msvc_common_flags "$@"
for flag; do
case $flag in
- -Wall) echo -W4 -wd4244 -wd4127 -wd4018 -wd4389 \
+ -Wall) echo -W4 -wd4244 -wd4127 -wd4018 -wd4389 \
-wd4146 -wd4057 -wd4204 -wd4706 -wd4305 \
-wd4152 -wd4324 -we4013 -wd4100 -wd4214 \
+ -wd4554 \
-wd4996 -wd4273 ;;
core2) echo -xarch=ssse3 -xchip=core2 ;;
corei7) echo -xarch=sse4_2 -xchip=nehalem ;;
corei7-avx) echo -xarch=avx -xchip=sandybridge ;;
- amdfam10|barcelona) echo -xtarget=barcelona ;;
- bdver*) echo -xarch=avx ;;
- athlon-4|athlon-[mx]p) echo -xarch=ssea ;;
- amdfam10|barcelona|bdver*) echo -xarch=sse4_1 ;;
++ amdfam10|barcelona) echo -xtarget=barcelona ;;
++ bdver*) echo -xarch=avx ;;
+ athlon-4|athlon-[mx]p) echo -xarch=ssea ;;
- echo -xarch=sse2a ;;
- athlon*) echo -xarch=pentium_proa ;;
+ echo -xarch=sse2a ;;
+ athlon*) echo -xarch=pentium_proa ;;
-std=c99) echo -xc99 ;;
# these are off by default, so fail if requested and not available
- enabled avisynth && { { check_lib2 "windows.h" LoadLibrary; } ||
- { check_lib2 "dlfcn.h" dlopen -ldl; } ||
- die "ERROR: LoadLibrary/dlopen not found for avisynth"; }
- enabled fontconfig && require_pkg_config fontconfig "fontconfig/fontconfig.h" FcInit
- enabled frei0r && { check_header frei0r.h || die "ERROR: frei0r.h header not found"; }
- enabled gnutls && require_pkg_config gnutls gnutls/gnutls.h gnutls_global_init
- enabled libiec61883 && require libiec61883 libiec61883/iec61883.h iec61883_cmp_connect -lraw1394 -lavc1394 -lrom1394 -liec61883
- enabled libaacplus && require "libaacplus >= 2.0.0" aacplus.h aacplusEncOpen -laacplus
- enabled libass && require_pkg_config libass ass/ass.h ass_library_init
- enabled libbluray && require libbluray libbluray/bluray.h bd_open -lbluray
- enabled libcelt && require libcelt celt/celt.h celt_decode -lcelt0 &&
- { check_lib celt/celt.h celt_decoder_create_custom -lcelt0 ||
- die "ERROR: libcelt must be installed and version must be >= 0.11.0."; }
- enabled libcaca && require_pkg_config caca caca.h caca_create_canvas
- enabled libfaac && require2 libfaac "stdint.h faac.h" faacEncGetVersion -lfaac
- enabled libfdk_aac && require libfdk_aac fdk-aac/aacenc_lib.h aacEncOpen -lfdk-aac
-enabled avisynth && require2 vfw32 "windows.h vfw.h" AVIFileInit -lavifil32
++enabled avisynth && { { check_lib2 "windows.h" LoadLibrary; } ||
++ { check_lib2 "dlfcn.h" dlopen -ldl; } ||
++ die "ERROR: LoadLibrary/dlopen not found for avisynth"; }
++enabled fontconfig && require_pkg_config fontconfig "fontconfig/fontconfig.h" FcInit
+ enabled frei0r && { check_header frei0r.h || die "ERROR: frei0r.h header not found"; }
+ enabled gnutls && require_pkg_config gnutls gnutls/gnutls.h gnutls_global_init
++enabled libiec61883 && require libiec61883 libiec61883/iec61883.h iec61883_cmp_connect -lraw1394 -lavc1394 -lrom1394 -liec61883
++enabled libaacplus && require "libaacplus >= 2.0.0" aacplus.h aacplusEncOpen -laacplus
++enabled libass && require_pkg_config libass ass/ass.h ass_library_init
++enabled libbluray && require libbluray libbluray/bluray.h bd_open -lbluray
++enabled libcelt && require libcelt celt/celt.h celt_decode -lcelt0 &&
++ { check_lib celt/celt.h celt_decoder_create_custom -lcelt0 ||
++ die "ERROR: libcelt must be installed and version must be >= 0.11.0."; }
++enabled libcaca && require_pkg_config caca caca.h caca_create_canvas
+ enabled libfaac && require2 libfaac "stdint.h faac.h" faacEncGetVersion -lfaac
+ enabled libfdk_aac && require libfdk_aac fdk-aac/aacenc_lib.h aacEncOpen -lfdk-aac
+flite_libs="-lflite_cmu_time_awb -lflite_cmu_us_awb -lflite_cmu_us_kal -lflite_cmu_us_kal16 -lflite_cmu_us_rms -lflite_cmu_us_slt -lflite_usenglish -lflite_cmulex -lflite"
- enabled libflite && require2 libflite "flite/flite.h" flite_init $flite_libs
- enabled libfreetype && require_pkg_config freetype2 "ft2build.h freetype/freetype.h" FT_Init_FreeType
- enabled libgsm && { for gsm_hdr in "gsm.h" "gsm/gsm.h"; do
- check_lib "${gsm_hdr}" gsm_create -lgsm && break;
- done || die "ERROR: libgsm not found"; }
- enabled libilbc && require libilbc ilbc.h WebRtcIlbcfix_InitDecode -lilbc
- enabled libmodplug && require libmodplug libmodplug/modplug.h ModPlug_Load -lmodplug
- enabled libmp3lame && require "libmp3lame >= 3.98.3" lame/lame.h lame_set_VBR_quality -lmp3lame
- enabled libnut && require libnut libnut.h nut_demuxer_init -lnut
- enabled libopencore_amrnb && require libopencore_amrnb opencore-amrnb/interf_dec.h Decoder_Interface_init -lopencore-amrnb
- enabled libopencore_amrwb && require libopencore_amrwb opencore-amrwb/dec_if.h D_IF_init -lopencore-amrwb
- enabled libopencv && require_pkg_config opencv opencv/cxcore.h cvCreateImageHeader
- enabled libopenjpeg && { check_lib openjpeg-1.5/openjpeg.h opj_version -lopenjpeg ||
- check_lib openjpeg.h opj_version -lopenjpeg ||
- die "ERROR: libopenjpeg not found"; }
- enabled libopus && require_pkg_config opus opus_multistream.h opus_multistream_decoder_create
- enabled libpulse && require_pkg_config libpulse-simple pulse/simple.h pa_simple_new
- enabled libquvi && require_pkg_config libquvi quvi/quvi.h quvi_init
- enabled librtmp && require_pkg_config librtmp librtmp/rtmp.h RTMP_Socket
- enabled libschroedinger && require_pkg_config schroedinger-1.0 schroedinger/schro.h schro_init
- enabled libshine && require_pkg_config shine shine/layer3.h shine_encode_frame
- enabled libsoxr && require libsoxr soxr.h soxr_create -lsoxr
- enabled libspeex && require libspeex speex/speex.h speex_decoder_init -lspeex
- enabled libstagefright_h264 && require_cpp libstagefright_h264 "binder/ProcessState.h media/stagefright/MetaData.h
++enabled libflite && require2 libflite "flite/flite.h" flite_init $flite_libs
+ enabled libfreetype && require_pkg_config freetype2 "ft2build.h freetype/freetype.h" FT_Init_FreeType
+ enabled libgsm && { for gsm_hdr in "gsm.h" "gsm/gsm.h"; do
+ check_lib "${gsm_hdr}" gsm_create -lgsm && break;
+ done || die "ERROR: libgsm not found"; }
+ enabled libilbc && require libilbc ilbc.h WebRtcIlbcfix_InitDecode -lilbc
++enabled libmodplug && require libmodplug libmodplug/modplug.h ModPlug_Load -lmodplug
+ enabled libmp3lame && require "libmp3lame >= 3.98.3" lame/lame.h lame_set_VBR_quality -lmp3lame
++enabled libnut && require libnut libnut.h nut_demuxer_init -lnut
+ enabled libopencore_amrnb && require libopencore_amrnb opencore-amrnb/interf_dec.h Decoder_Interface_init -lopencore-amrnb
+ enabled libopencore_amrwb && require libopencore_amrwb opencore-amrwb/dec_if.h D_IF_init -lopencore-amrwb
-enabled libopencv && require_pkg_config opencv opencv/cv.h cvCreateImageHeader
-enabled libopenjpeg && require libopenjpeg openjpeg.h opj_version -lopenjpeg
++enabled libopencv && require_pkg_config opencv opencv/cxcore.h cvCreateImageHeader
++enabled libopenjpeg && { check_lib openjpeg-1.5/openjpeg.h opj_version -lopenjpeg ||
++ check_lib openjpeg.h opj_version -lopenjpeg ||
++ die "ERROR: libopenjpeg not found"; }
+ enabled libopus && require_pkg_config opus opus_multistream.h opus_multistream_decoder_create
+ enabled libpulse && require_pkg_config libpulse-simple pulse/simple.h pa_simple_new
++enabled libquvi && require_pkg_config libquvi quvi/quvi.h quvi_init
+ enabled librtmp && require_pkg_config librtmp librtmp/rtmp.h RTMP_Socket
+ enabled libschroedinger && require_pkg_config schroedinger-1.0 schroedinger/schro.h schro_init
++enabled libshine && require_pkg_config shine shine/layer3.h shine_encode_frame
++enabled libsoxr && require libsoxr soxr.h soxr_create -lsoxr
+ enabled libspeex && require libspeex speex/speex.h speex_decoder_init -lspeex
++enabled libstagefright_h264 && require_cpp libstagefright_h264 "binder/ProcessState.h media/stagefright/MetaData.h
+ media/stagefright/MediaBufferGroup.h media/stagefright/MediaDebug.h media/stagefright/MediaDefs.h
+ media/stagefright/OMXClient.h media/stagefright/OMXCodec.h" android::OMXClient -lstagefright -lmedia -lutils -lbinder -lgnustl_static
- enabled libtheora && require libtheora theora/theoraenc.h th_info_init -ltheoraenc -ltheoradec -logg
- enabled libtwolame && require libtwolame twolame.h twolame_init -ltwolame &&
- { check_lib twolame.h twolame_encode_buffer_float32_interleaved -ltwolame ||
- die "ERROR: libtwolame must be installed and version must be >= 0.3.10"; }
- enabled libutvideo && require_cpp utvideo "stdint.h stdlib.h utvideo/utvideo.h utvideo/Codec.h" 'CCodec*' -lutvideo -lstdc++
- enabled libv4l2 && require_pkg_config libv4l2 libv4l2.h v4l2_ioctl
- enabled libvidstab && require_pkg_config vidstab vid.stab/libvidstab.h vsMotionDetectInit
- enabled libvo_aacenc && require libvo_aacenc vo-aacenc/voAAC.h voGetAACEncAPI -lvo-aacenc
- enabled libvo_amrwbenc && require libvo_amrwbenc vo-amrwbenc/enc_if.h E_IF_init -lvo-amrwbenc
- enabled libvorbis && require libvorbis vorbis/vorbisenc.h vorbis_info_init -lvorbisenc -lvorbis -logg
- enabled libvpx && {
+ enabled libtheora && require libtheora theora/theoraenc.h th_info_init -ltheoraenc -ltheoradec -logg
++enabled libtwolame && require libtwolame twolame.h twolame_init -ltwolame &&
++ { check_lib twolame.h twolame_encode_buffer_float32_interleaved -ltwolame ||
++ die "ERROR: libtwolame must be installed and version must be >= 0.3.10"; }
++enabled libutvideo && require_cpp utvideo "stdint.h stdlib.h utvideo/utvideo.h utvideo/Codec.h" 'CCodec*' -lutvideo -lstdc++
++enabled libv4l2 && require_pkg_config libv4l2 libv4l2.h v4l2_ioctl
++enabled libvidstab && require_pkg_config vidstab vid.stab/libvidstab.h vsMotionDetectInit
+ enabled libvo_aacenc && require libvo_aacenc vo-aacenc/voAAC.h voGetAACEncAPI -lvo-aacenc
+ enabled libvo_amrwbenc && require libvo_amrwbenc vo-amrwbenc/enc_if.h E_IF_init -lvo-amrwbenc
+ enabled libvorbis && require libvorbis vorbis/vorbisenc.h vorbis_info_init -lvorbisenc -lvorbis -logg
+ enabled libvpx && {
enabled libvpx_vp8_decoder && { check_lib2 "vpx/vpx_decoder.h vpx/vp8dx.h" vpx_codec_dec_init_ver -lvpx ||
- die "ERROR: libvpx decoder version must be >=0.9.1"; }
+ die "ERROR: libvpx decoder version must be >=0.9.1"; }
- enabled libvpx_vp8_encoder && { check_lib2 "vpx/vpx_encoder.h vpx/vp8cx.h" "vpx_codec_enc_init_ver VPX_CQ" -lvpx ||
- die "ERROR: libvpx encoder version must be >=0.9.6"; }
+ enabled libvpx_vp8_encoder && { check_lib2 "vpx/vpx_encoder.h vpx/vp8cx.h" "vpx_codec_enc_init_ver VP8E_SET_MAX_INTRA_BITRATE_PCT" -lvpx ||
- die "ERROR: libvpx encoder version must be >=0.9.7"; }
- enabled libvpx_vp9_decoder && { check_lib2 "vpx/vpx_decoder.h vpx/vp8dx.h" "vpx_codec_vp9_dx" -lvpx || disable libvpx_vp9_decoder; }
++ die "ERROR: libvpx encoder version must be >=0.9.7"; }
+ enabled libvpx_vp9_decoder && { check_lib2 "vpx/vpx_decoder.h vpx/vp8dx.h" "vpx_codec_vp9_dx" -lvpx || disable libvpx_vp9_decoder; }
enabled libvpx_vp9_encoder && { check_lib2 "vpx/vpx_encoder.h vpx/vp8cx.h" "vpx_codec_vp9_cx" -lvpx || disable libvpx_vp9_encoder; } }
- enabled libwavpack && require libwavpack wavpack/wavpack.h WavpackOpenFileOutput -lwavpack
- enabled libx264 && require libx264 x264.h x264_encoder_encode -lx264 &&
- { check_cpp_condition x264.h "X264_BUILD >= 118" ||
- die "ERROR: libx264 must be installed and version must be >= 0.118."; }
- enabled libxavs && require libxavs xavs.h xavs_encoder_encode -lxavs
- enabled libxvid && require libxvid xvid.h xvid_global -lxvidcore
- enabled libzmq && require_pkg_config libzmq zmq.h zmq_ctx_new
- enabled openal && { { for al_libs in "${OPENAL_LIBS}" "-lopenal" "-lOpenAL32"; do
- check_lib 'AL/al.h' alGetError "${al_libs}" && break; done } ||
- die "ERROR: openal not found"; } &&
- { check_cpp_condition "AL/al.h" "defined(AL_VERSION_1_1)" ||
- die "ERROR: openal must be installed and version must be 1.1 or compatible"; }
- enabled opencl && { check_lib2 OpenCL/cl.h clEnqueueNDRangeKernel -Wl,-framework,OpenCL ||
- check_lib2 CL/cl.h clEnqueueNDRangeKernel -lOpenCL ||
- die "ERROR: opencl not found"; } &&
- { check_cpp_condition "OpenCL/cl.h" "defined(CL_VERSION_1_2)" ||
- check_cpp_condition "CL/cl.h" "defined(CL_VERSION_1_2)" ||
- die "ERROR: opencl must be installed and version must be 1.2 or compatible"; }
- enabled openssl && { check_lib openssl/ssl.h SSL_library_init -lssl -lcrypto ||
- check_lib openssl/ssl.h SSL_library_init -lssl32 -leay32 ||
- check_lib openssl/ssl.h SSL_library_init -lssl -lcrypto -lws2_32 -lgdi32 ||
- die "ERROR: openssl not found"; }
+ enabled libwavpack && require libwavpack wavpack/wavpack.h WavpackOpenFileOutput -lwavpack
+ enabled libx264 && require libx264 x264.h x264_encoder_encode -lx264 &&
+ { check_cpp_condition x264.h "X264_BUILD >= 118" ||
- die "ERROR: libx264 version must be >= 0.118."; }
++ die "ERROR: libx264 must be installed and version must be >= 0.118."; }
+ enabled libxavs && require libxavs xavs.h xavs_encoder_encode -lxavs
+ enabled libxvid && require libxvid xvid.h xvid_global -lxvidcore
++enabled libzmq && require_pkg_config libzmq zmq.h zmq_ctx_new
++enabled openal && { { for al_libs in "${OPENAL_LIBS}" "-lopenal" "-lOpenAL32"; do
++ check_lib 'AL/al.h' alGetError "${al_libs}" && break; done } ||
++ die "ERROR: openal not found"; } &&
++ { check_cpp_condition "AL/al.h" "defined(AL_VERSION_1_1)" ||
++ die "ERROR: openal must be installed and version must be 1.1 or compatible"; }
++enabled opencl && { check_lib2 OpenCL/cl.h clEnqueueNDRangeKernel -Wl,-framework,OpenCL ||
++ check_lib2 CL/cl.h clEnqueueNDRangeKernel -lOpenCL ||
++ die "ERROR: opencl not found"; } &&
++ { check_cpp_condition "OpenCL/cl.h" "defined(CL_VERSION_1_2)" ||
++ check_cpp_condition "CL/cl.h" "defined(CL_VERSION_1_2)" ||
++ die "ERROR: opencl must be installed and version must be 1.2 or compatible"; }
+ enabled openssl && { check_lib openssl/ssl.h SSL_library_init -lssl -lcrypto ||
+ check_lib openssl/ssl.h SSL_library_init -lssl32 -leay32 ||
+ check_lib openssl/ssl.h SSL_library_init -lssl -lcrypto -lws2_32 -lgdi32 ||
+ die "ERROR: openssl not found"; }
if enabled gnutls; then
{ check_lib nettle/bignum.h nettle_mpz_get_str_256 -lnettle -lhogweed -lgmp && enable nettle; } ||
check_header dev/ic/bt8xx.h
check_header sndio.h
-check_header sys/soundcard.h
+if check_struct sys/soundcard.h audio_buf_info bytes; then
+ enable_safe sys/soundcard.h
+ check_cc -D__BSD_VISIBLE -D__XSI_VISIBLE <<EOF && add_cppflags -D__BSD_VISIBLE -D__XSI_VISIBLE && enable_safe sys/soundcard.h
+ #include <sys/soundcard.h>
+ audio_buf_info abc;
check_header soundcard.h
- enabled_any alsa_indev alsa_outdev && check_lib2 alsa/asoundlib.h snd_pcm_htimestamp -lasound
+ enabled_any alsa_indev alsa_outdev &&
+ check_lib2 alsa/asoundlib.h snd_pcm_htimestamp -lasound
-enabled jack_indev && check_lib2 jack/jack.h jack_client_open -ljack &&
+enabled jack_indev && check_lib2 jack/jack.h jack_client_open -ljack && check_func sem_timedwait &&
check_func jack_port_get_latency_range -ljack
enabled_any sndio_indev sndio_outdev && check_lib2 sndio.h sio_open -lsndio
-lavfi_libs="libavutil = $LIBAVUTIL_VERSION"
-enabled movie_filter && prepend lavfi_libs "libavformat >= $LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION, libavcodec >= $LIBAVCODEC_VERSION,"
-enabled resample_filter && prepend lavfi_libs "libavresample >= $LIBAVRESAMPLE_VERSION,"
-enabled scale_filter && prepend lavfi_libs "libswscale >= $LIBSWSCALE_VERSION,"
+lavfi_libs="libavutil${build_suffix} = $LIBAVUTIL_VERSION"
+enabled libavfilter_deps_avcodec && prepend lavfi_libs "libavcodec${build_suffix} = $LIBAVCODEC_VERSION,"
+enabled libavfilter_deps_avformat && prepend lavfi_libs "libavformat${build_suffix} = $LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION,"
+enabled libavfilter_deps_avresample && prepend lavfi_libs "libavresample${build_suffix} = $LIBAVRESAMPLE_VERSION,"
+enabled libavfilter_deps_swscale && prepend lavfi_libs "libswscale${build_suffix} = $LIBSWSCALE_VERSION,"
+enabled libavfilter_deps_swresample && prepend lavfi_libs "libswresample${build_suffix} = $LIBSWRESAMPLE_VERSION,"
+enabled libavfilter_deps_postproc && prepend lavfi_libs "libpostproc${build_suffix} = $LIBPOSTPROC_VERSION,"
+lavfi_libs=${lavfi_libs%, }
+lavd_libs="libavformat${build_suffix} = $LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION"
+enabled lavfi_indev && prepend lavd_libs "libavfilter${build_suffix} = $LIBAVFILTER_VERSION,"
- pkgconfig_generate libavutil "FFmpeg utility library" "$LIBAVUTIL_VERSION" "$LIBM"
- pkgconfig_generate libavcodec "FFmpeg codec library" "$LIBAVCODEC_VERSION" "$extralibs" "libavutil${build_suffix} = $LIBAVUTIL_VERSION"
- pkgconfig_generate libavformat "FFmpeg container format library" "$LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION" "$extralibs" "libavcodec${build_suffix} = $LIBAVCODEC_VERSION"
- pkgconfig_generate libavdevice "FFmpeg device handling library" "$LIBAVDEVICE_VERSION" "$extralibs" "$lavd_libs"
- pkgconfig_generate libavfilter "FFmpeg audio/video filtering library" "$LIBAVFILTER_VERSION" "$extralibs" "$lavfi_libs"
- pkgconfig_generate libpostproc "FFmpeg postprocessing library" "$LIBPOSTPROC_VERSION" "" "libavutil${build_suffix} = $LIBAVUTIL_VERSION"
- pkgconfig_generate libavresample "Libav audio resampling library" "$LIBAVRESAMPLE_VERSION" "$extralibs" "libavutil${build_suffix} = $LIBAVUTIL_VERSION"
- pkgconfig_generate libswscale "FFmpeg image rescaling library" "$LIBSWSCALE_VERSION" "$LIBM" "libavutil${build_suffix} = $LIBAVUTIL_VERSION"
- pkgconfig_generate libswresample "FFmpeg audio resampling library" "$LIBSWRESAMPLE_VERSION" "$LIBM" "libavutil${build_suffix} = $LIBAVUTIL_VERSION"
++pkgconfig_generate libavutil "FFmpeg utility library" "$LIBAVUTIL_VERSION" "$LIBM"
++pkgconfig_generate libavcodec "FFmpeg codec library" "$LIBAVCODEC_VERSION" "$extralibs" "libavutil${build_suffix} = $LIBAVUTIL_VERSION"
++pkgconfig_generate libavformat "FFmpeg container format library" "$LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION" "$extralibs" "libavcodec${build_suffix} = $LIBAVCODEC_VERSION"
++pkgconfig_generate libavdevice "FFmpeg device handling library" "$LIBAVDEVICE_VERSION" "$extralibs" "$lavd_libs"
++pkgconfig_generate libavfilter "FFmpeg audio/video filtering library" "$LIBAVFILTER_VERSION" "$extralibs" "$lavfi_libs"
++pkgconfig_generate libpostproc "FFmpeg postprocessing library" "$LIBPOSTPROC_VERSION" "" "libavutil${build_suffix} = $LIBAVUTIL_VERSION"
++pkgconfig_generate libavresample "Libav audio resampling library" "$LIBAVRESAMPLE_VERSION" "$extralibs" "libavutil${build_suffix} = $LIBAVUTIL_VERSION"
++pkgconfig_generate libswscale "FFmpeg image rescaling library" "$LIBSWSCALE_VERSION" "$LIBM" "libavutil${build_suffix} = $LIBAVUTIL_VERSION"
++pkgconfig_generate libswresample "FFmpeg audio resampling library" "$LIBSWRESAMPLE_VERSION" "$LIBM" "libavutil${build_suffix} = $LIBAVUTIL_VERSION"
+ git_remote_from=$1
+ git_remote_to=$2
+ fixme_remote=$(git --git-dir=$source_path/.git --work-tree=$source_path remote -v | grep $git_remote_from | cut -f 1 | sort | uniq)
+ if [ "$fixme_remote" != "" ]; then
+ echolog "
+Outdated domain in git config, the official domain for ffmpeg git is since
+November 2011,, both the old and the new point to the same
+repository and server. To update it enter the following commands:
+ for remote in $fixme_remote; do
+ echolog "git remote set-url $remote $git_remote_to"
+ done
+ fi
-pkgconfig_generate libavutil "Libav utility library" "$LIBAVUTIL_VERSION" "$LIBM"
-pkgconfig_generate libavcodec "Libav codec library" "$LIBAVCODEC_VERSION" "$extralibs" "libavutil = $LIBAVUTIL_VERSION"
-pkgconfig_generate libavformat "Libav container format library" "$LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION" "$extralibs" "libavcodec = $LIBAVCODEC_VERSION"
-pkgconfig_generate libavdevice "Libav device handling library" "$LIBAVDEVICE_VERSION" "$extralibs" "libavformat = $LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION"
-pkgconfig_generate libavfilter "Libav video filtering library" "$LIBAVFILTER_VERSION" "$extralibs" "$lavfi_libs"
-pkgconfig_generate libavresample "Libav audio resampling library" "$LIBAVRESAMPLE_VERSION" "$extralibs" "libavutil = $LIBAVUTIL_VERSION"
-pkgconfig_generate libswscale "Libav image rescaling library" "$LIBSWSCALE_VERSION" "$LIBM" "libavutil = $LIBAVUTIL_VERSION"
+if test -f "$source_path/.git/config"; then
+ fix_ffmpeg_remote git@$remote_from:ffmpeg git@$remote_to:ffmpeg
+ fix_ffmpeg_remote git://$remote_from/ffmpeg git://$remote_to/ffmpeg