-PKG_MODULES = Qt5Core Qt5Gui Qt5Widgets Qt5OpenGLExtensions Qt5OpenGL libusb-1.0 movit
+PKG_MODULES = Qt5Core Qt5Gui Qt5Widgets Qt5OpenGLExtensions Qt5OpenGL libusb-1.0 movit lua5.2
CXXFLAGS := -O2 -march=native -g -std=gnu++11 -Wall -Wno-deprecated-declarations -fPIC $(shell pkg-config --cflags $(PKG_MODULES)) -pthread -DMOVIT_SHADER_DIR=\"$(shell pkg-config --variable=shaderdir movit)\"
LDFLAGS=$(shell pkg-config --libs $(PKG_MODULES)) -lEGL -lGL -pthread -lva -lva-drm -lva-x11 -lX11 -lavformat -lavcodec -lavutil
OBJS += glwidget.moc.o mainwindow.moc.o window.moc.o
# Mixer objects
-OBJS += h264encode.o mixer.o bmusb.o pbo_frame_allocator.o context.o ref_counted_frame.o
+OBJS += h264encode.o mixer.o bmusb.o pbo_frame_allocator.o context.o ref_counted_frame.o theme.o
%.o: %.cpp
$(CXX) -MMD -MP $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) -o $@ -c $<
resource_pool.reset(new ResourcePool);
+ theme.reset(new Theme("theme.lua", resource_pool.get()));
output_channel[OUTPUT_LIVE].parent = this;
output_channel[OUTPUT_PREVIEW].parent = this;
output_channel[OUTPUT_INPUT0].parent = this;
input_ycbcr_format.luma_coefficients = YCBCR_REC_601;
input_ycbcr_format.full_range = false;
- YCbCrFormat output_ycbcr_format;
- output_ycbcr_format.chroma_subsampling_x = 1;
- output_ycbcr_format.chroma_subsampling_y = 1;
- output_ycbcr_format.luma_coefficients = YCBCR_REC_601;
- output_ycbcr_format.full_range = false;
- // Main chain.
- chain.reset(new EffectChain(WIDTH, HEIGHT, resource_pool.get()));
- check_error();
- input[0] = new YCbCrInput(inout_format, input_ycbcr_format, WIDTH, HEIGHT, YCBCR_INPUT_SPLIT_Y_AND_CBCR);
- chain->add_input(input[0]);
- input[1] = new YCbCrInput(inout_format, input_ycbcr_format, WIDTH, HEIGHT, YCBCR_INPUT_SPLIT_Y_AND_CBCR);
- chain->add_input(input[1]);
- resample_effect = chain->add_effect(new ResampleEffect(), input[0]);
- padding_effect = chain->add_effect(new IntegralPaddingEffect());
- float border_color[] = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f };
- CHECK(padding_effect->set_vec4("border_color", border_color));
- resample2_effect = chain->add_effect(new ResampleEffect(), input[1]);
- Effect *saturation_effect = chain->add_effect(new SaturationEffect());
- CHECK(saturation_effect->set_float("saturation", 0.3f));
- Effect *wb_effect = chain->add_effect(new WhiteBalanceEffect());
- CHECK(wb_effect->set_float("output_color_temperature", 3500.0));
- padding2_effect = chain->add_effect(new IntegralPaddingEffect());
- chain->add_effect(new OverlayEffect(), padding_effect, padding2_effect);
- chain->add_output(inout_format, OUTPUT_ALPHA_FORMAT_POSTMULTIPLIED);
- chain->add_ycbcr_output(inout_format, OUTPUT_ALPHA_FORMAT_POSTMULTIPLIED, output_ycbcr_format, YCBCR_OUTPUT_SPLIT_Y_AND_CBCR);
- chain->set_dither_bits(8);
- chain->set_output_origin(OUTPUT_ORIGIN_TOP_LEFT);
- chain->finalize();
// Display chain; shows the live output produced by the main chain (its RGBA version).
display_chain.reset(new EffectChain(WIDTH, HEIGHT, resource_pool.get()));
for (int card_index = 0; card_index < NUM_CARDS; ++card_index) {
- input[card_index]->set_pixel_data(0, nullptr, 0);
- input[card_index]->set_pixel_data(1, nullptr, 0);
right1 = right1 * scale0 + tx0;
+#if 0
place_rectangle(resample_effect, padding_effect, left0, top0, right0, bottom0);
place_rectangle(resample2_effect, padding2_effect, left1, top1, right1, bottom1);
CaptureCard card_copy[NUM_CARDS];
if (!card->new_data_ready)
+ assert(card->new_frame != nullptr);
bmusb_current_rendering_frame[card_index] = card->new_frame;
const PBOFrameAllocator::Userdata *userdata = (const PBOFrameAllocator::Userdata *)card->new_frame->userdata;
- input[card_index]->set_texture_num(0, userdata->tex_y);
- input[card_index]->set_texture_num(1, userdata->tex_cbcr);
- if (NUM_CARDS == 1) {
- // Set to the other one, too.
- input[1]->set_texture_num(0, userdata->tex_y);
- input[1]->set_texture_num(1, userdata->tex_cbcr);
- }
+ theme->set_input_textures(card_index, userdata->tex_y, userdata->tex_cbcr);
+ // Get the main chain from the theme, and set its state immediately.
+ pair<EffectChain *, function<void()>> theme_main_chain = theme->get_chain(0, frame / 60.0f, WIDTH, HEIGHT);
+ EffectChain *chain = theme_main_chain.first;
+ theme_main_chain.second();
GLuint y_tex, cbcr_tex;
bool got_frame = h264_encoder->begin_frame(&y_tex, &cbcr_tex);
// The preview frame shows the first input. Note that the textures
// are owned by the input frame, not the display frame.
- {
+ if (bmusb_current_rendering_frame[0] != nullptr) {
const PBOFrameAllocator::Userdata *input0_userdata = (const PBOFrameAllocator::Userdata *)bmusb_current_rendering_frame[0]->userdata;
GLuint input0_y_tex = input0_userdata->tex_y;
GLuint input0_cbcr_tex = input0_userdata->tex_cbcr;
// Same for the other preview.
// TODO: Use a for loop. Gah.
- {
+ if (bmusb_current_rendering_frame[1] != nullptr) {
const PBOFrameAllocator::Userdata *input1_userdata = (const PBOFrameAllocator::Userdata *)bmusb_current_rendering_frame[1]->userdata;
GLuint input1_y_tex = input1_userdata->tex_y;
GLuint input1_cbcr_tex = input1_userdata->tex_cbcr;
#include "pbo_frame_allocator.h"
#include "ref_counted_frame.h"
#include "ref_counted_gl_sync.h"
+#include "theme.h"
#define NUM_CARDS 2
QSurface *mixer_surface, *h264_encoder_surface;
std::unique_ptr<movit::ResourcePool> resource_pool;
- std::unique_ptr<movit::EffectChain> chain;
+ std::unique_ptr<Theme> theme;
std::unique_ptr<movit::EffectChain> display_chain;
std::unique_ptr<movit::EffectChain> preview0_chain;
std::unique_ptr<movit::EffectChain> preview1_chain;
GLuint cbcr_program_num; // Owned by <resource_pool>.
std::unique_ptr<H264Encoder> h264_encoder;
- // Effects part of <chain>. Owned by <chain>.
- movit::YCbCrInput *input[NUM_CARDS];
- movit::Effect *resample_effect, *resample2_effect;
- movit::Effect *padding_effect, *padding2_effect;
// Effects part of <display_chain>. Owned by <display_chain>.
movit::FlatInput *display_input;
--- /dev/null
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <lua.h>
+#include <lualib.h>
+#include <lauxlib.h>
+#include <new>
+#include <utility>
+#include <movit/effect_chain.h>
+#include <movit/ycbcr_input.h>
+#include <movit/white_balance_effect.h>
+#include "theme.h"
+#define WIDTH 1280 // FIXME
+#define HEIGHT 720 // FIXME
+using namespace std;
+using namespace movit;
+namespace {
+vector<LiveInputWrapper *> live_inputs;
+template<class T, class... Args>
+int wrap_lua_object(lua_State* L, const char *class_name, Args&&... args)
+ // Construct the C++ object and put it on the stack.
+ void *mem = lua_newuserdata(L, sizeof(T));
+ new(mem) T(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
+ // Look up the metatable named <class_name>, and set it on the new object.
+ luaL_getmetatable(L, class_name);
+ lua_setmetatable(L, -2);
+ return 1;
+Theme *get_theme_updata(lua_State* L)
+ luaL_checktype(L, lua_upvalueindex(1), LUA_TLIGHTUSERDATA);
+ return (Theme *)lua_touserdata(L, lua_upvalueindex(1));
+bool checkbool(lua_State* L, int idx)
+ luaL_checktype(L, idx, LUA_TBOOLEAN);
+ return lua_toboolean(L, idx);
+int EffectChain_new(lua_State* L)
+ assert(lua_gettop(L) == 2);
+ int aspect_w = luaL_checknumber(L, 1);
+ int aspect_h = luaL_checknumber(L, 2);
+ return wrap_lua_object<EffectChain>(L, "EffectChain", aspect_w, aspect_h);
+int EffectChain_add_live_input(lua_State* L)
+ assert(lua_gettop(L) == 1);
+ Theme *theme = get_theme_updata(L);
+ EffectChain *chain = (EffectChain *)luaL_checkudata(L, 1, "EffectChain");
+ return wrap_lua_object<LiveInputWrapper>(L, "LiveInputWrapper", theme, chain);
+int EffectChain_add_effect(lua_State* L)
+ assert(lua_gettop(L) == 3);
+ EffectChain *chain = (EffectChain *)luaL_checkudata(L, 1, "EffectChain");
+ // FIXME: This needs a lot of work.
+ Effect *effect1 = (Effect *)luaL_checkudata(L, 2, "WhiteBalanceEffect");
+ LiveInputWrapper *effect2 = (LiveInputWrapper *)luaL_checkudata(L, 3, "LiveInputWrapper");
+ chain->add_effect(effect1, effect2->get_input());
+ lua_settop(L, 2);
+ return 1;
+int EffectChain_finalize(lua_State* L)
+ assert(lua_gettop(L) == 2);
+ EffectChain *chain = (EffectChain *)luaL_checkudata(L, 1, "EffectChain");
+ bool is_main_chain = checkbool(L, 2);
+ // Add outputs as needed.
+ ImageFormat inout_format;
+ inout_format.color_space = COLORSPACE_sRGB;
+ inout_format.gamma_curve = GAMMA_sRGB;
+ if (is_main_chain) {
+ YCbCrFormat output_ycbcr_format;
+ output_ycbcr_format.chroma_subsampling_x = 1;
+ output_ycbcr_format.chroma_subsampling_y = 1;
+ output_ycbcr_format.luma_coefficients = YCBCR_REC_601;
+ output_ycbcr_format.full_range = false;
+ chain->add_ycbcr_output(inout_format, OUTPUT_ALPHA_FORMAT_POSTMULTIPLIED, output_ycbcr_format, YCBCR_OUTPUT_SPLIT_Y_AND_CBCR);
+ chain->set_dither_bits(8);
+ chain->set_output_origin(OUTPUT_ORIGIN_TOP_LEFT);
+ }
+ chain->add_output(inout_format, OUTPUT_ALPHA_FORMAT_POSTMULTIPLIED);
+ chain->finalize();
+ return 0;
+int LiveInputWrapper_connect_signal(lua_State* L)
+ assert(lua_gettop(L) == 2);
+ LiveInputWrapper *input = (LiveInputWrapper *)luaL_checkudata(L, 1, "LiveInputWrapper");
+ int signal_num = luaL_checknumber(L, 2);
+ input->connect_signal(signal_num);
+ return 0;
+int WhiteBalanceEffect_new(lua_State* L)
+ assert(lua_gettop(L) == 0);
+ return wrap_lua_object<WhiteBalanceEffect>(L, "WhiteBalanceEffect");
+int WhiteBalanceEffect_set_float(lua_State *L)
+ assert(lua_gettop(L) == 3);
+ WhiteBalanceEffect *effect = (WhiteBalanceEffect *)luaL_checkudata(L, 1, "WhiteBalanceEffect");
+ size_t len;
+ const char* cstr = lua_tolstring(L, 2, &len);
+ std::string key(cstr, len);
+ float value = luaL_checknumber(L, 3);
+ (void)effect->set_float(key, value);
+ return 0;
+const luaL_Reg EffectChain_funcs[] = {
+ { "new", EffectChain_new },
+ { "add_live_input", EffectChain_add_live_input },
+ { "add_effect", EffectChain_add_effect },
+ { "finalize", EffectChain_finalize },
+ { NULL, NULL }
+const luaL_Reg LiveInputWrapper_funcs[] = {
+ { "connect_signal", LiveInputWrapper_connect_signal },
+ { NULL, NULL }
+const luaL_Reg WhiteBalanceEffect_funcs[] = {
+ { "new", WhiteBalanceEffect_new },
+ { "set_float", WhiteBalanceEffect_set_float },
+ { NULL, NULL }
+} // namespace
+LiveInputWrapper::LiveInputWrapper(Theme *theme, EffectChain *chain)
+ : theme(theme)
+ ImageFormat inout_format;
+ inout_format.color_space = COLORSPACE_sRGB;
+ inout_format.gamma_curve = GAMMA_sRGB;
+ YCbCrFormat input_ycbcr_format;
+ input_ycbcr_format.chroma_subsampling_x = 2;
+ input_ycbcr_format.chroma_subsampling_y = 1;
+ input_ycbcr_format.cb_x_position = 0.0;
+ input_ycbcr_format.cr_x_position = 0.0;
+ input_ycbcr_format.cb_y_position = 0.5;
+ input_ycbcr_format.cr_y_position = 0.5;
+ input_ycbcr_format.luma_coefficients = YCBCR_REC_601;
+ input_ycbcr_format.full_range = false;
+ input = new YCbCrInput(inout_format, input_ycbcr_format, WIDTH, HEIGHT, YCBCR_INPUT_SPLIT_Y_AND_CBCR);
+ chain->add_input(input);
+void LiveInputWrapper::connect_signal(int signal_num)
+ theme->connect_signal(input, signal_num);
+Theme::Theme(const char *filename, ResourcePool *resource_pool)
+ : resource_pool(resource_pool)
+ L = luaL_newstate();
+ luaL_openlibs(L);
+ printf("constructing, this=%p\n", this);
+ register_class("EffectChain", EffectChain_funcs);
+ register_class("LiveInputWrapper", LiveInputWrapper_funcs);
+ register_class("WhiteBalanceEffect", WhiteBalanceEffect_funcs);
+ // Run script.
+ lua_settop(L, 0);
+ if (luaL_dofile(L, filename)) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "error: %s\n", lua_tostring(L, -1));
+ lua_pop(L, 1);
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ assert(lua_gettop(L) == 0);
+void Theme::register_class(const char *class_name, const luaL_Reg *funcs)
+ luaL_newmetatable(L, class_name);
+ lua_pushlightuserdata(L, this);
+ luaL_setfuncs(L, funcs, 1);
+ lua_pushvalue(L, -1);
+ lua_setfield(L, -2, "__index");
+ lua_setglobal(L, class_name);
+pair<EffectChain *, function<void()>>
+Theme::get_chain(unsigned num, float t, unsigned width, unsigned height)
+ unique_lock<mutex> lock(m);
+ lua_getglobal(L, "get_chain"); /* function to be called */
+ lua_pushnumber(L, num);
+ lua_pushnumber(L, t);
+ lua_pushnumber(L, width);
+ lua_pushnumber(L, height);
+ if (lua_pcall(L, 4, 2, 0) != 0) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "error running function `get_chain': %s", lua_tostring(L, -1));
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ EffectChain *chain = (EffectChain *)luaL_checkudata(L, -2, "EffectChain");
+ if (!lua_isfunction(L, -1)) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Argument #-1 should be a function\n");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ lua_pushvalue(L, -1);
+ int funcref = luaL_ref(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX); // TODO: leak!
+ lua_pop(L, 2);
+ return make_pair(chain, [this, funcref]{
+ unique_lock<mutex> lock(m);
+ // Set up state, including connecting signals.
+ lua_rawgeti(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, funcref);
+ lua_pcall(L, 0, 0, 0);
+ });
+void Theme::connect_signal(YCbCrInput *input, int signal_num)
+ input->set_texture_num(0, input_textures[signal_num].tex_y);
+ input->set_texture_num(1, input_textures[signal_num].tex_cbcr);
--- /dev/null
+#ifndef _THEME_H
+#define _THEME_H 1
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <lua.h>
+#include <lauxlib.h>
+#include <functional>
+#include <mutex>
+#include <utility>
+#include <movit/effect_chain.h>
+#include <movit/ycbcr_input.h>
+class Theme {
+ Theme(const char *filename, movit::ResourcePool *resource_pool);
+ void register_class(const char *class_name, const luaL_Reg *funcs);
+ std::pair<movit::EffectChain *, std::function<void()>>
+ get_chain(unsigned num, float t, unsigned width, unsigned height);
+ void set_input_textures(int signal_num, GLuint tex_y, GLuint tex_cbcr) {
+ input_textures[signal_num].tex_y = tex_y;
+ input_textures[signal_num].tex_cbcr = tex_cbcr;
+ }
+ void connect_signal(movit::YCbCrInput *input, int signal_num);
+ std::mutex m;
+ lua_State *L;
+ movit::ResourcePool *resource_pool;
+ struct {
+ GLuint tex_y = 0, tex_cbcr = 0;
+ } input_textures[16]; // FIXME
+class LiveInputWrapper {
+ LiveInputWrapper(Theme *theme, movit::EffectChain *chain);
+ void connect_signal(int signal_num);
+#if 0
+ {
+ connected_signal_num = signal_num;
+ }
+ int get_connected_signal_num() const {
+ return connected_signal_num;
+ }
+ movit::YCbCrInput *get_input() const
+ {
+ return input;
+ }
+ Theme *theme; // Not owned by us.
+ movit::YCbCrInput *input; // Owned by the chain.
+ int connected_signal_num = 0;
+#endif // !defined(_THEME_H)
--- /dev/null
+-- The theme is what decides what's actually shown on screen, what kind of
+-- transitions are available (if any), and what kind of inputs there are,
+-- if any. In general, it drives the entire display logic by creating Movit
+-- chains, setting their parameters and then deciding which to show when.
+-- Themes are written in Lua, which reflects a simplified form of the Movit API
+-- where all the low-level details (such as texture formats) are handled by the
+-- C++ side and you generally just build chains.
+io.write("hello from lua\n");
+-- A chain to show input 0 on screen.
+local input0_chain =, 9);
+--input0_chain:add_input(Inputs.create(0)); -- TODO: We probably want something more fluid.
+local preview_input0 = input0_chain:add_live_input();
+preview_input0:connect_signal(0); -- First input card. Can be changed whenever you want.
+-- The main live chain. Currently just about input 0 with some color correction.
+local main_chain =, 9);
+-- local input0 = main_chain:add_input(Inputs.create(0));
+local input0 = main_chain:add_live_input();
+local wb_effect = main_chain:add_effect(, input0);
+wb_effect:set_float("output_color_temperature", 1234.0);
+-- local input1 = main_chain.add_input(Inputs.create(1));
+-- local resample_effect = main_chain.add_effect(, input0);
+-- local padding_effect = main_chain.add_effect(;
+-- Returns the number of outputs in addition to the live (0) and preview (1).
+-- Called only once, at the start of the program.
+function num_channels()
+ return 0;
+-- Called every frame.
+function get_transitions()
+ return {"Cut", "Fade", "Zoom!"};
+function transition_clicked(num, t)
+ -- Presumably do some sort of transition here.
+ io.write("STUB: transition_clicked\n");
+function channel_clicked(num, t)
+ -- Presumably change the preview here.
+ io.write("STUB: channel_clicked\n");
+-- Called every frame. Get the chain for displaying at input <num>,
+-- where 0 is live, 1 is preview, 2 is the first channel to display
+-- in the bottom bar, and so on up to num_channels()+1. t is the
+-- current time in seconds. width and height are the dimensions of
+-- the output, although you can ignore them if you don't need them
+-- (they're useful if you want to e.g. know what to resample by).
+-- If you want to change any parameters in the chain, this is also
+-- the right place.
+-- NOTE: The chain returned must be finalized with the Y'CbCr flag
+-- if and only if num==0.
+function get_chain(num, t, width, height)
+ if num == 0 then
+ prepare = function()
+ -- io.write("prepare is being called back\n");
+ input0:connect_signal(1);
+ wb_effect:set_float("output_color_temperature", 3500.0 + t * 100.0);
+ end
+ return main_chain, prepare;
+ end
+ if num == 1 then
+ prepare = function()
+ end
+ return input0_chain, prepare;
+ end