.lproj/Wizard.nib/classes.nib
* enlarge the row height about 10 pixels to allow longer error messages (up to 3...
[vlc] / extras / MacOSX / Resources / English.lproj / Wizard.nib / classes.nib
1 {
2     IBClasses = (
3         {CLASS = FirstResponder; LANGUAGE = ObjC; SUPERCLASS = NSObject; }, 
4         {CLASS = VLCPlaylistCommon; LANGUAGE = ObjC; SUPERCLASS = NSObject; }, 
5         {
6             CLASS = VLCPlaylistWizard; 
7             LANGUAGE = ObjC; 
8             OUTLETS = {
9                 "o_outline_view" = id; 
10                 "o_tc_author" = id; 
11                 "o_tc_duration" = id; 
12                 "o_tc_name" = id; 
13             }; 
14             SUPERCLASS = VLCPlaylistCommon; 
15         }, 
16         {
17             ACTIONS = {
18                 cancelRun = id; 
19                 nextTab = id; 
20                 prevTab = id; 
21                 "t1_mrInfo_streaming" = id; 
22                 "t1_mrInfo_transcode" = id; 
23                 "t2_addNewStream" = id; 
24                 "t2_chooseStreamOrPlst" = id; 
25                 "t2_enableExtract" = id; 
26                 "t3_strmMthdChanged" = id; 
27                 "t4_AudCdcChanged" = id; 
28                 "t4_VidCdcChanged" = id; 
29                 "t4_enblAudTrnscd" = id; 
30                 "t4_enblVidTrnscd" = id; 
31                 "t67_mrInfo_local" = id; 
32                 "t6_enblSapAnnce" = id; 
33                 "t6_mrInfo_sap" = id; 
34                 "t6_mrInfo_ttl" = id; 
35                 "t7_selectTrnscdDestFile" = id; 
36             }; 
37             CLASS = VLCWizard; 
38             LANGUAGE = ObjC; 
39             OUTLETS = {
40                 "o_btn_backward" = id; 
41                 "o_btn_cancel" = id; 
42                 "o_btn_forward" = id; 
43                 "o_playlist_wizard" = id; 
44                 "o_t1_btn_mrInfo_strmg" = id; 
45                 "o_t1_btn_mrInfo_trnscd" = id; 
46                 "o_t1_matrix_strmgOrTrnscd" = id; 
47                 "o_t1_txt_notice" = id; 
48                 "o_t1_txt_text" = id; 
49                 "o_t1_txt_title" = id; 
50                 "o_t2_box_prtExtrct" = id; 
51                 "o_t2_btn_chooseFile" = id; 
52                 "o_t2_ckb_enblPartExtrct" = id; 
53                 "o_t2_fld_pathToNewStrm" = id; 
54                 "o_t2_fld_prtExtrctFrom" = id; 
55                 "o_t2_fld_prtExtrctTo" = id; 
56                 "o_t2_matrix_inputSourceType" = id; 
57                 "o_t2_tbl_plst" = id; 
58                 "o_t2_text" = id; 
59                 "o_t2_title" = id; 
60                 "o_t2_txt_prtExtrctFrom" = id; 
61                 "o_t2_txt_prtExtrctTo" = id; 
62                 "o_t3_box_dest" = id; 
63                 "o_t3_box_strmgMthd" = id; 
64                 "o_t3_fld_address" = id; 
65                 "o_t3_matrix_stmgMhd" = id; 
66                 "o_t3_txt_destInfo" = id; 
67                 "o_t3_txt_strgMthdInfo" = id; 
68                 "o_t3_txt_text" = id; 
69                 "o_t3_txt_title" = id; 
70                 "o_t4_box_audio" = id; 
71                 "o_t4_box_video" = id; 
72                 "o_t4_ckb_audio" = id; 
73                 "o_t4_ckb_video" = id; 
74                 "o_t4_pop_audioBitrate" = id; 
75                 "o_t4_pop_audioCodec" = id; 
76                 "o_t4_pop_videoBitrate" = id; 
77                 "o_t4_pop_videoCodec" = id; 
78                 "o_t4_text" = id; 
79                 "o_t4_title" = id; 
80                 "o_t4_txt_bitrateAudio" = id; 
81                 "o_t4_txt_bitrateVideo" = id; 
82                 "o_t4_txt_codecAudio" = id; 
83                 "o_t4_txt_codecVideo" = id; 
84                 "o_t4_txt_hintAudio" = id; 
85                 "o_t4_txt_hintVideo" = id; 
86                 "o_t5_matrix_encap" = id; 
87                 "o_t5_text" = id; 
88                 "o_t5_title" = id; 
89                 "o_t6_btn_mrInfo_local" = id; 
90                 "o_t6_btn_mrInfo_sap" = id; 
91                 "o_t6_btn_mrInfo_ttl" = id; 
92                 "o_t6_ckb_local" = id; 
93                 "o_t6_ckb_sap" = id; 
94                 "o_t6_ckb_soverlay" = id; 
95                 "o_t6_fld_sap" = id; 
96                 "o_t6_fld_ttl" = id; 
97                 "o_t6_text" = id; 
98                 "o_t6_title" = id; 
99                 "o_t6_txt_ttl" = id; 
100                 "o_t7_btn_chooseFile" = id; 
101                 "o_t7_btn_mrInfo_local" = id; 
102                 "o_t7_ckb_local" = id; 
103                 "o_t7_ckb_soverlay" = id; 
104                 "o_t7_fld_filePath" = id; 
105                 "o_t7_text" = id; 
106                 "o_t7_title" = id; 
107                 "o_t7_txt_saveFileTo" = id; 
108                 "o_t8_fld_destination" = id; 
109                 "o_t8_fld_encapFormat" = id; 
110                 "o_t8_fld_inptStream" = id; 
111                 "o_t8_fld_local" = id; 
112                 "o_t8_fld_mrl" = id; 
113                 "o_t8_fld_partExtract" = id; 
114                 "o_t8_fld_sap" = id; 
115                 "o_t8_fld_saveFileTo" = id; 
116                 "o_t8_fld_soverlay" = id; 
117                 "o_t8_fld_strmgMthd" = id; 
118                 "o_t8_fld_trnscdAudio" = id; 
119                 "o_t8_fld_trnscdVideo" = id; 
120                 "o_t8_fld_ttl" = id; 
121                 "o_t8_txt_destination" = id; 
122                 "o_t8_txt_encapFormat" = id; 
123                 "o_t8_txt_inputStream" = id; 
124                 "o_t8_txt_local" = id; 
125                 "o_t8_txt_mrl" = id; 
126                 "o_t8_txt_partExtract" = id; 
127                 "o_t8_txt_sap" = id; 
128                 "o_t8_txt_saveFileTo" = id; 
129                 "o_t8_txt_soverlay" = id; 
130                 "o_t8_txt_strmgMthd" = id; 
131                 "o_t8_txt_text" = id; 
132                 "o_t8_txt_title" = id; 
133                 "o_t8_txt_trnscdAudio" = id; 
134                 "o_t8_txt_trnscdVideo" = id; 
135                 "o_t8_txt_ttl" = id; 
136                 "o_tab_pageHolder" = id; 
137                 "o_wizard_window" = id; 
138             }; 
139             SUPERCLASS = NSObject; 
140         }
141     ); 
142     IBVersion = 1; 
143 }