]> git.sesse.net Git - vlc/blob - libs/loader/stubs.s
playlist: Fix an input_item leak in item.c, and notice that we are leaking one in...
[vlc] / libs / loader / stubs.s
1         .data
2 .LC0:   .string "Called unk_%s\n"
3        .balign 4
4 .globl unk_exp1
5 unk_exp1:
6         pushl %ebp
7         movl %esp,%ebp
8         subl $4,%esp
9         movl $1,-4(%ebp)
10         movl -4(%ebp),%eax
11         movl %eax,%ecx
12         movl %ecx,%edx
13         sall $4,%edx
14         subl %eax,%edx
15         leal 0(,%edx,2),%eax
16         movl %eax,%edx
17         addl $export_names,%edx
18         pushl %edx
19         pushl $.LC0
20         call printf
21         addl $8,%esp
22         xorl %eax,%eax
23         leave
24         ret
25 .globl exp_EH_prolog
26 exp_EH_prolog:
27         pushl $0xff
28         pushl %eax
29         pushl %fs:0
30         movl  %esp, %fs:0
31         movl  12(%esp), %eax
32         movl  %ebp, 12(%esp)
33         leal  12(%esp), %ebp
34         pushl %eax
35         ret