]> git.sesse.net Git - vlc/blob - modules/demux/asademux_defs.h
drms: remove duplicate code (this was done to reuse drms outside of vlc but it
[vlc] / modules / demux / asademux_defs.h
2 /* generated from "./imports" on 2007-08-31T13:23:59+00:00 */
4 void preparse_add()
5 {
6 #define insn_init { NULL, NULL, 0, { 0 } }
7 #define det(n,r) { static struct asa_import_detect d = { NULL }; \
8                 d.name = n; \
9                 if (!asa_pcre_compile(&d.re, r)) \
10                         asa_det_last = &(*asa_det_last = &d)->next; }
11 #define fmt_b(n,t) { static struct asa_import_format f = { NULL }; \
12                 struct asa_import_insn *i, **i0 = NULL; \
13                 f.name = n; f.target = t;
14 #define fmt_e() \
15                 }
16 #define insn(n,t) { static struct asa_import_insn ii = insn_init; \
17                 i = ⅈ *n = i; n = &i->next; i->insn = t; }
18 #define insn_b(n, m, t, r) { struct asa_import_insn **m;\
19                 { static struct asa_import_insn ii = insn_init; \
20                         i = ⅈ ii.insn = t; \
21                         m = &ii.v.child.insns; \
22                 }\
23                 if (!asa_pcre_compile(&i->v.child.regex, r)) { \
24                         *n = i; n = &i->next;
25 #define insn_e() } }
26 #define insn_sg(n, t, r) { struct asa_repl **repl;\
27                 { static struct asa_import_insn ii = insn_init; \
28                         i = ⅈ ii.insn = t; \
29                         repl = &ii.v.sg.repl; \
30                 }\
31                 if (!asa_pcre_compile(&i->v.sg.regex, r)) { \
32                         *n = i; n = &i->next;
33 #define insn_sge() } }
34 #define repl(g, t) { static struct asa_repl r = { NULL, g, t }; \
35                 *repl = &r; repl = &r.next; }
36 #define insn_ts(n, t, d) { struct asa_tspec **tsp;\
37                 { static struct asa_import_insn ii = insn_init; \
38                         i = ⅈ ii.insn = t; ii.v.tspec.delta_select = d; \
39                         tsp = &ii.v.tspec.tsp; \
40                 }\
41                 *n = i; n = &i->next;
42 #define insn_tse() }
43 #define tsp(g, m, f) { static struct asa_tspec t = { NULL, g, m, f }; \
44                 *tsp = &t; tsp = &t.next; }
46         det("qttext","^\\{QTtext\\}")
47         det("rtf","^\\{\\\\rtf")
48         det("viplay","^\\{\\* VIPLAY")
49         det("zerog","^% Zero G")
50         det("sst","^SST ")
51         det("philips","^# PHILIPS SVCD DESIGNER")
52         det("ulead","^#Ulead subtitle")
53         det("sonicscenarist","^st_format\\s*\\d")
54         det("dvdjunior","^Subtitle File Mark")
55         det("captionsdat","^\\0\\r#")
56         det("inscriber","^@@.*\\n@@\\d Created by URUSoft")
57         det("ssa","(?mi)^(ScriptType:|\\[Script Info)")
58         det("subrip","^\\d+\\s*\\n\\d\\d:\\d\\d:\\d\\d,\\d\\d\\d\\s+-->\\s+\\d\\d:\\d\\d:\\d\\d,\\d\\d\\d\\s*\\n")
59         det("microdvd","^\\{\\d+\\}\\{\\d+\\}")
60         det("sami","(?i)<SAMI")
61         det("smil","(?i)<SMIL")
62         det("smil_rt","(?i)<WINDOW")
63         det("html","(?i)<HTML")
64         det("jacosub","(?m)^#([DT]\\d+)")
65         det("sasamis2k","(?m)^;(Env|Set)\\.")
66         det("phoenix","^[ \\d]+,[ \\d]+, \".*\"")
67         det("vkt","(?m)^\\{\\d+ .*\\}")
68         det("e2","^\\[\\d+\\]\\[\\d+\\]")
69         det("powerdivx","^\\{\\d+:\\d\\d:\\d\\d\\}\\{\\d+:\\d\\d:\\d\\d\\}")
70         det("sbt","^\\d\\d:\\d\\d:\\d\\d\\s*\\n\\d\\d:\\d\\d:\\d\\d\\s*\\n\\s*\\n")
71         det("karaokelrc","(?m)^\\[\\d\\d:\\d\\d\\.\\d\\d\\]")
72         det("dks","^\\[\\d\\d:\\d\\d:\\d\\d\\]")
73         det("aqtitle","^-->> \\d+\\s*\\n")
74         det("panimator","^\\/(c|d \\d+ \\d+)\\s*\\n")
75         det("tmplayer","^\\d\\d:\\d\\d:\\d\\d,\\d=")
76         det("cap32","^\\d\\d:\\d\\d:\\d\\d:\\d\\d , \\d\\d:\\d\\d:\\d\\d:\\d\\d , ")
77         det("not_encore","(?m)^\\d\\d:\\d\\d:\\d\\d:\\d\\d \\d\\d:\\d\\d:\\d\\d:\\d\\d ")
78         det("encore_ntsc","(?m)^\\d+ \\d+;\\d+;\\d+;\\d+ \\d+;\\d+;\\d+;\\d+ ")
79         det("encore_pal","(?m)^\\d+ \\d+:\\d+:\\d+:\\d+ \\d+:\\d+:\\d+:\\d+ ")
80         det("turbotitler","^\\d+:\\d\\d:\\d\\d\\.\\d\\d,\\d+:\\d\\d:\\d\\d\\.\\d\\d,")
81         det("macdvdpro","^\\d\\d:\\d\\d:\\d\\d:\\d\\d\\t\\d\\d:\\d\\d:\\d\\d:\\d\\d\\t")
82         det("powerpixel","^\\d\\d:\\d\\d:\\d\\d:\\d\\d\\t\\d\\d:\\d\\d:\\d\\d:\\d\\d\\r?\\n")
83         det("ovr","^\\d\\d:\\d\\d:\\d\\d:\\d\\d [^[:digit:][:space:][:punct:]]")
84         det("fab","^\\d\\d:\\d\\d:\\d\\d:\\d\\d  \\d\\d:\\d\\d:\\d\\d:\\d\\d\\s*\\n[^[:digit:][:space:][:punct:]]")
85         det("sonicdvd","^\\d{4}  \\d\\d:\\d\\d:\\d\\d:\\d\\d  \\d\\d:\\d\\d:\\d\\d:\\d\\d  ")
86         det("koalaplayer","(?m)^\\d+:\\d\\d:\\d\\d:[^[:digit:][:space:][:punct:]]")
87         det("subcreator1","^\\d+:\\d\\d:\\d\\d\\.\\d+:")
88         fmt_b("subrip", 2)
89                 insn_b(i0, i1, ASAI_CHILD, "^\\d+\\s*\\n(\\d\\d):(\\d\\d):(\\d\\d),(\\d\\d\\d)\\s+-->\\s+(\\d\\d):(\\d\\d):(\\d\\d),(\\d\\d\\d)\\s*\\r?\\n")
90                 insn_ts(i1, 8, -1);                     tsp(1, 3600.000000, 0.000000)
91                         tsp(2, 60.000000, 0.000000)
92                         tsp(3, 1.000000, 0.000000)
93                         tsp(4, 0.001000, 0.000000)
94                 insn_tse()
95                 insn_ts(i1, 9, -1);                     tsp(5, 3600.000000, 0.000000)
96                         tsp(6, 60.000000, 0.000000)
97                         tsp(7, 1.000000, 0.000000)
98                         tsp(8, 0.001000, 0.000000)
99                 insn_tse()
100                 insn_b(i1, i2, ASAI_CHILD, "(?s)^(.*?)\\s*\\n\\s*\\n")
101                 insn(i2, ASAI_SELECT); i->v.select = 1;
102                 insn_sg(i2, 4, "\\\\")
103                         repl(-1, "\\\\")
104                 insn_sge()
105                 insn_sg(i2, 4, "\\{")
106                         repl(-1, "\\{")
107                 insn_sge()
108                 insn_sg(i2, 4, "\\}")
109                         repl(-1, "\\}")
110                 insn_sge()
111                 insn_sg(i2, 4, "\\n")
112                         repl(-1, "\\n")
113                 insn_sge()
114                 insn_sg(i2, 4, "<[Bb]>")
115                         repl(-1, "{\\b1}")
116                 insn_sge()
117                 insn_sg(i2, 4, "<\\/[Bb]>")
118                         repl(-1, "{\\b0}")
119                 insn_sge()
120                 insn_sg(i2, 4, "<[Ii]>")
121                         repl(-1, "{\\i1}")
122                 insn_sge()
123                 insn_sg(i2, 4, "<\\/[Ii]>")
124                         repl(-1, "{\\i0}")
125                 insn_sge()
126                 insn_sg(i2, 4, "<\\/(.*?)>")
127                         repl(-1, "{")
128                         repl(12, NULL)
129                         repl(-1, "3}")
130                 insn_sge()
131                 insn_sg(i2, 4, "&lt;")
132                         repl(-1, "<")
133                 insn_sge()
134                 insn_sg(i2, 4, "&gt;")
135                         repl(-1, ">")
136                 insn_sge()
137                 insn_sg(i2, 4, "&amp;")
138                         repl(-1, "&")
139                 insn_sge()
140                 insn_sg(i2, 4, "^")
141                         repl(-1, ",,,0,0,0,,")
142                 insn_sge()
143                 insn(i2, 6);
144                 insn(i2, 0);
145                 insn(i2, ASAI_BREAK); i->v.break_depth = 1;
146                 insn_e()
147                 insn_e()
148         fmt_e()
149         fmt_b("encore_pal", 1)
150                 insn(i0, ASAI_FPS); i->v.fps_value = 25.000000;
151                 insn_b(i0, i1, ASAI_CHILD, "^\\d+ (\\d+):(\\d+):(\\d+):(\\d+) (\\d+):(\\d+):(\\d+):(\\d+) (.*(\\n[^\\d].*)*)\\n")
152                 insn_ts(i1, 8, -1);                     tsp(1, 3600.000000, 0.000000)
153                         tsp(2, 60.000000, 0.000000)
154                         tsp(3, 1.000000, 0.000000)
155                         tsp(4, 0.000000, 1.000000)
156                 insn_tse()
157                 insn_ts(i1, 9, -1);                     tsp(5, 3600.000000, 0.000000)
158                         tsp(6, 60.000000, 0.000000)
159                         tsp(7, 1.000000, 0.000000)
160                         tsp(8, 0.000000, 1.000000)
161                 insn_tse()
162                 insn(i1, ASAI_SELECT); i->v.select = 9;
163                 insn_sg(i1, 4, "\\/\\/")
164                         repl(-1, "\x0a")
165                 insn_sge()
166                 insn(i1, 6);
167                 insn(i1, 0);
168                 insn_e()
169         fmt_e()
170         fmt_b("encore_ntsc", 1)
171                 insn(i0, ASAI_FPS); i->v.fps_value = 29.969999;
172                 insn_b(i0, i1, ASAI_CHILD, "^\\d+ (\\d+);(\\d+);(\\d+);(\\d+) (\\d+);(\\d+);(\\d+);(\\d+) (.*(\\n[^\\d].*)*)\\n")
173                 insn_ts(i1, 8, -1);                     tsp(1, 3600.000000, 0.000000)
174                         tsp(2, 60.000000, 0.000000)
175                         tsp(3, 1.000000, 0.000000)
176                         tsp(4, 0.000000, 1.000000)
177                 insn_tse()
178                 insn_ts(i1, 9, -1);                     tsp(5, 3600.000000, 0.000000)
179                         tsp(6, 60.000000, 0.000000)
180                         tsp(7, 1.000000, 0.000000)
181                         tsp(8, 0.000000, 1.000000)
182                 insn_tse()
183                 insn(i1, ASAI_SELECT); i->v.select = 9;
184                 insn_sg(i1, 4, "\\/\\/")
185                         repl(-1, "\x0a")
186                 insn_sge()
187                 insn(i1, 6);
188                 insn(i1, 0);
189                 insn_e()
190         fmt_e()
191         fmt_b("microdvd", 1)
192                 insn_b(i0, i1, ASAI_CHILD, "^\\{\\s*(\\d+)\\}\\{\\s*(\\d+)\\}(.*?)\\s*\\n")
193                 insn_ts(i1, 8, -1);                     tsp(1, 0.000000, 1.000000)
194                 insn_tse()
195                 insn_ts(i1, 9, -1);                     tsp(2, 0.000000, 1.000000)
196                 insn_tse()
197                 insn(i1, ASAI_SELECT); i->v.select = 3;
198                 insn_sg(i1, 4, "\\|")
199                         repl(-1, "\x0a")
200                 insn_sge()
201                 insn(i1, 6);
202                 insn(i1, 0);
203                 insn_e()
204         fmt_e()
205         fmt_b("vkt", 1)
206                 insn_b(i0, i1, ASAI_CHILD, "^#.*\\n")
207                 insn_e()
208                 insn_b(i0, i1, ASAI_CHILD, "^{(\\d+) (.*)}\\s*\\n")
209                 insn_ts(i1, 9, -1);                     tsp(1, 0.000000, 1.000000)
210                 insn_tse()
211                 insn(i1, 0);
212                 insn_ts(i1, 8, -1);                     tsp(1, 0.000000, 1.000000)
213                 insn_tse()
214                 insn(i1, ASAI_SELECT); i->v.select = 2;
215                 insn(i1, 6);
216                 insn_e()
217         fmt_e()
219 }