- Change UCI::value() signature
This function should only return the value,
lowerbound and upperbound info is up to the
caller because it requires external knowledge,
out of the scope of this little helper.
- Retire 'key' command
It is not an UCI command and is absolutely
useless: never used.
- Comments fixing and other trivia
No functional change.
ss << "info depth " << d / ONE_PLY
<< " seldepth " << selDepth
<< " multipv " << i + 1
ss << "info depth " << d / ONE_PLY
<< " seldepth " << selDepth
<< " multipv " << i + 1
- << " score " << ((!tb && i == PVIdx) ? UCI::value(v, alpha, beta) : UCI::value(v))
- << " nodes " << pos.nodes_searched()
+ << " score " << UCI::value(v);
+ if (!tb && i == PVIdx)
+ ss << (v >= beta ? " lowerbound" : v <= alpha ? " upperbound" : "");
+ ss << " nodes " << pos.nodes_searched()
<< " nps " << pos.nodes_searched() * 1000 / elapsed
<< " tbhits " << TB::Hits
<< " time " << elapsed
<< " nps " << pos.nodes_searched() * 1000 / elapsed
<< " tbhits " << TB::Hits
<< " time " << elapsed
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
// FEN string of the initial position, normal chess
const char* StartFEN = "rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1";
// FEN string of the initial position, normal chess
const char* StartFEN = "rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1";
- // Keep a track of the position keys along the setup moves (from the start position
- // to the position just before the search starts). This is needed by the repetition
- // draw detection code.
+ // Stack to keep track of the position states along the setup moves (from the
+ // start position to the position just before the search starts). Needed by
+ // 'draw by repetition' detection.
Search::StateStackPtr SetupStates;
Search::StateStackPtr SetupStates;
// go() is called when engine receives the "go" UCI command. The function sets
// go() is called when engine receives the "go" UCI command. The function sets
- // the thinking time and other parameters from the input string, and starts
+ // the thinking time and other parameters from the input string, then starts
// the search.
void go(const Position& pos, istringstream& is) {
// the search.
void go(const Position& pos, istringstream& is) {
string token;
while (is >> token)
string token;
while (is >> token)
if (token == "searchmoves")
while (is >> token)
limits.searchmoves.push_back(UCI::to_move(pos, token));
if (token == "searchmoves")
while (is >> token)
limits.searchmoves.push_back(UCI::to_move(pos, token));
else if (token == "mate") is >> limits.mate;
else if (token == "infinite") limits.infinite = true;
else if (token == "ponder") limits.ponder = true;
else if (token == "mate") is >> limits.mate;
else if (token == "infinite") limits.infinite = true;
else if (token == "ponder") limits.ponder = true;
Threads.start_thinking(pos, limits, SetupStates);
Threads.start_thinking(pos, limits, SetupStates);
-/// Wait for a command from the user, parse this text string as an UCI command,
-/// and call the appropriate functions. Also intercepts EOF from stdin to ensure
-/// that we exit gracefully if the GUI dies unexpectedly. In addition to the UCI
-/// commands, the function also supports a few debug commands.
+/// UCI::loop() waits for a command from stdin, parses it and calls the appropriate
+/// function. Also intercepts EOF from stdin to ensure gracefully exiting if the
+/// GUI dies unexpectedly. When called with some command line arguments, e.g. to
+/// run 'bench', once the command is executed the function returns immediately.
+/// In addition to the UCI ones, also some additional debug commands are supported.
void UCI::loop(int argc, char* argv[]) {
void UCI::loop(int argc, char* argv[]) {
cmd += std::string(argv[i]) + " ";
do {
cmd += std::string(argv[i]) + " ";
do {
- if (argc == 1 && !getline(cin, cmd)) // Block here waiting for input
+ if (argc == 1 && !getline(cin, cmd)) // Block here waiting for input or EOF
cmd = "quit";
istringstream is(cmd);
cmd = "quit";
istringstream is(cmd);
token.clear(); // getline() could return empty or blank line
is >> skipws >> token;
token.clear(); // getline() could return empty or blank line
is >> skipws >> token;
- if (token == "quit" || token == "stop" || token == "ponderhit")
+ // The GUI sends 'ponderhit' to tell us to ponder on the same move the
+ // opponent has played. In case Signals.stopOnPonderhit is set we are
+ // waiting for 'ponderhit' to stop the search (for instance because we
+ // already ran out of time), otherwise we should continue searching but
+ // switching from pondering to normal search.
+ if ( token == "quit"
+ || token == "stop"
+ || (token == "ponderhit" && Search::Signals.stopOnPonderhit))
- // The GUI sends 'ponderhit' to tell us to ponder on the same move the
- // opponent has played. In case Signals.stopOnPonderhit is set we are
- // waiting for 'ponderhit' to stop the search (for instance because we
- // already ran out of time), otherwise we should continue searching but
- // switch from pondering to normal search.
- if (token != "ponderhit" || Search::Signals.stopOnPonderhit)
- {
- Search::Signals.stop = true;
- Threads.main()->notify_one(); // Could be sleeping
- }
- else
- Search::Limits.ponder = false;
+ Search::Signals.stop = true;
+ Threads.main()->notify_one(); // Could be sleeping
- else if (token == "perft")
- {
- int depth;
- stringstream ss;
- is >> depth;
- ss << Options["Hash"] << " "
- << Options["Threads"] << " " << depth << " current " << token;
- benchmark(pos, ss);
- }
- else if (token == "key")
- sync_cout << hex << uppercase << setfill('0')
- << "position key: " << setw(16) << pos.key()
- << "\nmaterial key: " << setw(16) << pos.material_key()
- << "\npawn key: " << setw(16) << pos.pawn_key()
- << dec << nouppercase << setfill(' ') << sync_endl;
+ else if (token == "ponderhit")
+ Search::Limits.ponder = false; // Switch to normal search
else if (token == "uci")
sync_cout << "id name " << engine_info(true)
<< "\n" << Options
<< "\nuciok" << sync_endl;
else if (token == "uci")
sync_cout << "id name " << engine_info(true)
<< "\n" << Options
<< "\nuciok" << sync_endl;
+ else if (token == "isready") sync_cout << "readyok" << sync_endl;
else if (token == "ucinewgame") TT.clear();
else if (token == "go") go(pos, is);
else if (token == "position") position(pos, is);
else if (token == "setoption") setoption(is);
else if (token == "ucinewgame") TT.clear();
else if (token == "go") go(pos, is);
else if (token == "position") position(pos, is);
else if (token == "setoption") setoption(is);
+ // Additional custom non-UCI commands, useful for debugging
else if (token == "flip") pos.flip();
else if (token == "bench") benchmark(pos, is);
else if (token == "d") sync_cout << pos << sync_endl;
else if (token == "flip") pos.flip();
else if (token == "bench") benchmark(pos, is);
else if (token == "d") sync_cout << pos << sync_endl;
- else if (token == "isready") sync_cout << "readyok" << sync_endl;
else if (token == "eval") sync_cout << Eval::trace(pos) << sync_endl;
else if (token == "eval") sync_cout << Eval::trace(pos) << sync_endl;
+ else if (token == "perft")
+ {
+ int depth;
+ stringstream ss;
+ is >> depth;
+ ss << Options["Hash"] << " "
+ << Options["Threads"] << " " << depth << " current perft";
+ benchmark(pos, ss);
+ }
sync_cout << "Unknown command: " << cmd << sync_endl;
sync_cout << "Unknown command: " << cmd << sync_endl;
-/// Convert a Value to a string suitable for use with the UCI protocol
-/// specifications:
+/// UCI::value() converts a Value to a string suitable for use with the UCI
+/// protocol specification:
-/// cp <x> The score from the engine's point of view in centipawns.
-/// mate <y> Mate in y moves, not plies. If the engine is getting mated
-/// use negative values for y.
+/// cp <x> The score from the engine's point of view in centipawns.
+/// mate <y> Mate in y moves, not plies. If the engine is getting mated
+/// use negative values for y.
-string UCI::value(Value v, Value alpha, Value beta) {
+string UCI::value(Value v) {
ss << "mate " << (v > 0 ? VALUE_MATE - v + 1 : -VALUE_MATE - v) / 2;
ss << "mate " << (v > 0 ? VALUE_MATE - v + 1 : -VALUE_MATE - v) / 2;
- ss << (v >= beta ? " lowerbound" : v <= alpha ? " upperbound" : "");
-/// Convert a Square to a string in algebraic notation (g1, a7, etc.)
+/// UCI::square() converts a Square to a string in algebraic notation (g1, a7, etc.)
std::string UCI::square(Square s) {
std::string UCI::square(Square s) {
- char sq[] = { char('a' + file_of(s)), char('1' + rank_of(s)), 0 };
+ char sq[] = { char('a' + file_of(s)), char('1' + rank_of(s)), 0 }; // NULL terminated
-/// Convert a Move to a string in pure coordinate notation (g1f3, a7a8q). The
-/// only special case is castling moves, where we print in the e1g1 notation in
-/// normal chess mode, and in e1h1 notation in chess960 mode. Internally
-/// castling moves are always encoded as "king captures rook".
+/// UCI::move() converts a Move to a string in coordinate notation (g1f3, a7a8q).
+/// The only special case is castling, where we print in the e1g1 notation in
+/// normal chess mode, and in e1h1 notation in chess960 mode. Internally all
+/// castling moves are always encoded as 'king captures rook'.
string UCI::move(Move m, bool chess960) {
string UCI::move(Move m, bool chess960) {
-/// Convert a string representing a move in pure coordinate notation to the
-/// corresponding legal Move, if any.
+/// UCI::to_move() converts a string representing a move in coordinate notation
+/// (g1f3, a7a8q) to the corresponding legal Move, if any.
Move UCI::to_move(const Position& pos, string& str) {
Move UCI::to_move(const Position& pos, string& str) {
void init(OptionsMap&);
void loop(int argc, char* argv[]);
void init(OptionsMap&);
void loop(int argc, char* argv[]);
-std::string value(Value v, Value alpha = -VALUE_INFINITE, Value beta = VALUE_INFINITE);
+std::string value(Value v);
std::string square(Square s);
std::string move(Move m, bool chess960);
Move to_move(const Position& pos, std::string& str);
std::string square(Square s);
std::string move(Move m, bool chess960);
Move to_move(const Position& pos, std::string& str);