#include <algorithm>
#include <set>
+#include <stack>
+#include <vector>
#include "util.h"
#include "effect_chain.h"
Input *EffectChain::add_input(const ImageFormat &format)
+ char eff_id[256];
+ sprintf(eff_id, "src_image%d", inputs.size());
Input *input = new Input(format, width, height);
output_color_space.insert(std::make_pair(input, format.color_space));
output_gamma_curve.insert(std::make_pair(input, format.gamma_curve));
- effect_ids.insert(std::make_pair(input, "src_image"));
+ effect_ids.insert(std::make_pair(input, eff_id));
incoming_links.insert(std::make_pair(input, std::vector<Effect *>()));
return input;
EffectChain::Phase EffectChain::compile_glsl_program(const std::vector<Effect *> &inputs, const std::vector<Effect *> &effects)
- assert(!inputs.empty());
- // Figure out the true set of inputs to this phase. These are the ones
- // that we need somehow but don't calculate ourselves.
- std::set<Effect *> effect_set(effects.begin(), effects.end());
- std::set<Effect *> input_set(inputs.begin(), inputs.end());
- std::vector<Effect *> true_inputs;
- std::set_difference(input_set.begin(), input_set.end(),
- effect_set.begin(), effect_set.end(),
- std::back_inserter(true_inputs));
+ // Deduplicate the inputs.
+ std::vector<Effect *> true_inputs = inputs;
+ std::sort(true_inputs.begin(), true_inputs.end());
+ true_inputs.erase(std::unique(true_inputs.begin(), true_inputs.end()), true_inputs.end());
bool input_needs_mipmaps = false;
std::string frag_shader = read_file("header.frag");
// the chain from there. We end a program every time we come to an effect
// marked as "needs texture bounce", one that is used by multiple other
// effects, and of course at the end.
-void EffectChain::construct_glsl_programs(Effect *start, std::set<Effect *> *completed_effects)
+// We follow a quite simple depth-first search from the output, although
+// without any explicit recursion.
+void EffectChain::construct_glsl_programs(Effect *output)
- assert(start != NULL);
- if (completed_effects->count(start) != 0) {
- // This has already been done for us.
- return;
- }
+ // Which effects have already been completed in this phase?
+ // We need to keep track of it, as an effect with multiple outputs
+ // could otherwise be calculate multiple times.
+ std::set<Effect *> completed_effects;
- std::vector<Effect *> this_phase_inputs; // Also includes all intermediates; these will be filtered away later.
+ // Effects in the current phase, as well as inputs (outputs from other phases
+ // that we depend on). Note that since we start iterating from the end,
+ // the effect list will be in the reverse order.
+ std::vector<Effect *> this_phase_inputs;
std::vector<Effect *> this_phase_effects;
- Effect *node = start;
+ // Effects that we have yet to calculate, but that we know should
+ // be in the current phase.
+ std::stack<Effect *> effects_todo_this_phase;
+ // Effects that we have yet to calculate, but that come from other phases.
+ // We delay these until we have this phase done in its entirety,
+ // at which point we pick any of them and start a new phase from that.
+ std::stack<Effect *> effects_todo_other_phases;
+ effects_todo_this_phase.push(output);
for ( ;; ) { // Termination condition within loop.
- assert(node != NULL);
- // Check that we have all the inputs we need for this effect.
- // If not, we end the phase here right away; the other side
- // of the input chain will eventually come and pick the effect up.
- assert(incoming_links.count(node) == 1);
- std::vector<Effect *> deps = incoming_links[node];
- assert(node->num_inputs() == deps.size());
- if (!deps.empty()) {
- bool have_all_deps = true;
+ if (!effects_todo_this_phase.empty()) {
+ // OK, we have more to do this phase.
+ Effect *effect = effects_todo_this_phase.top();
+ effects_todo_this_phase.pop();
+ // This should currently only happen for effects that are phase outputs,
+ // and we throw those out separately below.
+ assert(completed_effects.count(effect) == 0);
+ this_phase_effects.push_back(effect);
+ completed_effects.insert(effect);
+ // Find all the dependencies of this effect, and add them to the stack.
+ assert(incoming_links.count(effect) == 1);
+ std::vector<Effect *> deps = incoming_links[effect];
+ assert(effect->num_inputs() == deps.size());
for (unsigned i = 0; i < deps.size(); ++i) {
- if (completed_effects->count(deps[i]) == 0) {
- have_all_deps = false;
- break;
+ bool start_new_phase = false;
+ if (effect->needs_texture_bounce()) {
+ start_new_phase = true;
- }
- if (!have_all_deps) {
- if (!this_phase_effects.empty()) {
- phases.push_back(compile_glsl_program(this_phase_inputs, this_phase_effects));
+ assert(outgoing_links.count(deps[i]) == 1);
+ if (outgoing_links[deps[i]].size() > 1 && deps[i]->num_inputs() > 0) {
+ // More than one effect uses this as the input,
+ // and it is not a texture itself.
+ // The easiest thing to do (and probably also the safest
+ // performance-wise in most cases) is to bounce it to a texture
+ // and then let the next passes read from that.
+ start_new_phase = true;
+ }
+ if (start_new_phase) {
+ effects_todo_other_phases.push(deps[i]);
+ this_phase_inputs.push_back(deps[i]);
+ } else {
+ effects_todo_this_phase.push(deps[i]);
- return;
- this_phase_inputs.insert(this_phase_inputs.end(), deps.begin(), deps.end());
+ continue;
- this_phase_effects.push_back(node);
- completed_effects->insert(node);
- // Find all the effects that use this one as a direct input.
- if (outgoing_links.count(node) == 0) {
- // End of the line; output.
+ // No more effects to do this phase. Take all the ones we have,
+ // and create a GLSL program for it.
+ if (!this_phase_effects.empty()) {
+ reverse(this_phase_effects.begin(), this_phase_effects.end());
phases.push_back(compile_glsl_program(this_phase_inputs, this_phase_effects));
- return;
+ this_phase_inputs.clear();
+ this_phase_effects.clear();
+ assert(this_phase_inputs.empty());
+ assert(this_phase_effects.empty());
- std::vector<Effect *> next = outgoing_links[node];
- assert(!next.empty());
- if (next.size() > 1) {
- if (node->num_inputs() != 0) {
- // More than one effect uses this as the input, and it is not a texture itself.
- // The easiest thing to do (and probably also the safest
- // performance-wise in most cases) is to bounce it to a texture
- // and then let the next passes read from that.
- phases.push_back(compile_glsl_program(this_phase_inputs, this_phase_effects));
- }
- // Start phases for all the effects that need us (in arbitrary order).
- for (unsigned i = 0; i < next.size(); ++i) {
- construct_glsl_programs(next[i], completed_effects);
- }
- return;
+ // If we have no effects left, exit.
+ if (effects_todo_other_phases.empty()) {
+ break;
- // OK, only one effect uses this as the input. Keep iterating,
- // but first see if it requires a texture bounce; if so, give it
- // one by starting a new phase.
- node = next[0];
- if (node->needs_texture_bounce()) {
- phases.push_back(compile_glsl_program(this_phase_inputs, this_phase_effects));
- this_phase_inputs.clear();
- this_phase_effects.clear();
+ Effect *effect = effects_todo_other_phases.top();
+ effects_todo_other_phases.pop();
+ if (completed_effects.count(effect) == 0) {
+ // Start a new phase, calculating from this effect.
+ effects_todo_this_phase.push(effect);
+ // Finally, since the phases are found from the output but must be executed
+ // from the input(s), reverse them, too.
+ std::reverse(phases.begin(), phases.end());
void EffectChain::finalize()
+ // Find the output effect. This is, simply, one that has no outgoing links.
+ // If there are multiple ones, the graph is malformed (we do not support
+ // multiple outputs right now).
+ std::vector<Effect *> output_effects;
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < effects.size(); ++i) {
+ Effect *effect = effects[i];
+ if (outgoing_links.count(effect) == 0 || outgoing_links[effect].size() == 0) {
+ output_effects.push_back(effect);
+ }
+ }
+ assert(output_effects.size() == 1);
+ Effect *output_effect = output_effects[0];
// Add normalizers to get the output format right.
- assert(output_gamma_curve.count(last_added_effect()) != 0);
- assert(output_color_space.count(last_added_effect()) != 0);
- ColorSpace current_color_space = output_color_space[last_added_effect()]; // FIXME
+ assert(output_gamma_curve.count(output_effect) != 0);
+ assert(output_color_space.count(output_effect) != 0);
+ ColorSpace current_color_space = output_color_space[output_effect];
if (current_color_space != output_format.color_space) {
ColorSpaceConversionEffect *colorspace_conversion = new ColorSpaceConversionEffect();
colorspace_conversion->set_int("source_space", current_color_space);
colorspace_conversion->set_int("destination_space", output_format.color_space);
std::vector<Effect *> inputs;
- inputs.push_back(last_added_effect());
+ inputs.push_back(output_effect);
colorspace_conversion->add_self_to_effect_chain(this, inputs);
output_color_space[colorspace_conversion] = output_format.color_space;
+ output_effect = colorspace_conversion;
- GammaCurve current_gamma_curve = output_gamma_curve[last_added_effect()]; // FIXME
+ GammaCurve current_gamma_curve = output_gamma_curve[output_effect];
if (current_gamma_curve != output_format.gamma_curve) {
if (current_gamma_curve != GAMMA_LINEAR) {
- normalize_to_linear_gamma(last_added_effect()); // FIXME
+ output_effect = normalize_to_linear_gamma(output_effect);
+ current_gamma_curve = GAMMA_LINEAR;
- assert(current_gamma_curve == GAMMA_LINEAR);
GammaCompressionEffect *gamma_conversion = new GammaCompressionEffect();
gamma_conversion->set_int("destination_curve", output_format.gamma_curve);
std::vector<Effect *> inputs;
- inputs.push_back(last_added_effect());
+ inputs.push_back(output_effect);
gamma_conversion->add_self_to_effect_chain(this, inputs);
output_gamma_curve[gamma_conversion] = output_format.gamma_curve;
+ output_effect = gamma_conversion;
- // Construct all needed GLSL programs, starting at the inputs.
- std::set<Effect *> completed_effects;
- for (unsigned i = 0; i < inputs.size(); ++i) {
- construct_glsl_programs(inputs[i], &completed_effects);
- }
+ // Construct all needed GLSL programs, starting at the output.
+ construct_glsl_programs(output_effect);
// If we have more than one phase, we need intermediate render-to-texture.
// Construct an FBO, and then as many textures as we need.