extern HTTPD *global_httpd;
-void Player::thread_func(Player::StreamOutput stream_output, AVFormatContext *file_avctx)
+void Player::thread_func(AVFormatContext *file_avctx)
pthread_setname_np(pthread_self(), "Player");
- int64_t pts = 0;
while (!should_quit) {
- vector<Clip> clip_list;
- bool clip_ready;
- steady_clock::time_point before_sleep = steady_clock::now();
+ play_playlist_once();
+ }
- // Wait until we're supposed to play something.
- {
- unique_lock<mutex> lock(queue_state_mu);
- playing = false;
- clip_ready = new_clip_changed.wait_for(lock, milliseconds(100), [this] {
- return should_quit || new_clip_ready;
- });
- if (should_quit) {
- return;
- }
- if (clip_ready) {
- new_clip_ready = false;
- playing = true;
- clip_list = move(queued_clip_list);
- queued_clip_list.clear();
- assert(!clip_list.empty());
- }
+void Player::play_playlist_once()
+ vector<Clip> clip_list;
+ bool clip_ready;
+ steady_clock::time_point before_sleep = steady_clock::now();
+ // Wait until we're supposed to play something.
+ {
+ unique_lock<mutex> lock(queue_state_mu);
+ playing = false;
+ clip_ready = new_clip_changed.wait_for(lock, milliseconds(100), [this] {
+ return should_quit || new_clip_ready;
+ });
+ if (should_quit) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (clip_ready) {
+ new_clip_ready = false;
+ playing = true;
+ clip_list = move(queued_clip_list);
+ queued_clip_list.clear();
+ assert(!clip_list.empty());
+ }
- steady_clock::duration time_slept = steady_clock::now() - before_sleep;
- pts += duration_cast<duration<size_t, TimebaseRatio>>(time_slept).count();
+ steady_clock::duration time_slept = steady_clock::now() - before_sleep;
+ pts += duration_cast<duration<size_t, TimebaseRatio>>(time_slept).count();
- if (!clip_ready) {
- if (video_stream != nullptr) {
- ++metric_refresh_frame;
- video_stream->schedule_refresh_frame(steady_clock::now(), pts, /*display_func=*/nullptr, QueueSpotHolder());
- }
- continue;
+ if (!clip_ready) {
+ if (video_stream != nullptr) {
+ ++metric_refresh_frame;
+ video_stream->schedule_refresh_frame(steady_clock::now(), pts, /*display_func=*/nullptr, QueueSpotHolder());
+ return;
+ }
- steady_clock::time_point origin = steady_clock::now(); // TODO: Add a 100 ms buffer for ramp-up?
- int64_t in_pts_origin = clip_list[0].pts_in;
- for (size_t clip_idx = 0; clip_idx < clip_list.size(); ++clip_idx) {
- const Clip &clip = clip_list[clip_idx];
- const Clip *next_clip = (clip_idx + 1 < clip_list.size()) ? &clip_list[clip_idx + 1] : nullptr;
- int64_t out_pts_origin = pts;
- double next_clip_fade_time = -1.0;
- if (next_clip != nullptr) {
- double duration_this_clip = double(clip.pts_out - in_pts_origin) / TIMEBASE / clip.speed;
- double duration_next_clip = double(next_clip->pts_out - next_clip->pts_in) / TIMEBASE / clip.speed;
- next_clip_fade_time = min(min(duration_this_clip, duration_next_clip), clip.fade_time_seconds);
- }
+ steady_clock::time_point origin = steady_clock::now(); // TODO: Add a 100 ms buffer for ramp-up?
+ int64_t in_pts_origin = clip_list[0].pts_in;
+ for (size_t clip_idx = 0; clip_idx < clip_list.size(); ++clip_idx) {
+ const Clip &clip = clip_list[clip_idx];
+ const Clip *next_clip = (clip_idx + 1 < clip_list.size()) ? &clip_list[clip_idx + 1] : nullptr;
+ int64_t out_pts_origin = pts;
+ double next_clip_fade_time = -1.0;
+ if (next_clip != nullptr) {
+ double duration_this_clip = double(clip.pts_out - in_pts_origin) / TIMEBASE / clip.speed;
+ double duration_next_clip = double(next_clip->pts_out - next_clip->pts_in) / TIMEBASE / clip.speed;
+ next_clip_fade_time = min(min(duration_this_clip, duration_next_clip), clip.fade_time_seconds);
+ }
- int stream_idx = clip.stream_idx;
+ int stream_idx = clip.stream_idx;
- // Start playing exactly at a frame.
- // TODO: Snap secondary (fade-to) clips in the same fashion
- // so that we don't get jank here).
- {
- lock_guard<mutex> lock(frame_mu);
+ // Start playing exactly at a frame.
+ // TODO: Snap secondary (fade-to) clips in the same fashion
+ // so that we don't get jank here).
+ {
+ lock_guard<mutex> lock(frame_mu);
- // Find the first frame such that frame.pts <= in_pts.
- auto it = find_last_frame_before(frames[stream_idx], in_pts_origin);
- if (it != frames[stream_idx].end()) {
- in_pts_origin = it->pts;
- }
+ // Find the first frame such that frame.pts <= in_pts.
+ auto it = find_last_frame_before(frames[stream_idx], in_pts_origin);
+ if (it != frames[stream_idx].end()) {
+ in_pts_origin = it->pts;
+ }
- steady_clock::time_point next_frame_start;
- for (int frameno = 0; !should_quit; ++frameno) { // Ends when the clip ends.
- double out_pts = out_pts_origin + TIMEBASE * frameno / global_flags.output_framerate;
- next_frame_start =
- origin + microseconds(lrint((out_pts - out_pts_origin) * 1e6 / TIMEBASE));
- int64_t in_pts = lrint(in_pts_origin + TIMEBASE * frameno * clip.speed / global_flags.output_framerate);
- pts = lrint(out_pts);
- if (in_pts >= clip.pts_out) {
- break;
- }
+ steady_clock::time_point next_frame_start;
+ for (int frameno = 0; !should_quit; ++frameno) { // Ends when the clip ends.
+ double out_pts = out_pts_origin + TIMEBASE * frameno / global_flags.output_framerate;
+ next_frame_start =
+ origin + microseconds(lrint((out_pts - out_pts_origin) * 1e6 / TIMEBASE));
+ int64_t in_pts = lrint(in_pts_origin + TIMEBASE * frameno * clip.speed / global_flags.output_framerate);
+ pts = lrint(out_pts);
- steady_clock::duration time_behind = steady_clock::now() - next_frame_start;
- if (stream_output != FILE_STREAM_OUTPUT && time_behind >= milliseconds(200)) {
- fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: %ld ms behind, dropping a frame (no matter the type).\n",
- lrint(1e3 * duration<double>(time_behind).count()));
- ++metric_dropped_unconditional_frame;
- continue;
- }
+ if (in_pts >= clip.pts_out) {
+ break;
+ }
+ steady_clock::duration time_behind = steady_clock::now() - next_frame_start;
+ if (stream_output != FILE_STREAM_OUTPUT && time_behind >= milliseconds(200)) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: %ld ms behind, dropping a frame (no matter the type).\n",
+ lrint(1e3 * duration<double>(time_behind).count()));
+ ++metric_dropped_unconditional_frame;
+ continue;
+ }
- // pts not affected by the swapping below.
- int64_t in_pts_for_progress = in_pts, in_pts_secondary_for_progress = -1;
- int primary_stream_idx = stream_idx;
- FrameOnDisk secondary_frame;
- int secondary_stream_idx = -1;
- float fade_alpha = 0.0f;
- double time_left_this_clip = double(clip.pts_out - in_pts) / TIMEBASE / clip.speed;
- if (next_clip != nullptr && time_left_this_clip <= next_clip_fade_time) {
- // We're in a fade to the next clip.
- secondary_stream_idx = next_clip->stream_idx;
- int64_t in_pts_secondary = lrint(next_clip->pts_in + (next_clip_fade_time - time_left_this_clip) * TIMEBASE * clip.speed);
- in_pts_secondary_for_progress = in_pts_secondary;
- fade_alpha = 1.0f - time_left_this_clip / next_clip_fade_time;
- // If more than half-way through the fade, interpolate the next clip
- // instead of the current one, since it's more visible.
- if (fade_alpha >= 0.5f) {
- swap(primary_stream_idx, secondary_stream_idx);
- swap(in_pts, in_pts_secondary);
- fade_alpha = 1.0f - fade_alpha;
- }
+ // pts not affected by the swapping below.
+ int64_t in_pts_for_progress = in_pts, in_pts_secondary_for_progress = -1;
+ int primary_stream_idx = stream_idx;
+ FrameOnDisk secondary_frame;
+ int secondary_stream_idx = -1;
+ float fade_alpha = 0.0f;
+ double time_left_this_clip = double(clip.pts_out - in_pts) / TIMEBASE / clip.speed;
+ if (next_clip != nullptr && time_left_this_clip <= next_clip_fade_time) {
+ // We're in a fade to the next clip.
+ secondary_stream_idx = next_clip->stream_idx;
+ int64_t in_pts_secondary = lrint(next_clip->pts_in + (next_clip_fade_time - time_left_this_clip) * TIMEBASE * clip.speed);
+ in_pts_secondary_for_progress = in_pts_secondary;
+ fade_alpha = 1.0f - time_left_this_clip / next_clip_fade_time;
+ // If more than half-way through the fade, interpolate the next clip
+ // instead of the current one, since it's more visible.
+ if (fade_alpha >= 0.5f) {
+ swap(primary_stream_idx, secondary_stream_idx);
+ swap(in_pts, in_pts_secondary);
+ fade_alpha = 1.0f - fade_alpha;
+ }
- FrameOnDisk frame_lower, frame_upper;
- bool ok = find_surrounding_frames(in_pts_secondary, secondary_stream_idx, &frame_lower, &frame_upper);
- if (ok) {
- secondary_frame = frame_lower;
- }
+ FrameOnDisk frame_lower, frame_upper;
+ bool ok = find_surrounding_frames(in_pts_secondary, secondary_stream_idx, &frame_lower, &frame_upper);
+ if (ok) {
+ secondary_frame = frame_lower;
+ }
- if (progress_callback != nullptr) {
- // NOTE: None of this will take into account any snapping done below.
- double played_this_clip = double(in_pts_for_progress - clip.pts_in) / TIMEBASE / clip.speed;
- double total_length = double(clip.pts_out - clip.pts_in) / TIMEBASE / clip.speed;
- map<size_t, double> progress{{ clip_idx, played_this_clip / total_length }};
+ if (progress_callback != nullptr) {
+ // NOTE: None of this will take into account any snapping done below.
+ double played_this_clip = double(in_pts_for_progress - clip.pts_in) / TIMEBASE / clip.speed;
+ double total_length = double(clip.pts_out - clip.pts_in) / TIMEBASE / clip.speed;
+ map<size_t, double> progress{{ clip_idx, played_this_clip / total_length }};
- if (next_clip != nullptr && time_left_this_clip <= next_clip_fade_time) {
- double played_next_clip = double(in_pts_secondary_for_progress - next_clip->pts_in) / TIMEBASE / next_clip->speed;
- double total_next_length = double(next_clip->pts_out - next_clip->pts_in) / TIMEBASE / next_clip->speed;
- progress[clip_idx + 1] = played_next_clip / total_next_length;
- }
- progress_callback(progress);
+ if (next_clip != nullptr && time_left_this_clip <= next_clip_fade_time) {
+ double played_next_clip = double(in_pts_secondary_for_progress - next_clip->pts_in) / TIMEBASE / next_clip->speed;
+ double total_next_length = double(next_clip->pts_out - next_clip->pts_in) / TIMEBASE / next_clip->speed;
+ progress[clip_idx + 1] = played_next_clip / total_next_length;
+ progress_callback(progress);
+ }
- FrameOnDisk frame_lower, frame_upper;
- bool ok = find_surrounding_frames(in_pts, primary_stream_idx, &frame_lower, &frame_upper);
- if (!ok) {
- break;
- }
+ FrameOnDisk frame_lower, frame_upper;
+ bool ok = find_surrounding_frames(in_pts, primary_stream_idx, &frame_lower, &frame_upper);
+ if (!ok) {
+ break;
+ }
- // Wait until we should, or (given buffering) can, output the frame.
- {
- unique_lock<mutex> lock(queue_state_mu);
- if (video_stream == nullptr) {
- // No queue, just wait until the right time and then show the frame.
- new_clip_changed.wait_until(lock, next_frame_start, [this]{
- return should_quit || new_clip_ready || override_stream_idx != -1;
- });
- if (should_quit) {
- return;
- }
- } else {
- // If the queue is full (which is really the state we'd like to be in),
- // wait until there's room for one more frame (ie., one was output from
- // VideoStream), or until or until there's a new clip we're supposed to play.
- //
- // In this case, we don't sleep until next_frame_start; the displaying is
- // done by the queue.
- new_clip_changed.wait(lock, [this]{
- if (num_queued_frames < max_queued_frames) {
- return true;
- }
- return should_quit || new_clip_ready || override_stream_idx != -1;
- });
- }
+ // Wait until we should, or (given buffering) can, output the frame.
+ {
+ unique_lock<mutex> lock(queue_state_mu);
+ if (video_stream == nullptr) {
+ // No queue, just wait until the right time and then show the frame.
+ new_clip_changed.wait_until(lock, next_frame_start, [this]{
+ return should_quit || new_clip_ready || override_stream_idx != -1;
+ });
if (should_quit) {
- if (new_clip_ready) {
- if (video_stream != nullptr) {
- lock.unlock(); // Urg.
- video_stream->clear_queue();
- lock.lock();
+ } else {
+ // If the queue is full (which is really the state we'd like to be in),
+ // wait until there's room for one more frame (ie., one was output from
+ // VideoStream), or until or until there's a new clip we're supposed to play.
+ //
+ // In this case, we don't sleep until next_frame_start; the displaying is
+ // done by the queue.
+ new_clip_changed.wait(lock, [this]{
+ if (num_queued_frames < max_queued_frames) {
+ return true;
- goto wait_for_clip;
+ return should_quit || new_clip_ready || override_stream_idx != -1;
+ });
+ }
+ if (should_quit) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (new_clip_ready) {
+ if (video_stream != nullptr) {
+ lock.unlock(); // Urg.
+ video_stream->clear_queue();
+ lock.lock();
- // Honor if we got an override request for the camera.
- if (override_stream_idx != -1) {
- stream_idx = override_stream_idx;
- override_stream_idx = -1;
- continue;
+ return;
+ }
+ // Honor if we got an override request for the camera.
+ if (override_stream_idx != -1) {
+ stream_idx = override_stream_idx;
+ override_stream_idx = -1;
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ if (frame_lower.pts == frame_upper.pts || global_flags.interpolation_quality == 0) {
+ auto display_func = [this, primary_stream_idx, frame_lower, secondary_frame, fade_alpha]{
+ if (destination != nullptr) {
+ destination->setFrame(primary_stream_idx, frame_lower, secondary_frame, fade_alpha);
+ }
+ };
+ if (video_stream == nullptr) {
+ display_func();
+ } else {
+ if (secondary_stream_idx == -1) {
+ ++metric_original_frame;
+ video_stream->schedule_original_frame(
+ next_frame_start, pts, display_func, QueueSpotHolder(this),
+ frame_lower);
+ } else {
+ assert(secondary_frame.pts != -1);
+ ++metric_faded_frame;
+ video_stream->schedule_faded_frame(next_frame_start, pts, display_func,
+ QueueSpotHolder(this), frame_lower,
+ secondary_frame, fade_alpha);
+ last_pts_played = frame_lower.pts;
+ continue;
+ }
- if (frame_lower.pts == frame_upper.pts || global_flags.interpolation_quality == 0) {
- auto display_func = [this, primary_stream_idx, frame_lower, secondary_frame, fade_alpha]{
+ // Snap to input frame: If we can do so with less than 1% jitter
+ // (ie., move less than 1% of an _output_ frame), do so.
+ // TODO: Snap secondary (fade-to) clips in the same fashion.
+ double pts_snap_tolerance = 0.01 * double(TIMEBASE) / global_flags.output_framerate;
+ bool snapped = false;
+ for (FrameOnDisk snap_frame : { frame_lower, frame_upper }) {
+ if (fabs(snap_frame.pts - in_pts) < pts_snap_tolerance) {
+ auto display_func = [this, primary_stream_idx, snap_frame, secondary_frame, fade_alpha]{
if (destination != nullptr) {
- destination->setFrame(primary_stream_idx, frame_lower, secondary_frame, fade_alpha);
+ destination->setFrame(primary_stream_idx, snap_frame, secondary_frame, fade_alpha);
if (video_stream == nullptr) {
} else {
if (secondary_stream_idx == -1) {
- ++metric_original_frame;
+ ++metric_original_snapped_frame;
- next_frame_start, pts, display_func, QueueSpotHolder(this),
- frame_lower);
+ next_frame_start, pts, display_func,
+ QueueSpotHolder(this), snap_frame);
} else {
assert(secondary_frame.pts != -1);
- ++metric_faded_frame;
- video_stream->schedule_faded_frame(next_frame_start, pts, display_func,
- QueueSpotHolder(this), frame_lower,
- secondary_frame, fade_alpha);
- }
- }
- last_pts_played = frame_lower.pts;
- continue;
- }
- // Snap to input frame: If we can do so with less than 1% jitter
- // (ie., move less than 1% of an _output_ frame), do so.
- // TODO: Snap secondary (fade-to) clips in the same fashion.
- double pts_snap_tolerance = 0.01 * double(TIMEBASE) / global_flags.output_framerate;
- bool snapped = false;
- for (FrameOnDisk snap_frame : { frame_lower, frame_upper }) {
- if (fabs(snap_frame.pts - in_pts) < pts_snap_tolerance) {
- auto display_func = [this, primary_stream_idx, snap_frame, secondary_frame, fade_alpha]{
- if (destination != nullptr) {
- destination->setFrame(primary_stream_idx, snap_frame, secondary_frame, fade_alpha);
- }
- };
- if (video_stream == nullptr) {
- display_func();
- } else {
- if (secondary_stream_idx == -1) {
- ++metric_original_snapped_frame;
- video_stream->schedule_original_frame(
- next_frame_start, pts, display_func,
- QueueSpotHolder(this), snap_frame);
- } else {
- assert(secondary_frame.pts != -1);
- ++metric_faded_snapped_frame;
- video_stream->schedule_faded_frame(
- next_frame_start, pts, display_func, QueueSpotHolder(this),
- snap_frame, secondary_frame, fade_alpha);
- }
+ ++metric_faded_snapped_frame;
+ video_stream->schedule_faded_frame(
+ next_frame_start, pts, display_func, QueueSpotHolder(this),
+ snap_frame, secondary_frame, fade_alpha);
- in_pts_origin += snap_frame.pts - in_pts;
- snapped = true;
- last_pts_played = snap_frame.pts;
- break;
+ in_pts_origin += snap_frame.pts - in_pts;
+ snapped = true;
+ last_pts_played = snap_frame.pts;
+ break;
- if (snapped) {
- continue;
- }
+ }
+ if (snapped) {
+ continue;
+ }
- // The snapping above makes us lock to the input framerate, even in the presence
- // of pts drift, for most typical cases where it's needed, like converting 60 → 2x60
- // or 60 → 2x59.94. However, there are some corner cases like 25 → 2x59.94, where we'd
- // get a snap very rarely (in the given case, once every 24 output frames), and by
- // that time, we'd have drifted out. We could have solved this by changing the overall
- // speed ever so slightly, but it requires that we know the actual frame rate (which
- // is difficult in the presence of jitter and missed frames), or at least do some kind
- // of matching/clustering. Instead, we take the opportunity to lock to in-between rational
- // points if we can. E.g., if we are converting 60 → 2x60, we would not only snap to
- // an original frame every other frame; we would also snap to exactly alpha=0.5 every
- // in-between frame. Of course, we will still need to interpolate, but we get a lot
- // closer when we actually get close to an original frame. In other words: Snap more
- // often, but snap less each time. Unless the input and output frame rates are completely
- // decorrelated with no common factor, of course (e.g. 12.345 → 34.567, which we should
- // really never see in practice).
- for (double fraction : { 1.0 / 2.0, 1.0 / 3.0, 2.0 / 3.0, 1.0 / 4.0, 3.0 / 4.0,
- 1.0 / 5.0, 2.0 / 5.0, 3.0 / 5.0, 4.0 / 5.0 }) {
- double subsnap_pts = frame_lower.pts + fraction * (frame_upper.pts - frame_lower.pts);
- if (fabs(subsnap_pts - in_pts) < pts_snap_tolerance) {
- in_pts_origin += lrint(subsnap_pts) - in_pts;
- in_pts = lrint(subsnap_pts);
- break;
- }
+ // The snapping above makes us lock to the input framerate, even in the presence
+ // of pts drift, for most typical cases where it's needed, like converting 60 → 2x60
+ // or 60 → 2x59.94. However, there are some corner cases like 25 → 2x59.94, where we'd
+ // get a snap very rarely (in the given case, once every 24 output frames), and by
+ // that time, we'd have drifted out. We could have solved this by changing the overall
+ // speed ever so slightly, but it requires that we know the actual frame rate (which
+ // is difficult in the presence of jitter and missed frames), or at least do some kind
+ // of matching/clustering. Instead, we take the opportunity to lock to in-between rational
+ // points if we can. E.g., if we are converting 60 → 2x60, we would not only snap to
+ // an original frame every other frame; we would also snap to exactly alpha=0.5 every
+ // in-between frame. Of course, we will still need to interpolate, but we get a lot
+ // closer when we actually get close to an original frame. In other words: Snap more
+ // often, but snap less each time. Unless the input and output frame rates are completely
+ // decorrelated with no common factor, of course (e.g. 12.345 → 34.567, which we should
+ // really never see in practice).
+ for (double fraction : { 1.0 / 2.0, 1.0 / 3.0, 2.0 / 3.0, 1.0 / 4.0, 3.0 / 4.0,
+ 1.0 / 5.0, 2.0 / 5.0, 3.0 / 5.0, 4.0 / 5.0 }) {
+ double subsnap_pts = frame_lower.pts + fraction * (frame_upper.pts - frame_lower.pts);
+ if (fabs(subsnap_pts - in_pts) < pts_snap_tolerance) {
+ in_pts_origin += lrint(subsnap_pts) - in_pts;
+ in_pts = lrint(subsnap_pts);
+ break;
+ }
- if (stream_output != FILE_STREAM_OUTPUT && time_behind >= milliseconds(100)) {
- fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: %ld ms behind, dropping an interpolated frame.\n",
- lrint(1e3 * duration<double>(time_behind).count()));
- ++metric_dropped_interpolated_frame;
- continue;
- }
+ if (stream_output != FILE_STREAM_OUTPUT && time_behind >= milliseconds(100)) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: %ld ms behind, dropping an interpolated frame.\n",
+ lrint(1e3 * duration<double>(time_behind).count()));
+ ++metric_dropped_interpolated_frame;
+ continue;
+ }
- double alpha = double(in_pts - frame_lower.pts) / (frame_upper.pts - frame_lower.pts);
+ double alpha = double(in_pts - frame_lower.pts) / (frame_upper.pts - frame_lower.pts);
- if (video_stream == nullptr) {
- // Previews don't do any interpolation.
- assert(secondary_stream_idx == -1);
+ if (video_stream == nullptr) {
+ // Previews don't do any interpolation.
+ assert(secondary_stream_idx == -1);
+ if (destination != nullptr) {
+ destination->setFrame(primary_stream_idx, frame_lower);
+ }
+ last_pts_played = frame_lower.pts;
+ } else {
+ auto display_func = [this](shared_ptr<Frame> frame) {
if (destination != nullptr) {
- destination->setFrame(primary_stream_idx, frame_lower);
+ destination->setFrame(frame);
- last_pts_played = frame_lower.pts;
+ };
+ if (secondary_stream_idx == -1) {
+ ++metric_interpolated_frame;
} else {
- auto display_func = [this](shared_ptr<Frame> frame) {
- if (destination != nullptr) {
- destination->setFrame(frame);
- }
- };
- if (secondary_stream_idx == -1) {
- ++metric_interpolated_frame;
- } else {
- ++metric_interpolated_faded_frame;
- }
- video_stream->schedule_interpolated_frame(
- next_frame_start, pts, display_func, QueueSpotHolder(this),
- frame_lower, frame_upper, alpha,
- secondary_frame, fade_alpha);
- last_pts_played = in_pts; // Not really needed; only previews use last_pts_played.
+ ++metric_interpolated_faded_frame;
- }
- // The clip ended.
- if (should_quit) {
- return;
- }
- if (done_callback != nullptr) {
- done_callback();
- }
- // Start the next clip from the point where the fade went out.
- if (next_clip != nullptr) {
- origin = next_frame_start;
- in_pts_origin = next_clip->pts_in + lrint(next_clip_fade_time * TIMEBASE * clip.speed);
+ video_stream->schedule_interpolated_frame(
+ next_frame_start, pts, display_func, QueueSpotHolder(this),
+ frame_lower, frame_upper, alpha,
+ secondary_frame, fade_alpha);
+ last_pts_played = in_pts; // Not really needed; only previews use last_pts_played.
+ // The clip ended.
+ if (should_quit) {
+ return;
+ }
if (done_callback != nullptr) {
+ // Start the next clip from the point where the fade went out.
+ if (next_clip != nullptr) {
+ origin = next_frame_start;
+ in_pts_origin = next_clip->pts_in + lrint(next_clip_fade_time * TIMEBASE * clip.speed);
+ }
+ }
+ if (done_callback != nullptr) {
+ done_callback();
Player::Player(JPEGFrameView *destination, Player::StreamOutput stream_output, AVFormatContext *file_avctx)
- : destination(destination)
+ : destination(destination), stream_output(stream_output)
- player_thread = thread(&Player::thread_func, this, stream_output, file_avctx);
+ player_thread = thread(&Player::thread_func, this, file_avctx);
if (stream_output == HTTPD_STREAM_OUTPUT) {
global_metrics.add("http_output_frames", {{ "type", "original" }, { "reason", "edge_frame_or_no_interpolation" }}, &metric_original_frame);