]> git.sesse.net Git - vlc/blob - extras/package/macosx/Resources/English.lproj/Extended.nib/classes.nib
macosx: Fix controller playlist toggling to use the contentRect and not the window...
[vlc] / extras / package / macosx / Resources / English.lproj / Extended.nib / classes.nib
1 {
2     IBClasses =     (
3                 {
4             ACTIONS =             {
5                 alignCenter = id;
6                 alignJustified = id;
7                 alignLeft = id;
8                 alignRight = id;
9                 arrangeInFront = id;
10                 centerSelectionInVisibleArea = id;
11                 changeFont = id;
12                 checkSpelling = id;
13                 clear = id;
14                 clearRecentDocuments = id;
15                 complete = id;
16                 copy = id;
17                 copyFont = id;
18                 copyRuler = id;
19                 cut = id;
20                 delete = id;
21                 deminiaturize = id;
22                 fax = id;
23                 hide = id;
24                 hideOtherApplications = id;
25                 loosenKerning = id;
26                 lowerBaseline = id;
27                 makeKeyAndOrderFront = id;
28                 miniaturize = id;
29                 newDocument = id;
30                 openDocument = id;
31                 orderBack = id;
32                 orderFront = id;
33                 orderFrontColorPanel = id;
34                 orderFrontHelpPanel = id;
35                 orderOut = id;
36                 outline = id;
37                 paste = id;
38                 pasteAsPlainText = id;
39                 pasteAsRichText = id;
40                 pasteFont = id;
41                 pasteRuler = id;
42                 pause = id;
43                 performClose = id;
44                 performFindPanelAction = id;
45                 performMiniaturize = id;
46                 performZoom = id;
47                 play = id;
48                 print = id;
49                 printDocument = id;
50                 raiseBaseline = id;
51                 record = id;
52                 redo = id;
53                 resume = id;
54                 revertDocumentToSaved = id;
55                 run = id;
56                 runPageLayout = id;
57                 runToolbarCustomizationPalette = id;
58                 saveAllDocuments = id;
59                 saveDocument = id;
60                 saveDocumentAs = id;
61                 saveDocumentTo = id;
62                 selectAll = id;
63                 selectText = id;
64                 showGuessPanel = id;
65                 showHelp = id;
66                 start = id;
67                 startSpeaking = id;
68                 stop = id;
69                 stopSpeaking = id;
70                 subscript = id;
71                 superscript = id;
72                 terminate = id;
73                 tightenKerning = id;
74                 toggleContinuousSpellChecking = id;
75                 toggleRuler = id;
76                 toggleToolbarShown = id;
77                 turnOffKerning = id;
78                 turnOffLigatures = id;
79                 underline = id;
80                 undo = id;
81                 unhideAllApplications = id;
82                 unscript = id;
83                 useAllLigatures = id;
84                 useStandardKerning = id;
85                 useStandardLigatures = id;
86             };
87             CLASS = FirstResponder;
88             LANGUAGE = ObjC;
89             SUPERCLASS = NSObject;
90         },
91                 {
92             CLASS = IBInspector;
93             LANGUAGE = ObjC;
94             OUTLETS =             {
95                 inspectorView = NSView;
96             };
97             SUPERCLASS = NSObject;
98         },
99                 {
100             CLASS = IBLibraryObjectTemplate;
101             LANGUAGE = ObjC;
102             OUTLETS =             {
103                 draggedView = NSView;
104                 representedObject = NSObject;
105             };
106             SUPERCLASS = NSView;
107         },
108                 {
109             CLASS = NSDateFormatter;
110             LANGUAGE = ObjC;
111             SUPERCLASS = NSFormatter;
112         },
113                 {
114             CLASS = NSFormatter;
115             LANGUAGE = ObjC;
116             SUPERCLASS = NSObject;
117         },
118                 {
119             CLASS = NSNumberFormatter;
120             LANGUAGE = ObjC;
121             SUPERCLASS = NSFormatter;
122         },
123                 {
124             CLASS = PDFThumbnailView;
125             LANGUAGE = ObjC;
126             OUTLETS =             {
127                 pdfView = PDFView;
128             };
129             SUPERCLASS = NSView;
130         },
131                 {
132             ACTIONS =             {
133                 goBack = id;
134                 goForward = id;
135                 goToFirstPage = id;
136                 goToLastPage = id;
137                 goToNextPage = id;
138                 goToPreviousPage = id;
139                 selectAll = id;
140                 takeBackgroundColorFrom = id;
141                 zoomIn = id;
142                 zoomOut = id;
143             };
144             CLASS = PDFView;
145             LANGUAGE = ObjC;
146             SUPERCLASS = NSView;
147         },
148                 {
149             ACTIONS =             {
150                 enableAdjustImage = id;
151                 enableHeadphoneVirtualizer = id;
152                 enableVolumeNormalization = id;
153                 moreInfoVideoFilters = id;
154                 opaqueSliderAction = id;
155                 restoreDefaultsForAdjustImage = id;
156                 sliderActionAdjustImage = id;
157                 sliderActionMaximumAudioLevel = id;
158                 videoFilterAction = id;
159                 viewSelectorAction = id;
160             };
161             CLASS = VLCExtended;
162             LANGUAGE = ObjC;
163             OUTLETS =             {
164                 "o_adjustImg_view" = id;
165                 "o_audioFlts_view" = id;
166                 "o_btn_rstrDefaults" = id;
167                 "o_btn_vidFlts_mrInfo" = id;
168                 "o_ckb_blur" = id;
169                 "o_ckb_enblAdjustImg" = id;
170                 "o_ckb_gradient" = id;
171                 "o_ckb_hdphnVirt" = id;
172                 "o_ckb_imgClone" = id;
173                 "o_ckb_imgCrop" = id;
174                 "o_ckb_imgInvers" = id;
175                 "o_ckb_intZoom" = id;
176                 "o_ckb_psycho" = id;
177                 "o_ckb_ripple" = id;
178                 "o_ckb_trnsform" = id;
179                 "o_ckb_vlme_norm" = id;
180                 "o_ckb_wave" = id;
181                 "o_extended_window" = id;
182                 "o_lbl_brightness" = id;
183                 "o_lbl_contrast" = id;
184                 "o_lbl_distort" = id;
185                 "o_lbl_gamma" = id;
186                 "o_lbl_general" = id;
187                 "o_lbl_hue" = id;
188                 "o_lbl_maxLevel" = id;
189                 "o_lbl_opaque" = id;
190                 "o_lbl_saturation" = id;
191                 "o_selector_pop" = id;
192                 "o_sld_brightness" = id;
193                 "o_sld_contrast" = id;
194                 "o_sld_gamma" = id;
195                 "o_sld_hue" = id;
196                 "o_sld_maxLevel" = id;
197                 "o_sld_opaque" = id;
198                 "o_sld_saturation" = id;
199                 "o_top_controls_box" = id;
200                 "o_videoFilters_view" = id;
201             };
202             SUPERCLASS = NSObject;
203         }
204     );
205     IBVersion = 1;
206 }