]> git.sesse.net Git - mlt/blob - src/modules/qimage/kdenlivetitle_wrapper.cpp
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[mlt] / src / modules / qimage / kdenlivetitle_wrapper.cpp
1 /*
2  * kdenlivetitle_wrapper.cpp -- kdenlivetitle wrapper
3  * Copyright (c) 2009 Marco Gittler <g.marco@freenet.de>
4  *
5  * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
6  * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
7  * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
8  * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
9  *
10  * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13  * Lesser General Public License for more details.
14  *
15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
16  * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
17  * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
18  */
20 #include <QtGui/QImage>
21 #include <QtGui/QPainter>
22 #include <QtCore/QCoreApplication>
23 #include <QtGui/QApplication>
24 #include <QtCore/QDebug>
25 #include <QtCore/QFile>
26 #include <QtGui/QGraphicsView>
27 #include <QtGui/QGraphicsScene>
28 #include <QtGui/QGraphicsTextItem>
29 #include <QtGui/QGraphicsPolygonItem>
30 #include <QtGui/QTextCursor>
31 #include "kdenlivetitle_wrapper.h"
32 #include <framework/mlt_producer.h>
34 static Title* titleclass;
35 static QApplication *app;
37 extern "C"
38 {
39         void init_qt( const char* c )
40         {
41                 titleclass=new Title( QString( c ) );
42         }
43         void refresh_kdenlivetitle( uint8_t* buffer, int width, int height , double position )
44         {
45                 titleclass->drawKdenliveTitle( buffer,width,height,position );
46         }
47 }
48 Title::Title( const QString& filename ):m_filename( filename ),m_scene( NULL )
49 {
50         //must be extracted from kdenlive title
51         start =new QGraphicsPolygonItem( QPolygonF( QRectF( 100, 100, 600, 600 ) ) );
52         ;
53         end=new QGraphicsPolygonItem( QPolygonF( QRectF( 0, 0, 300, 300 ) ) );
54         ;
55 }
56 void Title::drawKdenliveTitle( uint8_t * buffer ,int width,int height,double position )
57 {
58         if ( !m_scene )
59         {
60                 int argc=0;
61                 char* argv[1];
62                 argv[0]="xxx";
63                 if ( ! QApplication::activeWindow() )
64                         //if (!app)
65                         app=new QApplication( argc,argv );
66                 m_scene=new QGraphicsScene;
67                 loadDocument( m_filename,start,end );
68         }
69         //must be extracted from kdenlive title
71         QImage *img=new QImage( width,height,QImage::Format_ARGB32 );
72         img->fill( 0 );
73         QRectF rstart=start->boundingRect();
74         QRectF rend=end->boundingRect();
75         QPointF topleft=rstart.topLeft()+( rend.topLeft()-rstart.topLeft() )*position;
76         QPointF bottomRight=rstart.bottomRight()+( rend.bottomRight()-rstart.bottomRight() )*position;
77         QPainter p1;
78         p1.begin( img );
79         p1.setRenderHints( QPainter::Antialiasing | QPainter::TextAntialiasing | QPainter::HighQualityAntialiasing );//|QPainter::SmoothPixmapTransform );
80         m_scene->render( &p1,QRect( 0,0,width,height ),QRectF( topleft,bottomRight ) );
81         p1.end();
82         uint8_t *pointer=img->bits();
83         QRgb* src = ( QRgb* ) pointer;
84         for ( int i=0;i<width*height*4;i+=4 )
85         {
86                 *buffer++=qRed( *src );
87                 *buffer++=qGreen( *src );
88                 *buffer++=qBlue( *src );
89                 *buffer++=qAlpha( *src );
90                 src++;
91         }
92         delete img;
93 }
94 int Title::loadDocument( const QString& url, QGraphicsPolygonItem* startv, QGraphicsPolygonItem* endv )
95 {
96         QDomDocument doc;
97         if ( !m_scene )
98                 return -1;
100         QFile file( url );
101         if ( file.open( QIODevice::ReadOnly ) )
102         {
103                 doc.setContent( &file, false );
104                 file.close();
105         }
106         return loadFromXml( doc, startv, endv );
107 }
108 int Title::loadFromXml( QDomDocument doc, QGraphicsPolygonItem* startv, QGraphicsPolygonItem* endv )
109 {
110         QDomNodeList titles = doc.elementsByTagName( "kdenlivetitle" );
111         int maxZValue = 0;
112         if ( titles.size() )
113         {
115                 QDomNodeList items = titles.item( 0 ).childNodes();
116                 for ( int i = 0; i < items.count(); i++ )
117                 {
118                         QGraphicsItem *gitem = NULL;
119                         int zValue = items.item( i ).attributes().namedItem( "z-index" ).nodeValue().toInt();
120                         if ( zValue > -1000 )
121                         {
122                                 if ( items.item( i ).attributes().namedItem( "type" ).nodeValue() == "QGraphicsTextItem" )
123                                 {
124                                         QDomNamedNodeMap txtProperties = items.item( i ).namedItem( "content" ).attributes();
125                                         QFont font( txtProperties.namedItem( "font" ).nodeValue() );
126                                         font.setBold( txtProperties.namedItem( "font-bold" ).nodeValue().toInt() );
127                                         font.setItalic( txtProperties.namedItem( "font-italic" ).nodeValue().toInt() );
128                                         font.setUnderline( txtProperties.namedItem( "font-underline" ).nodeValue().toInt() );
129                                         // Older Kdenlive version did not store pixel size but point size
130                                         if ( txtProperties.namedItem( "font-pixel-size" ).isNull() )
131                                         {
132                                                 QFont f2;
133                                                 f2.setPointSize( txtProperties.namedItem( "font-size" ).nodeValue().toInt() );
134                                                 font.setPixelSize( QFontInfo( f2 ).pixelSize() );
135                                         }
136                                         else
137                                                 font.setPixelSize( txtProperties.namedItem( "font-pixel-size" ).nodeValue().toInt() );
138                                         QColor col( stringToColor( txtProperties.namedItem( "font-color" ).nodeValue() ) );
139                                         QGraphicsTextItem *txt = m_scene->addText( items.item( i ).namedItem( "content" ).firstChild().nodeValue(), font );
140                                         txt->setDefaultTextColor( col );
141                                         txt->setTextInteractionFlags( Qt::NoTextInteraction );
142                                         if ( txtProperties.namedItem( "alignment" ).isNull() == false )
143                                         {
144                                                 txt->setTextWidth( txt->boundingRect().width() );
145                                                 QTextCursor cur = txt->textCursor();
146                                                 QTextBlockFormat format = cur.blockFormat();
147                                                 format.setAlignment(( Qt::Alignment ) txtProperties.namedItem( "alignment" ).nodeValue().toInt() );
148                                                 cur.select( QTextCursor::Document );
149                                                 cur.setBlockFormat( format );
150                                                 txt->setTextCursor( cur );
151                                                 cur.clearSelection();
152                                                 txt->setTextCursor( cur );
153                                         }
155                                         if ( !txtProperties.namedItem( "kdenlive-axis-x-inverted" ).isNull() )
156                                         {
157                                                 //txt->setData(OriginXLeft, txtProperties.namedItem("kdenlive-axis-x-inverted").nodeValue().toInt());
158                                         }
159                                         if ( !txtProperties.namedItem( "kdenlive-axis-y-inverted" ).isNull() )
160                                         {
161                                                 //txt->setData(OriginYTop, txtProperties.namedItem("kdenlive-axis-y-inverted").nodeValue().toInt());
162                                         }
164                                         gitem = txt;
165                                 }
166                                 else if ( items.item( i ).attributes().namedItem( "type" ).nodeValue() == "QGraphicsRectItem" )
167                                 {
168                                         QString rect = items.item( i ).namedItem( "content" ).attributes().namedItem( "rect" ).nodeValue();
169                                         QString br_str = items.item( i ).namedItem( "content" ).attributes().namedItem( "brushcolor" ).nodeValue();
170                                         QString pen_str = items.item( i ).namedItem( "content" ).attributes().namedItem( "pencolor" ).nodeValue();
171                                         double penwidth = items.item( i ).namedItem( "content" ).attributes().namedItem( "penwidth" ).nodeValue().toDouble();
172                                         QGraphicsRectItem *rec = m_scene->addRect( stringToRect( rect ), QPen( QBrush( stringToColor( pen_str ) ), penwidth ), QBrush( stringToColor( br_str ) ) );
173                                         gitem = rec;
174                                 }
175                                 else if ( items.item( i ).attributes().namedItem( "type" ).nodeValue() == "QGraphicsPixmapItem" )
176                                 {
177                                         QString url = items.item( i ).namedItem( "content" ).attributes().namedItem( "url" ).nodeValue();
178                                         QPixmap pix( url );
179                                         QGraphicsPixmapItem *rec = m_scene->addPixmap( pix );
180                                         rec->setData( Qt::UserRole, url );
181                                         gitem = rec;
182                                 }
183                                 else if ( items.item( i ).attributes().namedItem( "type" ).nodeValue() == "QGraphicsSvgItem" )
184                                 {
185                                         QString url = items.item( i ).namedItem( "content" ).attributes().namedItem( "url" ).nodeValue();
186                                         //QGraphicsSvgItem *rec = new QGraphicsSvgItem(url);
187                                         //m_scene->addItem(rec);
188                                         //rec->setData(Qt::UserRole, url);
189                                         //gitem = rec;
190                                 }
191                         }
192                         //pos and transform
193                         if ( gitem )
194                         {
195                                 QPointF p( items.item( i ).namedItem( "position" ).attributes().namedItem( "x" ).nodeValue().toDouble(),
196                                            items.item( i ).namedItem( "position" ).attributes().namedItem( "y" ).nodeValue().toDouble() );
197                                 gitem->setPos( p );
198                                 gitem->setTransform( stringToTransform( items.item( i ).namedItem( "position" ).firstChild().firstChild().nodeValue() ) );
199                                 int zValue = items.item( i ).attributes().namedItem( "z-index" ).nodeValue().toInt();
200                                 if ( zValue > maxZValue ) maxZValue = zValue;
201                                 gitem->setZValue( zValue );
202                                 //gitem->setFlags(QGraphicsItem::ItemIsMovable | QGraphicsItem::ItemIsSelectable);
203                         }
204                         if ( items.item( i ).nodeName() == "background" )
205                         {
206                                 QColor color = QColor( stringToColor( items.item( i ).attributes().namedItem( "color" ).nodeValue() ) );
207                                 //color.setAlpha(items.item(i).attributes().namedItem("alpha").nodeValue().toInt());
208                                 QList<QGraphicsItem *> items = m_scene->items();
209                                 for ( int i = 0; i < items.size(); i++ )
210                                 {
211                                         if ( items.at( i )->zValue() == -1100 )
212                                         {
213                                                 (( QGraphicsRectItem * )items.at( i ) )->setBrush( QBrush( color ) );
214                                                 break;
215                                         }
216                                 }
217                         }
218                         else if ( items.item( i ).nodeName() == "startviewport" && startv )
219                         {
220                                 QString rect = items.item( i ).attributes().namedItem( "rect" ).nodeValue();
221                                 startv->setPolygon( stringToRect( rect ) );
222                         }
223                         else if ( items.item( i ).nodeName() == "endviewport" && endv )
224                         {
225                                 QString rect = items.item( i ).attributes().namedItem( "rect" ).nodeValue();
226                                 endv->setPolygon( stringToRect( rect ) );
227                         }
228                 }
229         }
230         return maxZValue;
231 }
233 QString Title::colorToString( const QColor& c )
234 {
235         QString ret = "%1,%2,%3,%4";
236         ret = ret.arg( c.red() ).arg( c.green() ).arg( c.blue() ).arg( c.alpha() );
237         return ret;
238 }
240 QString Title::rectFToString( const QRectF& c )
241 {
242         QString ret = "%1,%2,%3,%4";
243         ret = ret.arg( c.top() ).arg( c.left() ).arg( c.width() ).arg( c.height() );
244         return ret;
245 }
247 QRectF Title::stringToRect( const QString & s )
248 {
250         QStringList l = s.split( ',' );
251         if ( l.size() < 4 )
252                 return QRectF();
253         return QRectF( l.at( 0 ).toDouble(), l.at( 1 ).toDouble(), l.at( 2 ).toDouble(), l.at( 3 ).toDouble() ).normalized();
254 }
256 QColor Title::stringToColor( const QString & s )
257 {
258         QStringList l = s.split( ',' );
259         if ( l.size() < 4 )
260                 return QColor();
261         return QColor( l.at( 0 ).toInt(), l.at( 1 ).toInt(), l.at( 2 ).toInt(), l.at( 3 ).toInt() );
262         ;
263 }
264 QTransform Title::stringToTransform( const QString& s )
265 {
266         QStringList l = s.split( ',' );
267         if ( l.size() < 9 )
268                 return QTransform();
269         return QTransform(
270                    l.at( 0 ).toDouble(), l.at( 1 ).toDouble(), l.at( 2 ).toDouble(),
271                    l.at( 3 ).toDouble(), l.at( 4 ).toDouble(), l.at( 5 ).toDouble(),
272                    l.at( 6 ).toDouble(), l.at( 7 ).toDouble(), l.at( 8 ).toDouble()
273                );
274 }